Response Protocol
Lockdown - Intruder
First observer to call 911 and alert appropriate staff
Give 911 operator your name, phone number and brief details
Tell 911 operator you need to hang-up and notify the front office unless someone else can do that
Notify front office
Call 911 operator back
Incident Commander Role:
If in office:
Confirm event
Turn on communication devices
Initiate school lockdown protocol:
Office staff calls 911 as directed
Office staff calls district office as directed and applicable
Use PA system to call for a Lockdown
Use clear,calm, simple commands: “Teachers secure your rooms we are in lockdown.”
Initiate emergency communication protocol if safe to do so:
Office staff calls the district office
Office staff ready for calls from classrooms
Office staff monitor internet for communication from classrooms
Test email to designated district office address
Collect list of visitors and vendors
Obtain the list of students with special needs/medical needs
Account for these students as teacher accountability reports come in
Provide list of injured and special needs/medical needs to law enforcement
Telephone, cellular phone, email to district office
If out of office:
Contact office as soon as safe and possible to make sure designated alternate Incident Commander has taken control
Try to get back to office if safe
If unsafe:
Find the nearest room or safest escape route
Direct students and staff to safety
When no longer safe secure room or escape
Teacher Role
If in the classroom:
Go to door and lock if safe to do so
Hold door open and direct as many students, staff and visitors in as possible
Direct students in the classroom to:
Cover the windows
Turn-off the lights
Turn-off all cellular phones
Move the furthest away from windows they can
Shut door when it is no longer safe to keep open
Once the door is shut you may not open the door to admit students, staff, visitors or vendors.
*Elementary schools:
If young students have been locked out and are asking to be let in
Establish communications with other staff that might have a view of your door
Ask them to see if they can see an intruder
If safe to do so, also look out your window
Listen by door to see if you hear anything other than the student
If safe, ask student if they are alone
If they quickly state they are alone and you do not hear an adult instructing them on what to say, instruct the student to stand just to the side of door opening and as close to the wall as possible
Crouch down low
Open door and hang onto the knob with hand furthest from the child, with the hand closest to the child quickly snatch the child inside while closing the door behind them
If it is unsafe, you may have to quickly re-shut the door leaving the child outside.
Middle School/High School:
Students should be instructed during Preparedness phase to escape campus using the safest route and not to use vehicles if they are parked in the student parking lot
Law enforcement will clear room by room
Build a defensible space within the classroom
Keep students calm
Take the names of all students in the room
Check students for injuries
Report via classroom intercom, telephone, internet or cellular phone:
Room number
Your name
Any injured students
Type of injury
Names of students you have in your care
Maintain control over students
If outside:
Escape to nearest room if safe
Follow above procedure
If unsafe to go to a room, seek the nearest safe room or escape
If safe to do so, direct students to safety
If in another room or building:
Stay in that room or building
Find a safe and lockable room
Secure the door
Direct as many students as possible into the room
School Staff Role:
If you are in a room:
Go to door and lock if safe to do so
Hold door open and direct as many students, staff and visitors in as possible
Direct students in the classroom to:
Cover the windows
Turn-off the lights
Turn-off all cellular phones/text messaging devices
Move the furthest away from windows they can
Shut door when it is no longer safe to keep open
Do not open the door until “all clear” is given
Build a defensible space within the classroom
Keep students calm
Take the names of all students in the room
Check students for injuries
Report via classroom intercom, telephone, internet or cellular phone:
Room number
Your name
Any injured students
Type of injury
Names of students you have in your care
Maintain control over students
If you are outside:
Take cover or escape as needed
Listen and watch for the direction and type of incident
Use communication device to gather or report information
Do not run toward the event if it is not safe to do so
Direct as many students and staff away as possible
Is students are escaping campus let them do so
Direct them away from the student parking lot
When it is no longer safe seek shelter
Lockdown – General
Incident Commander:
After receiving call from law enforcement or fire department:
Call for a General Lockdown in clear and simple command – “Teachers we are in a general lockdown, please secure your rooms”
Sweep hallways to clear them of all students
Place parent notification of general lockdown at entry way if safe to do so
Parents on campus should be instructed to the nearest safe room or office
Account for all students, staff, visitors and vendors
Provide classrooms with updates
Allow for instruction to continue except for classes that are outdoors
Shut off the bell system for lunches, breaks, recess and passing periods
Give “All Clear” call when instructed by law enforcement or fire department
Be prepared for parent/community/media questions
As a precautionary measure law enforcement/fire has asked us to go into a general lockdown. There is no danger to students or staff. This is a Precautionary Measure. We are not able to release students to you at this time. Please leave the campus. We anticipate a normal release of students at the end of the day. Due to heavy volume we may not be able to answer the telephone.Please tune to (Insert radio/television station here) or go to our web page (List website here) for additional information as it becomes available. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but we want to ensure the safety of you and your child.
Lock the door
You may allow students back into the room that may have been out of class
Take roll and report any missing students to the office
Do not allow students to leave the room until the “All clear” signal is given
Continue teaching
You may have to hold students in the room past the normal period
Ignore all bells
School Staff:
At the directions of the Incident Commander:
Post the parent/visitor notice at all ingress points
Sweep hallways and restrooms and direct students immediately back to their rooms
Check doors to make sure they have been locked
Secure yourself into a locked room
Wait for the “All Clear” notice or further directives from the Incident Commander
Evacuation Protocol – On Site
Incident Commander Role:
Confirm event
Direct staff to call 911
Direct staff to call district office (If applicable)
Call for an on-site evacuation or sound the fire alarm
Take crisis response resource kit out of office
Student Roster
Visitor Log
Vendor Log
Diagram of school with shut-off switches and valves identified
Master Keys
Ensure evacuation area is safe
Move to secondary evacuation area as needed
Establish the Incident Command Post
Determine which ICS positions will become operational
Ensure communication with each section chief that is activated
Determine your objectives:
Ensure all rooms have been evacuated
Identify any rooms that may have students, staff or visitors in them
Ensure the safety of those individuals
Account for all students, staff, visitors and vendors
Identify any missing students, staff, visitors and vendors
Ensure staging areas have been established
Teacher/Staff Role:
Instruct students to line-up
Take classroom evacuation kit
Roster of students
School Staff Vests
Nutrition Packs
Space Blankets
Walk students to designated area
Keep alert for hazards – You may have to find an alternate route
Line students up
Take roll
Use Green laminated paper if you have all students and no injuries
Use Yellow laminated paper if you are missing students
Use Red laminated paper if you have injured students or had to leave a student due to injury, or your “Buddy” class is not present
If on the Operations Team, then hand your class over to staff assigned to supervise
Report to staging area for assignment
Evacuation – Off Site
Incident Commander:
Determine which off-site evacuation point to use
Ensure transportation has been arranged or instruct teachers to walk their class to the point
Ensure that students, staff and visitors are not being left alone
Inform district office if applicable
Notify parents how and where to pick students up
Use automated system to contact parents
Have district office begin to call
Have district office notify the press
Assign staff to take crisis response resource kit
Have staff line students up by classroom, home room or by alphabetical order
Account for students, staff and visitors
Establish the Incident Command Post
Determine which ICS positions will become operational
Ensure communication with each section chief that is activated
Determine your objectives:
Ensure all rooms have been evacuated
Identify any rooms that may have students, staff or visitors in them
Ensure the safety of those individuals
Account for all students, staff, visitors and vendors
Identify any missing students, staff, visitors and vendors
Ensure staging areas have been established