First name: Masoumeh
Last name:Hashemian
Address: Health Education Department,School of Health Sciences,Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences
TEL (mobile):+98-9153715185
Tel/Fax (Office):0571-4445648
1) Educations
2010-2014 phD. health education,School of Medicine. TarbiatModares University.Tehran,Iran.
1998-2000 Education,School of Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences.Tehran,Iran.
1991-1995 BSc.Midwifery, Esfahan University of Medical Sciences. Esfahan,Iran.
2) Professional Experience
1998 Up to now Faculty Member,Department of Public Health,SabzevarUniversity of Medical Science.Sabzevar,Iran.
3) Publications (in press or Published)
1-Hashemian M, etal. Farsi version of the mammography self-efficacy scale for Iranian women.J Cancer nursing (In press).
2-Hashemian M, et al. Reliability and validity of the Champion's Health Belief Model Scale for mammography among Iranian women with Family history of Breast Cancer. J Health Education & Promotion (In press).
3-Hashemian M, et aL. Farsi Version of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control and God Locus of Health Control Scales: Validity and Reliability Study among Iranian Women with a Family History of Breast Cancer. J PMA.Vol.64,No;9 September. (2014 published )
4-Asadi Z, MoghadamHosseini V, Solhi P.Hashemian M, Survey of effect educational intervention based on Reasond action Theory on normal delivery in pregnancy women. J Obstetrics, Gynecology and InfertilityVol.17, No;109(2014 published).
5-Hashemian M, et aL.Quality of life of breast cancer patients' family caregivers in the eastern part of Iran.JJokull.(2014 published)
6-HashemianM,FallahyA.Gharibi F, Fallahy P.Explaining process of dental caries from women’s viewpoint: study with grounded theory approach. Scientific Journal of School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research. Vol. 11, No; 4 ( 2014 published).
7- Hashemian M, et al. Individual characteristics, family history and blood group in with breast cancer in Sabzevar. Quarterly Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Vol 20, No; 5( 2014published).
8- Javan R ,Delbari A, Tabaraei Y, Hashemian M, Ahmari Tehran H. A Study of the Association between Drug Abuse and Duration of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Mothers in Sabzevar City, Iran.Qom University of Medical Sciences Journal.
Vol. 3, No;33( 2014 published).
9- Hashemian M,Hidarnia A. Aminshokravi F.Lamyian M, Hassanpour K, Akabri A. Survey the type of health locus of controland relationship with self efficacy in women with family history of breast cancer. J North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences. 2013;5(4)879.
10-Hashemian M, Hidarnia A. Aminshokravi F. Lamyian M, Hassanpour K, Akabri A. Survey of Believe Perceived in Women with Positive Family History of Breast Cancer and Its Prevention Methods.J Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility.2013;15(35):17-24.
11-Asadi Z, MoghadamHosseini V, Hashemian M, AkabriA.Application of Baznef Model in prediction of intimate Partner Violence against women.J Asian women.2013; 29(1).
12-Asadi Z, MoghadamHosseini V, Akabri A, Hashemian M. Intimate partner Violencein the Eastern Part of I ran. J issue in mental health nursing. 2013;34:619-625.
13- HashemianM , et al. Incidence and Screening of breast cancer in Iranian women. J life science.2013;10 (9): 361-366
14-HashemianM ,FallahyA,Tavakoli G,Zarezadeh Y,Sgahr B,RahaeiZ.Impact of Education on Interdental CleaningBehaviour Based on the Transtheoretical Model.J Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry2012;10(1):37-46 .
15-Zardosht R,Hashemian M,Akabri A.Prevalence ofsubstanceabuseamong Injury in sabzevar,Iran. J life science2012 ;9(4).
16-Akaberi Arash,Hashemian M, AssarroudiAbdolghader, HasanpourKazem. Anthropometric assessment in children under 2 year in Torosk, a rural area of Sabzevar .J life science 2012;9(4).
17-Fazel N,Hashemian M,Rmezani M,Akabri A.Comparison ofhoney withclotrimazole alone and Mixtogether in candidateVaginitit.J Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility.2012;14(8):48-54.
18-Javan R,Forozan R,Hashemian M,Akabri A. Surveyofwomen'sknowledge aboutlevonorgestrol pill.Journal Sabzevar Medical University.2010;17(1):48-53.
19-ShojaezadehD,Hashemian M,Asadi Z,MoghaddamHosseini V. The Effect of tow modes of educational intervention on attitude toward cesarean section and vaginal delivery in pregnant womenLife Science Journal .2012;9(4).
20-ElhamiNasab E,Aghaian Z,HashemianM.Evaluation of the knowledge of mothers visitingSabzevar Health Centers on the importance of oral anddental health for their children from birth to 3 years andthe relationship of this knowledge with demographiccharacteristics.Beihagh Journal.(Student Journal).2011; 16(1).
21-SharifzadeM,JamalabadiM.S, HashemianM,Akaberi A.The relationship between Prayers and Educational Status of University Students at the Azad Islamic University of Sabzevar, Iran in 2008.Beihagh Journal.(Student Journal 2010;14(2).
22-Akbarzadeh R, Rahnama F, HashemianM,AkabriA.The incidenceofcongenitalmalformationsinnewbornsexposedinSabzevar.
Journal of Sabzevar Medical University.2008;15(4):231-236.
23-Khamirchi R, Hashemian M,RakhshaniM.survey ofBrucellainfectionand related factorsin Sabzevarrural.Journal of Sabzewar Medical University.2007;11(4):51-55.
24-Aliabadi Z,AliabadiR,Hashemian M, Rakhshani M. Study of the Mean Puberty Age Prevalence of Late Puberty And Relevant Factors in high School girls of Sabzevar in1382(2003). Beihagh Journal.(Student Journal).
25-HashemianM,shojaeizadehD,Porreza A.Survey FamilyFactors Effective Runaway adolescent girl. Journal of Sabzevar Medical University.2000;9(2):50-57.
4)Book and Chapter
1-Basicresearch methods(author- 2008).
2-Fundamental of Obstetrics and Ginogology.Jermyoates and Suzanna Abraham. Liewellyn-Jone . (translator- 2004)
3-Health Education and Communication(author -2007)
4-Illustrated Guide to pregnancy and Birth .Tina Otte.(translator- 2003)
5)Grants and Common Researches
-Ministry of Healthand Medical EducationUnit (CDC).Hashemian M and et al., Epidemiology ofbreast cancer inSabzevar(2010).
-NarcoticsUnit ofthePresidential office.Zardosht R,Hashemian M,Akabri A.Prevalence ofsubstanceabuseamong Injury in sabzevar,Iran.(2007).
1-Health Education (1998 up to now)
2-Educational Technology (1998-2008)
3-Demography andFamily Planning (1998 up to now)
4-Metodology (2011 up to now)
5-Professional Language (2011 up to now)
International conferences
1-Hashemian M, Shojaeizadeh D, Porreza A.Survey FamilyFactors Effective Runaway adolescent girl.(2007). Beijing,China .
2-Akbarzadeh R, Rahnama F, Hashemian M,AkabriA.The incidenceofcongenitalmalformationsinnewbornsexposedinSabzevar(2006).Shanghai ,China.
3-Hashemian M,Fazel N,Evaluationofmaternalweight gainduring pregnancy onpregnancy outcome(2004).Kualalumpur,Malysia
7) Appointees
2008-2010 Head of Public Health Department.
2005-2009 Head of Student Research Committe.
2005-2007 Director of Student Quarterly Journal of Sabzevar University
2005-2009 Member of University ResearchCommitte.
2005-2008 AcademicAdvisorQuarterly Journal of SabzevarUniversity of Medical Sciences.
2013 up to now Head of education Development Center of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences.
2013 up to now Member of University Research Committe
2013 up to now Member of University Education Committe
2013 up to nowHead of Health Education Department.
8) Finished Research Projects
1-Hashemian M and et al ,Breast cancer Screening and Incidence in Sabzevar.
2-Hashemian M and etal,Prevalence ofrisk factors Breast Cancer in Sabzevar.
3- Hashemian M,KhosroabadiA,Knowledge ,Attitude and Practice ofteachersaboutrisk factorsfor heart disease in Sabzevar City.
4 – HashemianM,Allahabadi A,Alhabadi M,Akabri A.Qualityprograms PreventionofLeishmaniasisinSabzevar.
5-Hashemian M,Asadi z,Javan R, Hosseini V.Impact Training based on behavior model in labor selection.
6-Akabri A, Hassan pour K, HashemianM,Koshki A,Comparison ofgrowthstatusof children undertwo yearsof SabzevarToroskVillage.
7-Hashemian M,Fazel N, Evaluationofmaternalweight gainduring pregnancy onpregnancy outcome.
8-Javan R,HashemianM,Nakhaei M.,Tabaraei Y,Relateddrugsin pregnancy andanthropometric indices inchildren
9-HashemianM,Evaluationoforal healthawarenessinbirth
10-Hashemian M,Survey Educationalneeds ofstudentsonreproductive health.
11-Hashemian M,SurveyNutritionalstatus ofchildren under 2years oldwithdevelopmental delay.
12-Asadi Z,HosseiniV,HashemianM,Akabri A. ApplicationBASNEF Model inpreventingwomenfrom violence.
10) Teacher of Workshop
-Basicresearch methods
-Teaching Methods
-Basic of the processofwriting