First Look
First LookTM Curriculum for Preschoolers
Date: November8/9, 2014
Basic Truth: God made me.
Key Question: Who do you thank for everything?
Bottom Line: Thank You, God, for everything!
Memory Verse: “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart.” Psalm 111:1, ESV
Bible Story Focus: I am thankful God made the land and plants.
Land • Genesis 1:9-13
Here’s an overview of what you’ll be teaching this week:
Make It Fun
Leaf Pick Up
Make It True
Memory Verse
Make It Stick
Watch Me Grow
Response Pictures Cards
Make It Fun (Introductory Activities, 15 minutes)
Set up the two activities below before class begins. While the children are entering the classroom begin
Leaf Pick Up. Let one or two teachers lead activities in the room while another teacher greets parents and
kids at the door.
1. Leaf Pick Up
What You Need: Artificial leaves and a bag
What You Do:Instruct the children to spread out in the play area. Begin tossing the leaves in the air and allow them to fall to the ground. Encourage the children to dance around the falling leaves. When the leaves are all on the ground ask the children to pick them up and make a pile of leaves. At the end of the activity, ask the children to pick up the leaves and place them back into your bag.
What You Say:“Thank you for being such GREAT helpers! Our Bible lesson today will tell us who made all of the plants and the trees that allow us to play in their leaves. Let’s do another activity involving some more beautiful plants!”
2. Pretty Plants
What You Need: “Plant Pictures” activity pages, cut in half on the lines.
What You Do: Lay all of the pictures in front of the children with both halves of each picture together. Help the children identify the plants and the colors in the pictures. Then mix up the halves and encourage the children to match the halves that go together to make the plant pictures.
You can also use the cards to play a game of memory match. Turn all of the pictures face down and let the children take turns turning two cards over at a time. If they make a match, great! If not, turn them back over and let another child have a turn. Continue taking turns until all of the matches have been made.
What You Say: “The world is filled with all kinds of pretty plants. These are just a few! Have you ever wondered WHO made all the plants in the world? (Pause.) Well, guess what! We’re going to find out WHO made them in our Bible story today!”
Make It True (Large Group Worship, 20 minutes)
This month’s songs are on the 2’s / PK Worship DVD. Kids and teachers should play instruments during the verses and then do the motions during the chorus. The motions for the verses are provided if you find them helpful, but we encourage you just to dance around in worship.
1. Music
Chose 3-4 songs from the PK Worship DVD to be played through the computer or TV located in your classroom. The words for the songs will be shown on the DVD and hand motions can be found online at
Ideas for songs on the PK / 2’s DVD:
“Butterfly Song”
“Better than the Best”
“In the Beginning”
“God is so Good”
2. Verse
LEADER: Are you ready to learn this month’s memory verse? It’s all about being thankful.
‘I will give thanks(thumbs to chest)
to the Lord(both hands point up)
with my whole heart.’(both hands over heart)
Psalm 111:1(open your hands like a book)
“Let’s do it together. Are you ready?”
Do the verse with the kids two or three times.
3. Offering
Pass around the offering bag or bucket to collect any offering for today. Say, “We collect offering every week to give the first of our money back to God- 2 Chronicles 31:5 says “... the Israelites gave generously. They didn’t hold back! They brought in a tithe of everything they owned.” Let’s offer to God with generous hearts our tithes for today.
4. Video
*Be sure to prep Watercolor Paintings and Two-Sided Jars in the Make it Stick section during this time.
Play this week’s video from “Wonder, Look at God’s Story” DVD.
5. Prayer
Large Group Prayer: Discuss the main point of the video, including the bottom line before praying with the children. Sample prayer: “Dear God, thank You for making everything! We are so thankful that You made the land and plants and all the beautiful flowers. You are good to us! Amen.”
Buddy Prayer: Explain to the children that it is now their turn to pray. Pair the children up. Encourage them to go to a corner or a place in the room so they can talk. Ask them to tell each other something that they can pray about and then encourage them to pray together. It might be helpful to spend a few weeks in small groups and work towards meeting as buddies.
Make It Stick (Application Activities, 35 minutes)
1. Watch Me Grow
What You Need: No supplies needed.
What You Do: Have the children stand in front of you. Encourage the children to get down low to the ground and crouch down. When you say, “Grow,” they will slowly stand up and grow like a plant. When they are finished they should be standing tall with their hands straight up in the air.
What You Say: “God made all of the plants! They make our earth so beautiful. I am so thankful that God made us beautiful plants to enjoy. Who made everything?(Pause.) You got it! [Bottom Line] Thank You, God, for everything!”
2. Plant a Seed
What You Need: “Bottom Line Sticker” and “Parent Note” activity pages, cups, permanent markers, seeds, spoons, potting soil, water, and plastic bowls
What You Do: Fill one bowl with potting soil and the other with water. Give each child a cup and a “Bottom Line Sticker” to put on their cup. Write their names on the cups with a permanent marker. Next, allow each child to scoop some soil into their cups with a spoon, filling them half way. Give each child a few seeds to go in their cup and then instruct them to put in more soil, filling the cup about ¾ full of soil. Once a child has all of his soil in his cup, allow him to put a few scoops of water in it. Send home with parent note.
What You Say: “Now all you have to do is take your seed cups home and put them in a window where they can get sunlight. Plants have to have sun to grow. They need one more thing too: WATER! Put a few spoonfuls of water in the cup every day and before you know it, you’ll have a plant! Who made the plants? (Pause.) God made the plants! Who made everything? God made everything! And who do you thank for everything? (Pause.) [Bottom Line] Thank You, God, for everything!”
3. Response Picture Cards
What You Need: Memory verse card and crayons
What You Do: Review the memory verse together before turning to the back of the memory verse card. Review what the children have learned about today’s story while they color the picture provided.
What You Say:“God made us a wonderful world to live in and He deserves a BIG thank you! So, who do you thank for everything? (Pause.) [Bottom Line] Thank You, God, for everything!”
Closing (5 minutes)
1. Snack Time
Talk to kids about fun things they like to do with fall leaves.
2. Review
Take the time to review this week’s story, the bottom line and the memory verse:
‘I will give thanks (thumbs to chest)
to the Lord (both hands point up)
with my whole heart.’(both hands over heart)
Psalm 111:1 (open your hands like a books)
3. Get Ready to Dismiss
Set any take-home creations where you or parents can get them easily.
●Plant a Seed
●Memory Verse Cards
Greet parents at the door and tell them that this month preschoolers are learning that [Bottom Line]Thank You, God, for everything! Encourage parents to repeat the bottom line at home and help their child understand that [Bottom Line] Thank You, God, for everything!
This month’s Small Talk Resource is available at the Loop Welcome Desk if any parents ask.