
The Infrastructure and Messaging Work Group (InM) is responsible for:

  • Creating and maintaining the HL7 development methodologies for HL7 Version 2
  • Collaborating with the Vocabulary Work Group to define and ballot the Data Types
  • Developing and maintaining FHIR messaging
  • Developing and maintaining V3 messaging


Work Products and Contributions to HL7 Processes

For HL7 Version 2 the InM Work Group is responsible for the ongoing maintenance and support of the normative HL7 Version 2 Control(chapter 2), Data Types(chapter 2a),Tables(Chapter 2c), Query(chapter 5), Master Files(Chapter 8) and Application Management(chapter 14). The InM Work Group will only accept changes (including additions) to the HL7 Version 2 materials if they meet the following criteria:

oThe reason for the change needs to be either a documented regulatory requirement or a harmonization requirement with HL7 Version 2 material created by other committees.

oAll change proposals need to be accompanied by an analysis of their relationship with, and impact on, comparable functionality in HL7 Version 3.

For HL7 Version 3 the InM Work Group will be responsible for the creation and maintenance of normative standards in the following areas:

Transmission and Transport covers the MCCI Transmission Wrapper, the Abstract Transport Specification, as well as the transmission interaction patterns (e.g. use of commit acks, Message Adapter rejects)

Predefined Infrastructural Models covers the following areas:

Trigger Event Control Act wrapper templates (MCAI Generic Control Acts, MFMI Registries/Master Files, QUQI Queries) including application interaction patterns (application responses, query responses, conversations)

Commonly used Message Types (COMT Shared Messages) and related application interaction patterns

For FHIR InM workgroup is responsible for messaging including the messageHeader resource.

For Clinical Context Object Workgroup (CCOW)

InM will maintain and extend the standards as requirements dictate.

Former Responsibilities

Implementable Technology Specifications (e.g. XML, UML, MLLP) is now the responsibility of the Implementable Technology Specifications(ITS) work group.

Abstract Data Types. Covers the technical quality of the data type definitions and ensuring their utility across all Work Groups is now the responsibility of the Modeling and Methodology(MnM) work group.

The Work Group will develop specifications using the principles and language of the Services Aware Interoperability Framework (SAIF) Canonical Definition (CD).

Formal Relationships with Other HL7 Groups

InM in association with Conformance and Guidance for Implementation and Testing work group and Vocabulary is the HL7 Version 2 Methodology group.

Revised: August 9, 2017