First Evangelical and Reformed Church Consistory Meeting
Monday January 9, 2017
President Roy Coon opened the meeting with prayer. Sixteen members were present.
Paul Offenbacher advised he listed Joe Moor in error for the upcoming election of officers for trustee and should be removed as his term is not done. That correction noted, secretary’s report was accepted. Treasurer’s report was accepted as read.
No new business for deacon’s report.
Trustee President Paul Offenbacher reported that the contract with the cleaning company would be nullified effective January 31 as they are not doing a good job or working as many hours as contracted even after this was discussed with them. On February 1, Missy Grapner will take over as inside custodian with the help of Jeff Grapner as needed.
Elder Charles Cheuvront advised they discussed elder responsibilities. The Hymn Sings have been going well and numbers are increasing. They discussed closing due to weather procedure.
Pastor has been granted permission to attend a conference in March on church development. Seven inactive members were sent cards, one response was received. Neighborhood outreach was discussed. They are looking into renting out space to a start-up church if one contacts us. Pastor has requested a new church logo.
Pastor Balicki talked on church development and passed out CD’s to those who have not received them on the topic.
Sherri Maurer reported that the Spiritual Committee received $150 from Walmart for the box lunch for the community. There was $90 left over after expenses and it will be used for the Souper Bowl program.
No old business. New business: Beverly Snook advised no ad was placed in the paper for Christmas and suggested the Pastor and office place the ad for special services as they know what the service will entail. Pastor agreed to take care of it.
Cathy Gladfelter asked if they should light the small lamp before the service and Jeff Grapner advised he will continue to do it. Rex Maurer advised there will be an audit meeting at his home on January 10 at 6:30. Those on the committee are Cleadous Hawk, Joe Moor, and Barbara Blackburn.
Roy Coon advised he will be going off Consistory and thanked everyone for all they do for the church.
Jeff Grapner moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Paul Offenbacher, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Blackburn, Consistory Secretary