Autumn Term 2
People from the Past
What do we know about famous people from the past and events that happened?
What we are learning about
This half term we will learn about features of effective posters about firework safety.
We will also be reading a range of non-fiction texts about the past, linked to our history topics, such as the Great Fire of London, Guy Fawkes and Florence Nightingale.
We will learn about multiplication and division this half term, focussing on the 2,3,5 and 10 times tables. We will find out how they are connected to each other and understand why multiplication is commutative, but division is not.
We will also learn about measurement, length and mass.
In science we will learn about the properties of materials. We will compare the materials used to build houses in the 16th century with the materials used today. We will investigate what happens to materials when they are heated and cooled.
Our History topic is about famous people and events from the past. We will study Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot, Samuel Pepys and the Great Fire of London and Florence Nightingale and the Crimean War.
We will visit the cenotaphin Marsden to pay our respects and find out about the men who went to war from our community.
Our art work will link with our history and literacy topics. We will begin by using coloured chalks to make firework pictures. Then using paints and silhouettes, we willmake an effective picture of the Great Fire of London.
We will be using our DB Primary accounts this half term. As part of this we will be reminded about E-safety. We will be using our skills to email and create a blog.
In music we will be learning about the difference between beat and rhythm. We will make and copy rhythm patterns and listen to music with a steady beat. We will use instruments to play different rhythms and beats and use some of our new skills in the Christmas production
We will be developing our thinking skills and debating skills through discussion about fire and firework safety. Basic listening skills and following instructions will be a focus throughout our learning.
As part of the ongoing partnership with Project Sport we will be learning about travelling and balancing in different ways in gymnastics.
We will use our thinking skills to understandhow Christians celebrate Christmas and the birth of new life. We will read the Christmas story and prepare for our Christmas production
What you can do to help
Read every day with your child
Log on to DB Primary at home using the address:
Visit the year 2 class pages to see what your child has been learning at school.
Other websites to visit:
Florence Nightingale
Samuel Pepys