802 North East St. Alturas, CA 96101


Summary/Evaluation of Programs

*First 5 Modoc Strategic Plan 2009/2013 Focus Areas & Funds Spent

  • Improved Child Development $ 129,592
  • Improved Family Functioning $ 98,709
  • Improved Child Health$ 10,000
  • Improved System of Care$ 13,867

Formal Grants

Public Health “Healthy Beginnings” $71,171.40

Focus Area: Improved Family Functioning

Continue a home visitation program, focusedon strengthening and improving positive parent-infant interactions, healthy infant development and parental competencies.

Strategy / Activities / Outcomes
Utilize the developmental screening tool Ages and Stages Questionnaire version 3 (ASQ-3) with each child enrolled in order to ensure they are developing appropriately. / Conduct at least one ASQ-3 for each child within 3 months of enrollment. Children requiring follow-up for developmental delays will be referred to their PCP. If further interventions are needed, appropriate referrals will be made. Families will receive information regarding methods they can utilize to enhance the development of their child. / ASQ-3’s have been completed and/or scheduled (depending on enrollment) for each new child in the program. Case notes have been maintained regarding action taken by nurses. When further interventions have been deemed necessary, the nurse has made notes regarding referrals and further ASQ-3’s have been conducted.
Incorporate nutrition education into each home visit and provide presentations to families through Early Head Start parent meetings and Life Skills Class. / During home visits, nurses will discuss good nutrition. Nurses will conduct initial and follow-up nutrition assessments. Nurse will provide at least one nutrition presentation to EHS families and one to families participating in Life Skill Classes. / The goal to see improvement in 60% of participants was not as successful with an 18% improvement rate. The goal to provide a presentation to families participating in EHS and Life Skill Class,exceeded goals, with three classes held.
Provide case management meetings every other month with at least one partner from each of the following agencies, Behavioral Health, Social Services, and Early Head Start. / Nurse will collaborate with other agencies to create a set schedule of meeting dates. Families with multiple agency involvement and families with higher needs will receive higher priority during case management. The team will collaborate to create a case management plan for families. / Six case conference meetings were held. A case management plan was developed for higher risk families. Twenty two clients and several CPS referrals were discussed. Case management plans of select clients were evaluated at each meeting.
Continue to provide transportation assistance for medical appointments for children 0-5. / To provide a maximum of six transportation vouchers per family, per year, to medical appointments for children
0-5. / Total number of vouchers provided to families was fifty four. Voucher amounts were based on distance toappointments.

50Children and 38 Parents were served.

Alturas State Preschool & Public Health-Kids in Motion!

MCOE “School Readiness in State Preschools” $50,448.49

Focus Area: Improved Child Development

Continue a School Readiness program in Modoc County preschools. Research confirms children who attend a high-quality education program are better prepared for kindergarten. “The RAND research reports preschool offers one of the highest returns on any public investment. Children have stronger language skills, less likely to repeat a grade or drop out of school.”

Strategy / Activities / Outcomes
Improve Child Development by attending high quality preschools. / Increase the number of professional development opportunities by providing professional trainings on curriculum development using the CDE Preschool Learning framework and foundations and ECERS-R assessment tool.
Trainings will be observed and evaluated.
Each child will receive a DRDP-2010 assessment to ensure the child is meeting benchmark developmental goals. / The goal to provide three professional development trainings per year was successful. However, staff attendance was not as successful with only 50% attendance.
Observations began in January 2013. Each classroom was observed three times integrating the framework and foundations in the classrooms and the completion of ECERS-R assessment. Each preschool teacher selected two classroom goals.
The goal to have 100% of children assessed and 80% meet benchmark developmental goals was a success with 86% meeting goals.
Improve Family Functioning by hiring a part-time Family Support Worker to work with families and children in the state preschools. / Hold monthly parent meetings covering topics such as Preschool Learning Foundations, parenting skills, home activities, health, safety and nutrition.
Complete weekly classroom observations. / The goal to have 75% of parents attend monthly parent meetings was a success with 80% attendance.
The goal to have 75% of observations shared with parents was a success with 100% shared.

10 children were served.

TEACH, Inc. “Tulelake/Newell FRC” $27,538

Focus Area: Improved Family Functioning

Providing Family Resource Center Services and activities to the families of Siskiyou and Modoc County. This program collaborates services with First 5 Siskiyou.

Strategy / Activities / Outcomes
Provide parenting classes utilizing evidence based curriculum. / Parenting classes will be scheduled year round at various times to accommodate parent’s schedules.
Classes will be advertised and recruited through EHS and Preschools.
Staff will collaborate with EHS Staff and Preschools to recruit participants. / No Nurturing Parenting classes were held the first two quarters of program. For 3rd and 4th quarter program was a success. The goal to have ten families participate with 95% showing an increase in their AAPI scores was a success with ten families participating and 100% showing an increase in their AAPI scores. Some as much as 50%. The goal to increase the number of parents requesting information about early childhood development by 20% was successful with a 21% increase over the 2011/12 year.
The goal to have a Parenting Now Class was not successful. No class was held, however parenting materials were distributed to thirty families.
Provide Healthy Families, MediCal and Calfresh application support. / Ongoing application assistance during FRC hours Monday-Thursday by appointment or drop in, in English and Spanish. / The goal to have thirty four families receive assistance with applications for medical benefits and 85% receive benefits was a success with forty one families receiving assistance and 97% receiving benefits. Over sixty two families received assistance and support with their Calfresh applications.
Provide injury prevention education workshops. / Car Seat Safety Classes will be offered monthly-Car seats available on a sliding scale cost.
Bicycle Helmet Classes will be offered monthly. / One family with two children attended a car seat class and received a car seat. Eleven car seats were distributed through WIC in Newell.
Twenty two children attended classes and received a helmet.
The bicycle rodeo was not held due to the Honker closing from water damage.

51 children and 45 parents were served.

Alturas State Preschool-Sharing our love of reading!

Mini Grants

Public Health “HAND” $10,000

Focus Area: Improved Child Health

Promote healthy eating and physical activity among children 0-5 and pregnant mothers. Outcomes are incomplete as program runs through Sept 2013.

Strategy / Activities / Outcomes
Create a healthy start on life for children from pregnancy through early childhood. / To strengthen prenatal care by increasing nutrition education, promoting current dietary guidelines for children, and educating about healthy eating habits, including portion size and reading food labels.
To implement nutrition focused cooking classes for parents and caregivers of children
0-5. Educating families on proper meals and planning how to make family meals happen, helping picky eaters, how to feed children labeled “overweight” or “underweight” and how to plan snacks. / Currently prenatal nutrition education will begin in the next series of childbirth classes in Sept 2013. The April class series was cancelled due to only one client enrolled. Nutrition education was provided on a one-on-one basis. Dietary guidelines, healthy eating habits, HOTM education was conducted. Reaching 291 children. The average pretest knowledge was 34.5% and post-test knowledge was 100%.
Overall the cooking class reached fifteen families. Nutrition risks were identified for each family. Education provided. A survey was completed on families interested in implementing their own home and/or community based garden. 54% were interested in participating in a community garden and 67% were interested in a gardening class.
Increase opportunities for physical activity. / To develop education materials regarding physical activity and reduction of screen time.
To promote outdoor family activities. / Two community walks were coordinated. Safe routes and outdoor activities were promoted reaching over 126 kids and adults. In May they promoted family biking activities. Holding a bike rodeo on May 17th reaching over eighty eight children. The event was promoted at all preschools, pre-k and kindergarten classes. More children 0-5 attended this event than ever before.

291 children and 19 parents were served.

Surprise Valley Child Development Center-Growing our own food!

Modoc County Office of Education “Funding for Preschool” $2,087.45

Focus Area: Improved Child Development and Improved Family Functioning

Funding Preschool for Five years old not ready for “K’.

Strategy / Activities / Outcomes
Fund up to (3) five year old children to attend CDE funded programs. / Each child will attend the preschool 80% of the 180 days of the regular school year.
Each child will have a monthly observation. A total of eight observations.
Each child will be assessed twice during the 2012-2013 school year. Each child will master 90% of the forty-three DRDP-2010 indicators. / The program successfully served two children. The goal to have each child attend preschool 80% of the time was successful with 85.5% attendance. Each child was observed eight times and each child completed the pre/post DRDP-2010. The first child had an IEP and made significant progress in self regulation and is now potty trained. Socialization did not improve and will be a key transitional goal. The second child’s attendance was not as consistent. Socialization improved but inconsistent attendance made it difficult to sustain the improvement in behavior.

2 children were served.

Modoc County Office of Education “Summer Preschool” $6,246

Focus Area: Improved Child Development and Improved Family Functioning

Provide a preschool summer program.

Strategy / Activities / Outcomes
Provide a (5) week preschool summer program for (16) children to improve kindergarten transition. / Hire staff and aids.
Develop curriculum promoting healthy nutrition, physical exercise using dramatic play equipment and materials. Curriculum will use nutrition as the theme to teach math, science, and language skills.
Provide a parent newsletter, take home activities, and posted daily school transition goals. Provide parents with kindergarten transition booklet. / Staff hired May 2013.
Daily lesson plans using the California Learning Foundations was completed. The goal to have 80% of students able to meet (32) of DRDP-2010 measures for transition to kindergarten was a success with 80% meeting this goal. The other 20% were three years old and would not be transitioning to kindergarten.
Nineteen of twenty families incorporated summer program materials into their homes during the program. Fifteen families plan on continuing with materials through the remainder of the summer.

20 children were served.

Surprise Valley Joint Unified School District “Increase Access” $10,000

Focus Area: Improved Child Development

Increase access to early childhood education for lower income or children of poverty. The program is offered to lower income homes not eligible for subsidy. Families supported have a 0% share of cost. Outcomes are incomplete as program operates through Sept 2013.

Strategy / Activities / Outcomes
Provide a high quality* child development environment.
*High quality is defined as following Title 22 requirements and provides an educational environment rather than just care. / Increase accessibility and attendance of educational child care in Surprise Valley by 20%.
Increase participating parent involvement in parenting classes. / Currently outcome successful with four children able to access care due to program. DRDP’s were completed on children and used to help parent’s transition children to their next educational setting.
Nine parents participated in parenting classes.
Program will continue through September 2013.

4 children and 9 parents were served.

Surprise Valley Joint Unified School District “Share of Cost” $10,000

Focus Area: Improved Child Development

Increase opportunity and access to early childhood education through the Share of Cost Program for middle income families. Families supported have a 60% Share of Cost. Outcomes are incomplete as program operates through December 2013.

Strategy / Activities / Outcomes
Provide a high quality* child development environment.
*High quality is defined as following Title 22 requirements and provides an educational environment rather than just care. / Increase accessibility of educational child care for at least 2 more families.
Increase participating parent involvement in parenting classes. / Currently outcome successful with five children able to access care due to program. DRDP’s are being completed on children and used to help parent’s transition children to their next educational setting.
Sixteen parents participated in parenting classes.
Program will continue through December 2013.

5 children and 16 parents were served.

Surprise Valley Child Development Center-Fire Safety!

TEACH, Inc. “Child Care Initiative” $4,753.97

Focus Area: Improved Child Development

The program goal was to increase participation and quality of provider trainings by increasing incentives and project supplies.

Strategy / Activities / Outcomes
Support the Child Care Initiative Project (CCIP); Recruitment, Training and Assistance for new and current Licensed Family Child Care Providers. This project enhances the quality of early child care professionals. / Provide monthly trainings that include supplies and educational materials for the providers with the purpose of implementing the topic of training directly to children.
Offer an incentive that supports new provider participants and the children they serve. / The goal to have 50% of participants implement new concepts and educational material provided from CCIP trainings was a success with an average implementation of 55.6%. The goal to have an increase in participation in CCIP trainings by 20% was not as successful as attendance numbers were similar to last year.

9 participants were served.


Modoc County Office of Education “SEALS Fall Festival” $600

Focus Area: Community Strengthening

The fall festival was well received. An estimated 300 community members attended. The festival was held from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm and children from all over Modoc County were able to attend. It is estimated that over 100 children ages 0-5 were able to attend and actively participate in the festival. The infant area was a big hit. The festival was a great opportunity for families to participate in fall activities locally.

Modoc County Office of Education “MCDAC Community Needs Assessment”

Focus Area: Systems Change $580

This project was a collaborative effort with our local planning council and provides incentive moneyto assist in the completion and submission of the Modoc County Community Needs Assessment Survey. It was felt the incentives aided in the completion of surveys and the needs assessment was completed in the spring of 2013.

Alturas State Preschool-Future Architects!

First 5 Modoc “Signature Program”

State matching grants to County Commissions

First 5 Modoc CARES Plus $50,194.58

Focus Area: Improved Child Development

CARES Plus is the first signature program to be released from First 5 California. The purpose of CARES Plus is to build upon the past success of CARES and continuing the successful partnership with the California Department of Education’s AB 212 Program. CARES Plus is a statewide professional development program for early educators designed to improve the quality of early learning programs by focusing on increasing the quality, effectiveness and retention of early educators. First year participants completed all required Teachstone Class online trainings and submitted required certificates in a timely manner. Year two participants were also successful in the completion of two College Classes, three units each. Year two participants accomplished a total of forty five units towards their educational goals. There were a total of twelve CARES Plus applicants that successfully completed program requirements and received a stipend. Stipends averaged $1,500.

Evaluation Resources

First 5 Modoc continues to monitor and evaluate programs throughout the year. Programs are required to submit quarterly PEDS data, Project Outcomes Charts and Expenditure Reports. Staff review and monitor the results to insure programs are working toward, or meeting their strategies and outcomes. The CARES Plus Consortium has also been developed to help monitor the needs of CARES Plus. Yearly staff completes an evaluation of programs that is presented to the First 5 Modoc Commission and forwarded to First 5 California after the local review process. The administrative budget reflectedexpenses of 14% ($15,169) on evaluation and 11% ($12,687) on programs for service outreach, planning, support and management of programs.

*First 5 Modoc Strategic Plan Focus Area-Improved Child Development FY 11-12 fund adjustment of ($4,139).

Modoc Children’s Fair-First 5 California Hands-On Health Van!