6 – 10 June , 2018

Entries close Friday,25 May 2018


Wednesday / 06 June / 9:00am
3:00pm / Official Practice Day
Competitor Registration & Equipment Control
Technical Meeting
Thursday / 07 June / 25m Pistol Junior Women
25m Rapid Fire 1st half
50m Pistol & 50m Pistol WSPS
25m Pistol Women
25m Pistol Women FINAL
Friday / 08 June / 10m Air Pistol Men & WSPS
10m Pistol Junior Men
25m Rapid Fire 2nd half
10m Air Pistol Men FINAL
10m Air Pistol WSPS FINAL (depending on entry #’s)
25m Rapid Fire FINAL
Saturday / 09 June / 10m Air Pistol Women - 60 shot match
10m Air Pistol Junior Women - 60 shot match
25m Pistol WSPS
25m Centre Fire Pistol
10m Air Pistol Women FINAL
25m Pistol WSPS FINAL (depending on entry #’s)
10m Air Pistol ISSF Mixed Teams Event
Sunday / 10 June / 6:30pm / 25m Standard Pistol
Presentation Dinner at Easts Leagues Club


Diamond Room, East leagues Club,

40 Main Avenue, Coorparoo

Sunday 10 June 2018 at 6.30pm for 7.00pm

Tickets for the dinner must be purchased with entry or by 25 May 2018



The Brisbane International Shooting Centre is situated on the Belmont Shooting Complex at 1485 Old Cleveland Rd Belmont.

Accommodation on site

Motel; Chalet; Bunk room; family suites; double suites and camping accommodation are available through the Queensland Rifle Association.

Phone: 07 3398 4309 Email:

Catering on the Range

Catering for lunch and morning and afternoon teas will be available at the Brisbane International Shooting Centre (BISC).

Weapons Licensing Queensland

Queensland Police and Weapons Licensing recognise pistol licences from all Australian States.

The Queensland Weapons Act (Section 32) states:

32 Temporary recognition of interstate licences for particular purposes

(1) This section applies if a person who holds a licence, permit or authority issued under the law of another State entitling the person to possession of a weapon visits Queensland—

(a) to participate in a shooting competition conducted by an approved shooting club or approved by the commissioner; or

(b) for another purpose specified under a regulation for this section.

(2) The person’s licence is taken to authorise possession and use of the weapon in accordance with this Act—

(a) for the purpose of participating in the competition; or

(b) for the other purpose specified under the regulation—if the person complies with any conditions specified in the regulation for the purpose.

The Queensland Police Service Weapons Licensing website states:

International visitors wanting to use weapons in Australia require special permits from Australian Police before arrival.A Visitor’s Licence in Queensland will only be issued to a person competing in competitive sports shooting events, hunting tours or other activities in Queensland.

If applying for this type of licence, you must be entitled by law to possess and use a weapon or type of weapon in the state or country where you normally reside.

A Visitor's Licence can only be issued for a maximum of 3 months.

How to Apply

If you want tobring your firearms intoAustralia, you need to apply for two permits:

  • An international visitor weapons/firearms permit/licence (to allow you to possess, carry and use weapons/firearms during your stay); and
  • Animport permit B709to allow you to bring firearms into the country.

To begin the process, apply for the Visitor's Licence to the police of the Australian State you will be competing, recreationally shooting or undertaking other activities in. If you are not competing, recreationally shooting or undertaking other activities in Queensland but you are entering Australia first through a Queensland airport or shipping terminal an Import Permitcan be issued to you on the production of a Visitor's Licence Authority issued by the firearms registry in the State. If you are not entering Queensland first, you need to contactthe interstate firearm registries.

Safety and Storage Requirements for Weapons

The preferred method of storage for visitors to Queensland is in the secure storage facilities of a licensed firearms dealer or armourer or another licensed person.

If this is not possible, or it is unreasonable,section95 of the Weapons Regulation 2016 stipulates the following conditions for storage:

Whilst not in the person's physical possession, weapons must be stored in a securely closed container with the bolt removed or a trigger lock fitted or in a locked container.

The container must be stored:

  • out of sight in a locked room; or
  • locked in the boot of a vehicle; or
  • if the vehicle does not have a boot, locked in the vehicle out of sight.

Weapons must be kept unloaded at all times unless the weapon is being used. For example, the weapon must be unloaded whilst the weapon is being transported toa range and whilst ata range when not involved in actual competition, for example, taking a lunch break.

Go to the Queensland Police Weapons Licensing website at:

Go to Programs and then select Weapons Licensing.

Conditions of Entry

  • Please note:All target and scoring systems are electronic.
  • All competition is open - no grades.
  • All nominations with accompanying fees must be received by Friday 25 May 2018. The signing of the entry form by the competitor and the club official is a declaration attesting to the correctness of the information contained in the entry form. Entries without full payment will not be accepted. PLEASE NOTE: any member who competed in the PA Nationals in Perth and enters the ISSF Nationals are not required to pay the registration fee again – a national registration fee is for full nationals
  • PROVISIONAL State Team entries must be received by Friday 01 June 2018.
  • Phone entries will not be accepted.
  • Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Organising Committee.
  • All Australian resident competitors must be financial members of Pistol Australia and possess a current membership card from their affiliated state body.
  • State Membership cards and pistol firearms licence will be checked.
  • Overseas residents must be affiliated with the appropriate National Federation recognised by Pistol Australia. (PA General Regulations and GTR’s 3.1.3)
  • The Attendance Register in the Clubhouse area is to be signed by all non-competitors (spectators; family; coaches; officials; volunteers) each day.
  • Competitors are to sign the Range Register at the accreditation area (50m Range) or on the range where they are competing or practising.
  • All competitors and spectators in the vicinity of the ranges must wear ear protection and enclosed footwear.
  • Military/camouflage style clothing or offensive marked clothing is not to be worn.
  • Competitors shall not wear tank tops or upper garments with loose fitting necks.
  • Shorts need to meet the requirements of the PA dress code.
  • Firearms may only be uncased and cased at the firing line at the direction of the Range Officer.
  • Exposed firearms are not permitted behind the firing line, in the clubhouse, or in the car park.
  • Safe Areas will be indicated and are to be used for any handling of uncased firearms.
  • No ammunition is permitted in the Safe Areas.
  • Firearms cases/boxes are not to be brought through the clubhouse area…. access is through the western entry.
  • Wheelchair access will be advised individually to competitors requiring this access.
  • Firearms and/or gun boxes must not be left unattended anywhere on the range or in unlocked motor vehicles.
  • An armoury will be available for those wishing to store their firearms on site.
  • Alcohol may only be consumed at the conclusion of a competitor’s program for the day
  • Smoking is prohibited on or near any range, within any permanent or temporary building or licensed area or within 5 meters of any open doorway or window.
  • Mobile phones and pagers must be turned to ‘Off’ or to ‘Silent’, BEFORE entering ranges.
  • Children under 12 years of age must be supervised at all times.


(Please print all details)

Entries close Friday 25 May 2018

Surname: / First name: /  M  F
Suburb: / State: / Postcode:
Email: / DOB:
Phone: H: / W: / M:
Home Club: / Pistol Lic #


Match / Top Score
(Note 1) / Match / Top Score
(Note 1) / Match / Top Score
(Note 1)
25m Pistol Women / 10m Air Pistol WSPS / 25m Rapid Fire
25m Pistol Junior / 10m Air Pistol J Men / 25m Standard Pistol
25m Pistol WSPS / 10m 60 shotAir Pistol J Women / 25m Centre Fire
10m Air Pistol Men / 50m Pistol
10m 60 shotAir Pistol Women / 50m Pistol WSPS


1.A certified ‘top score’ for the last 12 months is required for each match you wish to enter to enable ‘squadding out’ if entries exceed range capacity.

2.There is a compulsory Registration Fee:

  • Adults - $27.50 (inclusive of GST)
  • Juniors – 16.50 (inclusive of GST)

3.The entry fee for each match is $20.00 (inclusive of GST).


Registration Fee / Adult $27.50
Junior $16.50 / $
Match Entry Fees / ………… matches @ $20.00 each / $
Presentation Dinner (3 course) / ………...tickets @ $50.00 each / $
Polo Shirts – sample will be on website soon / ………….shirts @ $35.00 each / $
Size(s) you require: /  S  M  L  XL  2XL  3XL  4XL

All fees are inclusive of GST

Cheques / Money Orders to be made payable to “Pistol Shooting Queensland” (full name please, not just PSQ)

Direct Deposit: Bank SuncorpBSB 484-799Acct 030402362

Account Name:Pistol Shooting Queensland

Lodgement Reference:NAT18 Surname & Initial.

Receipt Number (issued at time of EFT transaction) …………………………………………………………………………………………
(OR attach copy of the receipt to the entry form OR send an email with details to

Forward Squadding information by: /  Email  Mail
Please notify the Organising Secretary if squadding notification has not been received by 01 June.


Competitors will be squadded to assist with range duties to share the work-load.

Your assistance will be appreciated.

Are you willing to be a Range Officer?
/ Yes No
 


I (print name in full), ……………………………………………………………………………………… declare that I am a current financial member of Pistol Australia Inc.
I understand the Conditions of Entry and agree to abide by them.
Signed ………………………………………………………………………………………… Date ……… /…… / ……………


I certify that …………………………………………………………………………………………………… is a member of the
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (club name) and that he/she is a current financial member of Pistol Australia, and that the highest scores that have been submitted are true and correct.
…………………………………………………...... / ……………………………………………………. / ………./………./……………
(Printed Name of authorised Club Representative) / (Signature of authorised Club Representative) / (Date)


Organising Secretary

Sharyn Petersen

2018 PA National Championships

Pistol Shooting Queensland

PO Box 306

Carina Qld 4152

Phone: 07 3395 1322


Conducted on behalf of Pistol Australia Inc

By the Pistol Shooting Queensland

At the Belmont Shooting Complex, Brisbane