2014: Clubs Day: Mon. 29th Sept. 10-3pm in Aula Maxima (the main concourse) from 10a.m. to 3.00p.m

(Demonstration of Gear and Chat; slides and videos)

1StMeeting:Thurs 2nd October 8.00 – 9.30pm Room B1058.

Introduction to club and affiliation with Irish Underwater Council (CFT) and Internationally with CMAS. Important features of Basic Gear (masks, fins & snorkels)

2nd Meeting:Thurs 9th October 8.00 – 9.30pm Room B1058.

Trainee Diver TheoryFollowed by……

1st Pool session at Sligo Sports Complex, Thurs9thOctober 10 - 11pm.

Bring togs swimming hats if you have them; (lifts to pool, for those without transport, arranged after meeting, if possible) ALL Gear supplied free!

MembershipCost: €50includes Theory lectures,entry to weekly pool session and Dive log book.

Weekly Theory sessions: Thursdays 8-930pm Room B1058 (For 1st semester and start of second)

Weekly Pool Session: Sligo Sports Complex Thursday 10-11pm (For 1st semester)

Swim test:8 x 25m freestyle, 2 x 25m Backstroke, Hold breath underwater for 30secs within 5 min

Snorkel trips: before and after Christmas ALL Gear supplied free!

Events for 2014 & 2015

Dive Medical, and Join Irish Underwater Council (CFT)paying their affiliation membership fee for the new year(for insurance and qualifications; rate €50).

Weekly:Local diving weather permitting after Christmas and during summer if students are around (e.g at “Thumb Rock” and “Gullies” in Mullaghmore or at Ballyconnel in Maugherow,. ALL Gear supplied free!

Easter Dive Trip: Location to be decided(Often at St John’s Point Donegal; staying at “Blue Moon” Youth Hostel in Dunkineely, County Donegal).

New Divers should get 5 dives done on this trip (over about 4 days, on the first weekend of the College Easter Break) and obtain their “Trainee Diver Certificate”(an Internationally recognised qualification).

This Club has been “Active” for over 20 years.

The club was set up in 1993 by Dr. Bill Crowe with the assistance of EndaGibney, Dave Clarke, Noel Moran and Dr. Richard Thorn. In 1994 the club became affiliated to theThe Irish Underwater Council (C.F.T.).
The main aim of the club is to introduce our students to the world of scuba diving while acquiring internationally recognised dive qualifications (C.F.T./C.M.A.S.). Indeed members have dived in such diverse places as Australia, the Caribbean, Greece, Indonesia, Sweden as well as all around Ireland. Most divers reach Club Diver status. Some divers who did their first dive with IT Sligo have gone on to become Leading Divers (e.g. Seyed Mahdi Entezarmahdi), or Diving Instructors (e.g. Oliver Buckley) with CFT; or Scientific Divers (e.g. Damien Allen andAnn-Marie Mahon) In addition some club members hold other qualifications includingPADIOpen Water Diver & Advanced Diver,BSACDiver Leader & Sports Diver.Several members hold a commerical (HSE) qualification as well (e.g. Ann-Marie Mahon and Eoin Howard)..

IT Sligo SAC Web Site:

IT Sligo SAC Facebook Site:

orGoogle“IT Sligo Sub Aqua Club”