Course Requirements Checklist

English 101: Critical Writing | Spring 2008

In order to pass English 101, you must have completed all of the following (unless otherwise indicated). Please note that this page represents a checklist—nothing more. You are responsible for locating and adhering to the guidelines posted on The Cache.

Papers (Please note that paper lengths are minimums—not maximums.)

q Four-Page Paper (mandatory)

q Four-Page Paper (mandatory)

q Three-Page Paper (optional, for a B, in addition to two four-page papers)

q Two-Page Paper (optional, for an A, in addition to two four-page papers and one three-page paper)


q Negotiation Prep

q Hollywood Inference

q Rhetorical Précis #1

q Selling Your Stance

q Endorsement Group Request

q Unpacking Clichés

q Identifying Fallacies, Discovering Warrants

q Paper Prospectus

q More Fun with Fallacies

q Color Definition

q Rhetorical Précis #2

q More Fun with Fallacies Redux (required only of those who score an Incomplete on the original assignment)

q Rhetorical Précis #3

q Grading Letter

q External Project (optional—but strongly recommended)

q A Word a Day Subscription (optional—but strongly recommended)

Personal Course Record

English 101: Critical Writing | Spring 2008

Attendance (Please note that arriving more than ten minutes past the hour constitutes an absence—as do taking a call, texting, and doing work other than English. It’s the law.)

q Absence #1 Date_________________________________

q Absence #2 Date_________________________________

q Absence #3 Date_________________________________

q Absence #4 Date_________________________________

q Absence #5 Date_________________________________ (lowers course grade by one full letter)

q Absence #6 Date_________________________________ (results in a course grade of F or NC)

Flex EG Sessions Attended (Please note that active participation is required. Please also note that attending two is mandatory; attending four effectively erases an absence)

q March 14

q April 2

q April 4

q April 18

q May 9

Cache Pages Reviewed:

q English 101:

q Course Policies:

q Course Schedule:

q Assignment Details:

q Grading Letter:

q Grading Criteria:

q External Project:

q Submission Format Requirements:

q Making EGs Work:

Updated: 01/03/08