In the absence of the Parish Council Chairman, Cllr Allen PC Vice-Chairman took the Chair. PRESENT Cllrs Anderson, Bird, Bramwell, Drinkall, Pascall, M Wilson, M E Wilson, Unsworth, C Cllr R Wilson. 2 Electors. Sergeant Ken Jewell (for beginning of meeting).
Approval of Parish Meeting Minutes 2010 Proposed by Cllr Drinkall, seconded by Cllr Anderson the 2010 Annual Parish Minutes as circulated were approved and signed as a true record.
Charity and Committee Reports Cartmel Village Hall (Cllr Huggett had provided the report) The Annual Meeting takes place on Wednesday 18th May 2011 in the Village Hall. The hall continues to be well used by all sections of the community and is in a sound financial state; fundraising was successful with the dances and Village quiz. Lettings are up by 8.3% on last year. Accounts and Report to be sent in after AGM. Upper Holker United Charities (Howard Martin provided the report) The framework of the charity remained the same as in the previous year. The Chairman was Father Robert Bailey and the Trustees were Mrs D Fell, Mrs C Stoddard, Mr Howard Martin and Councillor Chris Anderson replaced Ewen Cameron. It was noted that this would be the final meeting with Father Robert Bailey as chairperson and he was thanked for his contributions. It may be necessary to have a temporary chair next year for a while. The distribution of monies to the elderly from the Charity increased back to £20 per recipient. There were 17 awards made in Cartmel and 20 awards in Backbarrow. There were no applications from apprentices this year. Payments to the Clerk and distribution expenses remained the same at £110. The rent was reviewed and is usually increased every four years, i.e 2012. In line with this a letter went out informing tenants of this rise, with their 2011 invoices. It was agreed that there should be a 10% increase for each plot of land, a figure in line or indeed below the rate of inflation. A simple Farm business tenancy contract was issued for all tenants to ensure greater protection and clearer guidelines for all. The Charities’ financial position had improved this year following a number of years of increased costs. The balance at 31st December 2010 was £432.23. Cartmel Institute (Cllr Bramwell) The Institute has had an acceptable year with usage slightly increased and income from lettings up just over 10% on 2009. The consistent usage by a number of groups including the Cartmel Conservatives and the Cartmel Players has helped the level of income. Also the usage by private individuals has helped, though this usage is sporadic. The finances remain in a stable condition with Jackie Airey and Peter Mardon remaining as current tenants. Ongoing developments for the coming year are the changes that need to be addressed concerning the exterior of the building, which is crumbling and needs attention. More importantly the issue of the future of the Institute has to be discussed and faced by the Trustees and the wider Cartmel community. Lambert Educational Trust (Cllr Drinkall) Having decided last year to change the grants to only Higher Education, we made changes this that the grants would be £150 to people who were eligible. Four people were given grants – three were for second time applicants, one third time applicant. This system will be reviewed in two years time when university fees rise. Cartmel Old Grammar School Foundation (Cllr Huggett provided this report) The required payments were made to the Brow Edge and Cartmel Charities (£535.32 each) and the balance of the income after expenses was used to provide payments of £500 to each of the C of E schools at Allithwaite, Cartmel, Flookburgh and Grange and £2000 to Cartmel Priory School. 36 grants of £120 were made to applicants who were resident within the beneficial area and were between the ages of 18 and 25 and were attending higher education. One travel grant of £85 was made. The condition of the Birkby Barn is deteriorating and the roof will soon be in need of total replacement. The 3 Cartmel holdings, Clarkes Close, Birkby Barn and part of Middlefields have been entered into the LDF consultation. Dr Phizachlea has retired and Alethea Wilson and Paul Bond have been appointed as governors. Allithwaite Playing Fields Association (Cllr Pascall) The Association had another successful year, with the sub committees, Finance and Events reporting regularly to the main committee. All committee positions were re-elected. The Community Centre is used by a variety of clubs and societies. The committee are always interested in ideas to increase usage and therefore income. A new Caretaker/Booking Secretary has taken over and maintains the Centre in good condition, carrying out any minor repairs as required. The bookings are now logged on a BT Yahoo diary. A new oven, microwave and kitchen flooring has been purchased and installed to complete the kitchen refurbishment, which is much appreciated by all users. A Neighbourhood Forum grant application to assist in the purchase of Blackout Blinds was successful and these have been installed on all the main hall windows. All sporting groups that were affiliated to the Association last year are still members. The Treasurer has excellent control of the books and along with the Finance sub committee continues to keep a close scrutiny of the budget and its targets for the financial year 2010-11. The Highways drainage charge is now solved, the Centre is now on a Band 1 charge of just over £100 per year. We have been successful in receiving a 100% relief on our rates from SLDC and have recently joined the Cumbria County Council Energy Contract Scheme which should show good reductions in our electricity and gas bills. The events sub committee work hard to promote the Centre via a quarterly newsletter and regular advertising. Last year being the 60th Anniversary of the Association a number of extra events were organised for the Carnival on July 10th, including a procession through part of the village with a Carnival Queen and attendants. Although it was a very wet day there was still a very good turnout and the Dancing Troupes enthusiasm was not dampened by the rain with most of them singing and chanting as they paraded through the village. Another very successful Open Day was held in October, many items, such as old photographs, newspaper cuttings on the halls past and information on the current affiliated groups were on display. The Tea Dances are now a regular and popular monthly feature held every 3rd Wednesday plus a Car Boot held at the Centre every 2nd Sunday of the month. A number of events for children, Halloween Disco and Valentines Disco have proved very popular. Over Easter weekend we had a very successful Bongo meeting with about 25 Bongos and Caravans staying for the four days. It is still the committee’s intentions to improve the facilities at the Community Centre, with the outside walls being painted in the summer. The Allithwaite website is considered to be an ideal opportunity for the Association to advertise its forthcoming events and report on all its successes, including reports by clubs using our facilities. King George V Playing Field (The Clerk read the report) The park has had another successful year. At the end of May last year the junior slide was installed. This was a great achievement and welcomed by all as it replaced the slide we had removed for safety reasons the previous year. In January, 2011 enough money had been raised to complete phases 3 and 4 of our re-development plan. An infant slide/climbing frame and a basket swing (both chosen by children from Allithwaite School) were installed. The rocking horse was removed and has been renovated into a seat by Cartmel Joinery. This will be put back into the park in the next few weeks. There is enough money at present to install new seating in the form of benches and picnic tables. The grass continues to be mowed by a rota of local families, saving the park a huge amount of money each year. A maintenance day was held on 12th February to generally clean the bins and make the park safe and ready for the season. A strimmer has been purchased to help with the mowing. David Jinks used to strim the park for us with his own strimmer, but in November handed over responsibility. A gift of thanks was bought for him and he is happy to help out if needed. Fundraising continues to be on-going. Our annual Fun Day on 18th September was supported by the whole village and continues to be our main fund raising event. Plans are already in place for our next one on September 24th 2011. Other monies come from a variety of events (list provided). In July, we were fortunate to be nominated for a grant from Councillor Rod Wilson for £6000. The criterion was that the total cost of the project should exceed £12,000 and be completed by the end of the financial year. Mrs Viv Tunnadine was asked to make a presentation, which was successful and the grant was awarded in October. Unfortunately, 2010/11 has and will see many resignations from the Committee. In September, Mrs Anna Johnston stepped down as Treasurer due to study/work commitments. Luckily, Mrs Anne Kerr took over this role. In November, Mrs JackieThorburn resigned as Publicity and in January, Mrs Viv Tunnadine resigned as Chairperson. Mr Tom Derbyshire also resigned as PC representative. At the AGM on May 12th 2011, we will also see both Mrs Anne Kerr resign as Treasurer, Mrs Katie Hodgson resign as Fundraiser and Mrs Janet Davis as Secretary. All members have agreed to stay on the mowing rota and help out at events and in anyway they can. The committee has worked enthusiastically and tirelessly for the last 3 years to redevelop Allithwaite Park into the safe, thriving, adventurous and fun park it is today. There is money in the bank and all equipment is in a good condition. It is time for a new, enthusiastic committee to take over and maintain the park. Hopefully, more equipment will be installed as fundraising continues. It is hoped that new members will be forthcoming for the committee. Allithwaite School & House Charity (Cllr Bird) We have had two meetings this year, one held at Allithwaite Primary School to meet Rob Jackson as the new Vicar and welcome him as the replacement trustee for the Church. The second meeting was the AGM where we met at the Vicarage. It was decided that the rent for the school house was to be £150 and we would then give a donation of £400 to the school, which was the same as last year (accounts provided).
Mr Hunt (Elector) asked why the new Cartmel Coffee Shop seemed to be mainly set out with tables for a café when he understood this should have been only six tables. Cllr Allen confirmed that the shop was not fully set out as café there was also retail sales and was not fully functioning as a café.
The Annual Parish Meeting closed at 7.35pm.
Election of Chairman & Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office Proposed by Cllr Drinkall seconded by Cllr Allen and Unanimously agreed that Cllr Huggett be elected as Chairman. Cllr Huggett had expressed he was willing to serve – there were no other nominations, he was therefore duly elected and permission was given to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office next month.
In the Chairman’s absence, Cllr Allen took the Chair.
PRESENT Cllrs Allen (Vice Chair), Anderson, Bird, Bramwell, Drinkall, Pascall, M Wilson, M E Wilson, Unsworth, C Cllr R Wilson. 2 Members of public (for majority of meeting) Sergeant Ken Jewell (for beginning of meeting).
1. APOLOGIES Cllrs Huggett, Shepherd.
a) Councillors – Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office & Declaration of Vacancies All Councillors present had signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Cllr Allen asked if any Councillor had any objection to her serving for Upper Holker Ward instead of Allithwaite Ward. No objections. Councillors absent to sign their Declaration next month. Following the local elections three vacancies have been declared for Allithwaite Ward. Cllr Allen considered it important that residents of Allithwaite should fill these vacancies.
b) Election of Vice-Chairman Proposed by Cllr Bramwell, seconded by Cllr M Wilson and Unanimously agreed that Cllr Allen be elected as Vice-Chairman. Cllr Allen was willing to serve – there were no other nominations, she was therefore duly elected as Vice-Chairman.
c) Election of Trustees & Representatives of Charities and Committees There was a vacancy for a Trustee for Allithwaite Playing Field and also for King George V Playing Field. It was hoped that one of the new Councillors for Allithwaite would take on these vacancies. All other Trustees and Representatives were willing to continue and were elected en-block. Proposed by the Chair and Unanimously agreed.
d) Clerk’s Yearly Report The Clerk gave a report of the years activities and the Vice Chair thanked her for all her work.
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AS CIRCULATED The Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall, Cartmel on Thursday, 14th April 2011 as circulated, were approved. Proposed by Cllr Pascall (with small spelling mistake corrected) seconded by Cllr Drinkall, agreed and signed as a true copy.
3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Declarations of personal/prejudicial interests in respect of items on Agenda. None.
Sergeant Ken Jewell addressed the meeting at this point. He confirmed the Police have been very busy over the last month with two bank holidays and very good weather. Officers from our area would be supporting Kendal on lay-by control for Appleby Fair. Metal and copper were obtaining a good price and plumbers vans had been targeted for theft. He asked everyone to be aware and to pass this on. The Race Meetings were being planned, pubs and off licences had been visited and crime and traffic issues discussed. 56 calls for service had been received but very little happening in Cartmel and Allithwaite. There had been a few anti-social behaviour incidents. Sergeant Jewell warned Councillors and asked for it to be made known, that a person calling herself Amy Murray had been telephoning residents saying that she is from the Council confirming a Council Tax refund. There is no such person and no one should pass on bank details. Issues picked up on walk round Cartmel and Allithwaite had been passed on. The website for contact is ulverston&