Association of Missouri Interpreter’s

Professional Development Stipend


Members of the Association of Missouri Interpreters (AMI)


  • One stipend, per person, per year, for a conference or training fee, to financially assist a member to attend a professional interpretive event such as the annual AMI, NAI Region 6, NAI national conferences and training such as Certified Interpretive Guide (CIG).Funding for other training opportunities of a related nature may be submitted for consideration by the AMI awards and scholarship committee.
  • Funds for stipends will be split into two time periods, January 1 through June 30, and July 1 through December 31 with an adjustable amount near $700.00 available each period. A single stipend will not exceed $500.00 and only be available when the AMI scholarship funds exceed $3,000.00.


To assist members with training and conference attendance to further their knowledge and skills in the field of interpretation


The application must be received at least 1 month prior to the event.


Send your application, essay, and letter of support by postal mail or email to:

AMI Awards and Scholarship Chair, Cyndi Cogbill

MDC Joplin Office, 201 W. Riviera, Ste. B, Joplin, MO 64804

Do you have QUESTIONS for the committee? Contact any of the members below:

Cyndi Cogbill, Chair,

Kevin McCarthy,

Steve Jacobsen,

Janet Price,

Lee Wilbeck,

Chanda Williams,

Association of Missouri Interpreter’s

Professional Development Stipend

AMI members may apply for one professional development stipend, per year,to pay a registration or training fee for a professional interpretive event. Stipends may be requested up to one month prior to the event. Individual stipends will not exceed $500.00and only be available when the AMI scholarship funds exceed $3,000.00.

All applications will be scored, using the criteria below, by the Association of Missouri Interpreter’s (AMI) Awards and Scholarship Committee, and will remain confidential. Applicants must receive a score of 80% or greater.

Date ______

Name ______




Phone______Cell ______

Park/Site (if applicable) ______

Social Security number ______(Required by the national NAI office)

Training /conference ______

Training/conference date and location ______

Fee for training/conference (not to exceed $500.00) ______

Attachan essay on the following:

  1. Why you wish to take this training/attend a conference.
  2. A short statement explaining your need for financial assistance.
  3. How you would use this eventto benefit your site and the field of interpretation.
  4. Your interpretive knowledge and experience.
  5. Your service to AMI and/or NAI.

Optional: A letter of recommendation from a supervisor or colleague about your interpretive knowledge and experience.

Applications for financial assistance must be emailed or postmarked no later than 1 month prior to the training/conference.

Submit completed application by e-mail or postal mail to:

Cyndi Cogbill, AMI Awards and Scholarship Chair

MDC Joplin Office, 201 W. Riviera Dr., Ste. B, Joplin, MO 64804

Phone: 417-629-3423 Email: