
Course Guide




Principal, Mr. Max Lowe Mrs. Katie Crabtree, Coordinator

Assistant Principal, Mr. Matt Stevens Mr. Bruce Hill, Counselor

Assistant Principal/Athletic Director,Mr. Wayne Van Deavander

Non-Discrimination Policy.All students attending Augusta County Public Schools may participate in education programs and activities, including but not limited to health and physical education, music, vocational and technical education. Educational programs and services will be designed to meet the varying needs of all students and will not discriminate against any individual for reasons of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, or gender.

General Information

The purpose of this course guide is to provide students and parents with a tool to help make informed choices when selecting courses in which students may enroll. Please consider choices very carefully as it will be difficult to make changes in course selection once the master schedule has been completed. This is a proposed course guide; therefore, class offerings will be based upon student interest and enrollment.


Credits toward graduation requirements are earned by successful completion of classes. One-period or block, half-year-long classes allow students to earn one credit. Students may earn four credits each semester for a total of eight credits each year. Year-long courses completed at Valley Vocational Technical Center or through the Employment Training Program earn three credits. Students are sometimes allowed to re-take classes to increase their learning and improve their grades, but they do not receive an additional unit of credit if they have already passed the class.


A+ / 99-100 / 4.3333 / D+ / 68-69 / 1.3333
A / 92-97 / 4.0000 / D / 62-67 / 1.0000
A- / 90-91 / 3.6667 / D- / 60-61 / 0.6667
B+ / 88-89 / 3.3333 / F / 50-59 / 0.0000
B / 82-87 / 3.0000 / I / Incomplete
B- / 80-81 / 2.6667 / NM / No Mark
C+ / 78-79 / 2.3333
C / 72-77 / 2.0000
C- / 70-71 / 1.6667

Students' grades are reported every six weeks by report cards; progress is also reported at the three-week interval. Each credit is weighted equally on a 4.0 scale except Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment, and Shenandoah Valley Governor's School classes, which are weighted on a 5.0 scale.

Promotion/Retention Policy:

High school students earn credits for each course which is successfully completed. Students attending Riverheads High School have the opportunity to attain as many as eight (8) credits per year, four (4) per semester. Graduation is determined by completion of all course requirements set by the state of Virginia, not by grade level classification.

Students must have earned the following credits to enter:

Grade 10……………………………5 credits

Grade 11……………….…………..10 credits

Grade 12…………………………..14 credits (Students must also have completed US & VA History or English 11)

Athletic Eligibility:

According to the Virginia High School League scholarship rule, students must pass a minimum of three of four subjects in the semester prior to the semester in which the student wishes to participate in athletics or other VHSL activities. Any subject that a student has previously passed for credit may not be considered for repeat credit under this scholarship rule. Students who participate in school athletics or other VHSL activities should carefully consider the Age Rule – A student shall not have reached the age of 19 on or before the first day of August of the school year in which he/she wishes to compete.

Students who intend to apply for NCAA athletic eligibility following graduation should carefully consider NCAA standards when planning their course schedules each year.

Students and their parents are strongly encouraged to review both VHSL and NCAA requirements with their coaches, guidance counselor and Athletic Director, as well as to study the VHSL and NCAA websites and other resources.

Class Registration:

Counselor Assignments –

Crabtree: students with the last name of A-J

Hill: students with the last name of K-Z

Students begin meeting with counselors and registering for classes in November for the following year. It is important that students take these registration sessions carefully and listen to information provided so that RHS is able to offer the courses that our students are interested in taking. Staffing for the following year takes place in February and the master schedule is usually set by May, thus making any schedule changes past May difficult due to class size and teacher staffing. Based on students’ course requests and requirements, administrative decisions are made on staffing and course offerings are finalized. The master schedule is determined based on staff availability and on efforts to provide the most opportunities for student choices with the fewest scheduling conflicts. Any schedule changes requested past May will be looked at on a case by case basis if there is an academic conflict.

Students must make course selections before final grades are reported and before standardized testing has been completed. Sometimes these final grades and testing results indicate that the student's choice is not in his/her best interest. School personnel may make alterations following careful review of the final grades and test scores. Final recommendations of teachers are reviewed and results of SOL testing may be used in scheduling students. Changes will be made if the student does not meet prerequisites. Students and parents who have questions about these changes should contact a guidance counselor.

Not all courses have prerequisites, but students and parents are asked to look carefully at course prerequisites before registering for certain classes. Prerequisites are intended to communicate necessary preparation for success in a class. If students do not meet the prerequisite for a desired class, they are encouraged to communicate with a counselor and decide if an appeal for exception is in the best interest of the student.

In addition to the course descriptions, we have included some rules and policies related to high school graduation that are important to consider when selecting courses. It is very important while choosing courses to give consideration to the type of diploma the student will try to earn. Therefore, we ask that you read through these policies/diploma choices carefully.

Graduation Requirements

A Virginia high school diploma tells admission officers at colleges, universities, and career and technical schools that the student is ready for the rigors of post-secondary education. It also tells potential employers that the graduate possesses the reading, writing, and computational skills required for success in the workplace.

The resources listed here explain Virginia’s graduation requirements and the many options now available to students for earning a high school diploma. You also will find information on how students can get even more out of their high school experience by accepting the challenge of advanced courses.

Diploma options:

  • Advanced Studies Diploma
  • Standard Diploma
  • Other Diplomas

Students need select the diploma program that is in line with post-secondary plans. There is a variety of seals affixed to diplomas indicating completion of selected programs or attainment of certain grade point averages. To earn a verified credit, a student must pass the class and the end-of-course Standards of Learning (SOL) test. Certain career and technical certifications and other standardized tests may be substituted for certain verified credits. Students should see their counselors for more specific information.

Minimum Requirements for the Advanced Studies Diploma
for students entering 9th grade during/before 2010-2011.
Discipline Area / Standard Credits
/ Verified Credits
English / 4 / 2
Mathematics / 4 / 2
Laboratory Science / 4 / 2
History and Social Sciences / 4 / 2
Foreign Languages / 3
Health and Physical Education / 2
Fine Arts or Career & Technical Education / 1
Electives / 2
Student Selected Test / 1
Total / 24 / 9
Minimum Requirements for the Advanced Studies Diploma
for students entering 9th grade in 2011-12.
Discipline Area / Standard Credits
/ Verified Credits
English / 4 / 2
Mathematics / 4 / 2
Laboratory Science / 4 / 2
History and Social Sciences / 4 / 2
Foreign Language / 3
Health and Physical Education / 2
Fine Arts or Career & Technical Education / 1
Economics and Personal Finance / 1
Electives / 3
Student Selected Test / 1
Total / 26 / 9
Minimum Requirements for the Standard Diploma
for students entering 9th grade during/before 2010-2011.
Discipline Area / Standard Credits
/ Verified Credits
English / 4 / 2
Mathematics / 3 / 1
Laboratory Science / 3 / 1
History and Social Sciences / 3 / 1
Health and Physical Education / 2
Fine Arts or Career & Technical Education / 1
Electives / 6
Student Selected Test / 1
Total / 22 / 6
Minimum Requirements for the Standard Diploma
for students entering 9th grade in 2011-12.
Discipline Area / Standard Credits
/ Verified Credits
English / 4 / 2
Mathematics / 3 / 1
Laboratory Science / 3 / 1
History and Social Sciences / 3 / 1
Health and Physical Education / 2
Foreign Language, Fine Arts or
Career and Technical Education / 2
Economics and Personal Finance / 1
Electives / 4
Student Selected Test / 1
Total / 22 / 6

A Certificate of Program Completion shall be awarded to students who earn the needed standard units of credit for graduation but fail to earn the required verified credits.

Individual Educational Program Classes

Students who have Individual Educational Programs (IEP’s) planned for them because of special learning difficulties will follow the program of studies designed individually for them by their teachers, parents, and--when appropriate--themselves. Students with IEPs have been found eligible for special service after extensive evaluation. The classes will be based on meeting the special needs of the students. Some special needs students may elect to earn a Modified Standard Diploma. Requirements for this diploma are similar to the regular standard diploma, but do not require success on high school SOL tests. Please talk to a counselor for more information concerning the Modified Standard Diploma.

Minimum Requirements for the Modified Standard Diploma
Discipline Area / Standard Credits
English / 4
Mathematics / 3
Science / 2
History and Social Science / 2
Health and Physical Education / 2
Fine or Practical Arts / 1
Electives / 6


Awards for Exemplary Student Performance:

Students meeting specific requirements for graduation and demonstrating exemplary performance may receive diploma seals for recognition. VDOE makes available to local school divisions the following seals:

Governor's Seal – Awarded to students who complete the requirements for an Advanced Studies Diploma with an average grade of "B" or better, and successfully complete college-level coursework that will earn the student at least nine transferable college credits in Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Cambridge, or dual enrollment courses.

Board of Education Seal – Awarded to students who complete the requirements for a Standard Diploma or Advanced Studies Diploma with an average grade of "A" beginning with the ninth-grade class of 2006-2007 and beyond.

Board of Education's Career & Technical Education Seal – Awarded to students who:

  • earn a Standard or Advanced Studies Diploma and complete a prescribed sequence of courses in a career and technical education concentration or specialization that they choose and maintain a "B" or better average in those courses
  • OR pass an examination or an occupational competency assessment in a career and technical education concentration or specialization that confers certification or occupational competency credential from a recognized industry, trade or professional association
  • OR acquire a professional license in that career and technical education field from the Commonwealth of Virginia.

The Board of Education shall approve all professional licenses and examinations used to satisfy these requirements.

Board of Education's Advanced Mathematics & Technology Seal – Awarded to students who earn either a Standard or Advanced Studies Diploma and satisfy all of the mathematics requirements for the Advanced Studies Diploma (four units of credit including Algebra II; two verified units of credit) with a "B" average or better; and either

  • pass an examination in a career and technical education field that confers certification from a recognized industry, or trade or professional association
  • OR acquire a professional license in a career and technical education field from the Commonwealth of Virginia
  • OR pass an examination approved by the board that confers college-level credit in a technology or computer science area.

The Board of Education shall approve all professional licenses and examinations used to satisfy these requirements.

Board of Education's Excellence in Civics Education Seal – Awarded to students who meet each of the following four criteria:

  • Satisfy the requirement to earn a Standard Diploma or an Advanced Studies Diploma
  • Complete Virginia & United States History and Virginia & United States Government courses with a grade of "B" or higher
  • Complete 50 hours of voluntary participation in community service or extracurricular activities, such as volunteering for a charitable or religious organization that provides services to the poor, sick or less fortunate; participating in Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or similar youth organizations; participating in Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC); participating in political campaigns, government internships, Boys State, Girls State or Model General Assembly; and participating in school-sponsored extracurricular activities that have a civics focus. Any student who enlists in the United States military prior to graduation will be deemed to have met this community service requirement.
  • Have good attendance and no disciplinary infractions as determined by local school board policies.

Local school divisions may award other diploma seals or awards for exceptional academic, CTE, citizenship or other exemplary performance in accordance with criteria defined by the local school board. The design, production and use of those seals are the responsibility of the local school boards awarding the seal.

Early College Scholars

The Early College Scholars program allows eligible high school students to earn at least 15 hours of transferable college credit while completing the requirements for an Advanced Studies Diploma or an Advanced Technical Diploma. The result is a more productive senior year and a substantial reduction in college tuition. Students earning a college degree in seven semesters instead of eight can save an average of $5,000 in expenses.

To qualify for the Early College Scholars program, a student must:

  • Have a "B" average or better;
  • Be pursuing an Advanced Studies Diploma; and
  • Take and complete college-level course work (i.e., Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Cambridge, or dual enrollment) that will earn at least 15 transferable college credits.

Early College Scholars are supported by Virtual Virginia and the Commonwealth College Course Collaborative. Virtual Virginia provides statewide access to college-level courses while the Commonwealth College Course Collaborative defines the subjects high school students can complete and receive college degree credit from participating public and private colleges and universities.

Early College Scholars Agreement

Participating students sign an Early College Scholars Agreement (PDF), which is also signed by the student's parents or guardians, principal, and school counselor. Students who meet the terms of the agreement are recognized as Early College Scholars and receive a certificate of recognition from the Governor.

Academic Recognitions:

Honor Roll (Grades 9-12)

Riverheads High School students, in accordance with Augusta County School Board policy, will be recognized each six weeks for outstanding academic achievement. Two honor rolls will be recognized each marking period. Students achieving at the highest level with a six weeks average of 3.6667+ with no grade lower than a “B” will be on a “High Honors” list. Students achieving a six weeks average of 2.6667+ with no grade lower than a “C” will be on the “Honors” list. An Incomplete in any course prevents Honor Roll eligibility, even if it is resolved later.

National Honor Society (Grades 11, 12)

Juniors and seniors achieving a cumulative grade point average of 3.3+ and meeting other criteria established by the National Honor Society will be eligible. This is a national organization that recognizes outstanding academic achievement, character, leadership and service. Once admitted, members must continue to meet NHS standards.

Honor Graduate (Grade 12)

Students who have completed diploma requirements and have a 3.3 final cumulative grade point average at the end of senior year will be recognized as honor graduates at graduation.

Academic Letter (Grades 9-12)

Students who meet the following requirements will qualify for a letter in academics:

  • Take a full course load (three or more courses per semester)
  • Grade averages considered would be only those earned during the current year.
  • Academic as well as nonacademic grades will be considered equally.
  • In a diploma program (Advanced, Standard, Modified Standard, or Special)
  • The student shall not have a grade of “F” in any subject for any grading period during the school year (inclusive of weighted grade).
  • The student shall not have a “D” semester grade in any subject (inclusive of weighted grade).
  • A 3.5 average must be maintained during the respective year through the fifth grading period.
  • All six weeks grades through the 5th grading period are averaged to determine the GPA for the Academic Letter.

Students meeting these criteria for the first year will receive the Academic Letter and Certificate. Thereafter, if students meet the above criteria, they are awarded a certificate and will earn bars for repeating as an academic letter winner.

Academic Core Classes


* All of the required English classes include: vocabulary skills, basic grammar and usage skills, reading comprehension, writing, literary terms and techniques, use of supplemental materials (newspapers, magazines, novels & plays), research skills, group and individual communication skills and career education.

*All of the English A/B courses are based on previous English teacher recommendation.

English 9, 9B

Students will be introduced to a variety of literature including several dramatic selections. Writing skills emphasize narrative, literary, expository, and technical writings to inform, explain, analyze or entertain. All ninth grade students will en enrolled in English 9 or English 9B based on eighth grade standardized test scores, teacher recommendations, Language Arts grades and parent approval.

English 10. 10A, 10B

Students will be introduced to a variety of literature including works from different cultures, poetry, and consumer materials. Writing skills emphasize expository writing and learning to critique the writing of others. Students will be enrolled in English 10B or Advanced English 10A based on teacher recommendations, English 9 grades, and parent approval.