Public Works Committee Meeting
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Red Bud City Hall
Council Chambers (2nd floor)
Committee Members Present: Clarence Nail, Glenn Linnertz, Kyle Donjon, Bill Hanebutt, Clem Esker
Council Members Present: David Friess, Don Thompson, Mike Reed
Others Present: Mayor Tim Lowry; City Attorney Paul Ray; City Superintendent Josh Eckart; City Code Administrator Jeff Mueller; Police Chief John Brittingham; Administrative Assistant Pam Poetker; City Clerk Joanne Cowell
Committee Chairman Nail called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m.
Old Business
I. Power Plant
Superintendent Eckart said that everything went very well on August 4, 2015, with the cold start generation caused by the Baldwin breaker going down. Alderman Nail said the employees are to be commended for a job well done.
II. Water Main Replacement Project Report
Project is complete.
III. Locust Street Project Report
Project is complete. Superintendent Eckart said he was very pleased with the contractor.
IV. Tap Fees
Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Nail, seconded by Committee Member Hanebutt for approval of the electric, gas and water tap fees as submitted. Carried
New Business
I. Approval of Prior Month’s Meeting Minutes
Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Nail, seconded by Committee Member Donjon to approve the minutes from the July 23, 2015 meeting. Carried
II. Driveway Permit Ordinance NO. 1343
Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Nail, seconded by Committee Member Donjon for approval of Ordinance NO. 1343, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 33 of the Revised Code of Ordinance Pertaining to the Public Works Department, correcting the conflicts between the previous ordinance and the building codes. Carried
III. Laborer Position
Alderman Hanebutt requested that before any discussion is held, on the need for an additional laborer position, he would like to see a listing of the staff from 2 -3 years ago versus current staff, along with job titles/responsibilities.
IV. Weight Limit Signs – Randolph St.
Alderman Thompson asked for possible weight limit/truck route signage on Randolph & Madison Streets. It was suggested to contact Roeslein and ask for their help instructing truck drivers which route to use.
V. Mediacom Cable Franchise Fee Ordinance
Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Nail, seconded by Committee Member Linnertz for approval of Ordinance NO. 1344, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 8 of the Revised Code of Ordinances Pertaining to Cable Television. Carried
VI. Reliable Sanitation Trucks
Admin. Assist. Poetker was instructed to send a letter to Reliable Sanitation regarding the illegal use of the double axle trucks on residential streeets, along with a copy of the ordinance and notifying Reliable that the city will enforce the fines.
VII. Public Comments/Anything for the Good of the City
Superintendent Eckart said there will be a curb request on the council agenda from Phil Ziegler on East Market St.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joanne G. Cowell, City Clerk
Red Bud, Illinois