


November 2008


2.0 / OBJECTIVES (Learning Outcomes) / 3
4.1 / FYP Committee / 5
4.5 / Supervisor
Panel of Examiners / 7
Submission of Titles and Project Synopsis
Selection and Prioritization of Project Titles
Preparation and Submission of Project Proposal
Approval for Purchase and Usage of Resources and Services
Submission of Progress Report
Submission of Interim/ Final Draft
Oral Presentation
Submission of Project Report
Submission of FYP Final Grade / 9
7.0 / EVALUATION / 13
8.0 / APPENDIX / 19


This document is based on the document that was presented in the last meeting of the Academic Council. This document benefited to a large extent also from the FYP document that was prepared by the College of Arts and Science. In this context I would like to thank my colleagues in the subcommittee, Dr. Waleed Thanoone and Dr. Shehla Amer, for their valuable contributions in preparing this document.

This document is intended to guide the students through the process of carrying out a graduation project in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelors’ program in their respective disciplines. The information contained in this document is also useful for the supervisor.

This document outlines the rationale behind the final year project (FYP) and the objectives to be fulfilled by the FYP. It is intended to provide smooth and clear transactions of carrying out the process of FYP while maintaining a vigilant delivery. Such consolidated structure and function of FYP is aimed at producing quality graduates

Dr. Abdulaziz AlKindi,

Chairman, Sub-Committee, UoN Academic Council for

Reviewing the FYP Guidelines

November, 2008


All final year students in different colleges at the University of Nizwa are required to undertake a final year project (FYP) comprising two courses in two consecutive semesters. This project is a compulsory element in all programs offered in different colleges having 6 credits as per program requirement. This document contains guidelines for the final year projects as a partial fulfilment of the requirements for Bachelors’ program students in their respective disciplines.

The models of supervision can vary across major disciplines but there are some general guidelines and policies that apply to all the colleges. Different colleges offer a variety of programs extending across humanities, social sciences, physical and life sciences, engineering, architecture, pharmacy and nursing, economics, management and information systems. Therefore, it is expected that a considerable variation may exist in the approach of supervision. These guidelines provide a sense of direction on choosing a supervisor, establishing a project supervisory/ advisory committee and maintaining a productive relationship between the student, supervisor and the FYP supervisory committee. The information contained in this document is useful to both students and faculty regarding their respective roles and responsibilities in this important relationship.


The main objective of the project is to develop a framework, which will enhance students’ skills in the process of applying knowledge, expanding thought, solving problems independently and presenting findings through limited guidance and supervision. The main objectives of the final year project are as follows:

·  develop students ability to apply multidisciplinary concepts.

·  apply and integrate the classroom material from several courses into a small research project.

·  engage students in hands-on research.

·  gain experience in writing a technical report.

·  exemplify academic strength of the degree program.

·  produce new insights and challenge the student to think in a novel manner about their discipline.

·  work independently or as a team and complete a given task in a limited time scale, which will enhance employability.

At the end of this FYP course, students are able to:

·  survey the professional literature.

·  manage the project successfully.

·  design experimental program and/or enable students in the collection data and relevant information and its analysis.

·  write a coherent technical report.

·  carry out an efficient oral presentation


Students will be guided towards exploring research/ design problems, build research/design objectives, apply appropriate methodology, analyse and/ or attain the outcomes and report the findings. The scope of the project should be focussed so that the project is feasible and can be completed within the allocated period. The project work must exhibit some elements of originality, indicating the level of maturity for the graduate of the bachelor degree program.

The nature of the project could be, but not limited to:

1.  case study that will apply, integrate and extend the classroom material in a particular area/ discipline.

2.  an appropriate experimental program and data collection.

3.  a parametric study using suitable computer analysis.

4.  computer simulation to model a physical phenomena.

5.  learning of new techniques.

6.  design and develop a system/product.

7.  analysis of collected data from available literature or other sources.

8.  investigative case studies.

9.  well prepared report.

10.  depending on the nature of the project, it can be assigned to a group of students with the

approval of the supervisor and the FYP Supervisory Committee.


The process of conducting the FYP involves the Coordinator of the FYP courses, the supervisor, the examiners and the student. In addition, an advisor may be assigned if required and will be nominated by the supervisor. It is the responsibility of each party to ensure that the project would be completed within the specified time frame. The Coordinator will be appointed by the Department Board.

4.1  FYP Supervisory Committee

The FYP supervisory committee is responsible for the overall organization of the projects ensuring an acceptable level of consistency in all projects conducted in the department. The Committee will be formed by the Department Board comprising two faculty members and will be chaired by the Coordinator. The FYP Supervisory Committee can, if considered necessary, form subcommittees to assist if the number of students doing FYP is large. The FYP supervisory committee will give the final approval of the project and the final grade of the FYP course.

Responsibilities of the FYP Supervisory Committee:

The role of the FYP supervisory committee is to administer the process of final year project and to act as examiners for FYP beside the supervisor.

The FYP supervisory committee will monitor the progress of the student throughout as follows:

a)  Supervisory committee must meet the student at the end of the first semester to assess the student’s progress based on the progress report and the seminar presentation before the Department faculty and to provide advice and directions of future work.

b)  At the end of the first semester, the committee will submit a grade for the first semester course based on the initial seminar, student’s progress report and the supervisor’s report.

c)  At the end of the second semester, the committee will give a grade for the second semester course based on report, seminar presentation before the faculty, the supervisor's report and the viva before the supervisory committee.

The main tasks and responsibilities of the Co-ordinator are as follows:

a)  To collect the proposals of project title from the faculty and/or students, and subsequent approval of the project; please refer to Form 01.

b)  To submit all the project proposals to supervisory committee for approval and endorse supervisor(s).

c)  To release the list of approved projects for students’ selection.

d)  To arrange student’s oral presentation at the end of the semester.

The coordinator is the key person who manages running the course and he will be appointed by the Department Board every (2-3) years. The coordinators (supervisors?) will be assigned 1.5-3.0 credits/semester depending on the number of FYP students to acknowledge their important role in managing the course.

4.2  Supervisor

Students will be supervised by one main supervisor, who is knowledgeable in the relevant field of expertise. Their responsibilities can be summarized as follows:

a)  To work together with students until the submission of the final report.

b)  To assist students on the accessibility of the tools needed in the project.

c)  To monitor the schedule and progress of the students’ projects.

d)  To assist and guide students on the project and the preparation of project proposal, progress report and interim report/ report according to the approved format.

e)  To assess student’s performance. Please refer to Forms 03, 04, 05 and 06.

f)  To deliver their part of evaluation. Please refer to grading structure of Tables 1 and 2.

g)  To nominate an advisor and notify the Coordinator.

h)  To forward Form 2 to Head of Department for purchasing consumables and equipment, technical support, nomination of advisors and other related resources for the project. Please refer to Form 03.

i)  To compile and retain Forms 01- 06 for at least one year after graduation for auditing purposes.

j)  To collect two (2) hard cover copies of final report from students.

4.3  Advisor

The advisor may be nominated by the supervisor to assist students in specialized areas. The Advisor can be internal (from UoN) or external (from outside UoN). The advisor’s responsibility is to guide students in solving specific tasks within his expertise when necessary within the project time frame.

4.4  Students

In completing the project, the students are required to demonstrate their ability to integrate fundamental knowledge in developing techniques, methods and analyses. Students may take their own initiatives such as proposing a title for their project. They are also required to work independently through exercising self-discipline, self-management and job co-ordination while undertaking the project. If working in a group, the students are expected to exercise teamwork, co-operation, and trustworthiness to ensure the success of the project.

The student is expected to conform to the University and program requirements and procedures. Although the supervisor is responsible for being available for student consultation, the primary responsibility to keep in touch with the supervisor lies with the student.

The student has the following responsibilities:

a)  To adhere to all deadlines and policies regarding registration and submission of project.

b)  To contribute in preparing a project title, proposal and timetable in consultation with the supervisor.

c)  To meet the supervisor regularly (weekly) and report regularly on progress of the project (electronically, through e-mail) for the purpose of updating the progress and seeking advice on different project issues.

d)  To acquire necessary health and safety skills for undertaking a particular research project.

e)  Maintain records of each stage of research.

f)  To be responsible in finding alternative solutions for problems encountered such as computer crashes and instrument failure.

g)  To submit all reports on time.

4.5  Examination Panel

The panel of examiners comprises the Supervisor and the FYP Supervisory Committee who will evaluate all aspects of the project as per Table 1 and 2. The faculty will provide their feedback assessment of the oral presentation and seminars to the Supervisory Committee. If needed by specific disciplines, external examiner can be utilized to enrich the assessment process.


The final year Project Flow Diagram is shown in Figures 1 and 2 and will be discussed in details in the following sections.

5.1  Submission of Titles and Project Synopsis

Faculty and students will submit project titles and project synopsis to the Coordinator using Form 01 in the first week of the semester.

5.2  Selection and Approval of Project Title, Synopsis and Assignment of Supervisor

a)  The coordinator will forward the list to the FYP Supervisory Committee for approval.

b)  The titles and synopsis will be reviewed by the supervisory committee to ensure the viability of the project.

c)  Once the project is approved, the FYP supervisory committee will approve a suitable supervisor for the project.

d)  The Head of Department will endorse the FYP titles and supervisors list.

5.3  Preparation and Submission of Project Proposal

a)  Students will work with the supervisor to prepare a project proposal to be forwarded to the Coordinator.

b)  The FYP Supervisory Committee will endorse the proposal.

c)  The student should give an initial seminar before the faculty of the Department outlining the proposal.

5.4  Approval for Purchase and Using of Resources and Services

Supervisor will forward Form 02 to the Head of Department for the purchase of consumables and equipment, nomination of advisor(s), request for technical support, visit and other resources related to the project as necessary.

5.5  Submission of Progress Report

a)  Students will submit a progress report in Week 9 in each semester with the guidance of the supervisor.

b)  Supervisor will assess the progress report and submit the marks to the Co-ordinator using Form 03.

5.6  Submission of Interim/ Final Draft

a)  Students are required to submit a draft in Week 14 for supervisors to vet and approve. For two semester projects, students have to submit an interim report whereby the contents are similar to the progress report.

b)  Students will submit two (2) copies of final draft of their report in Week 14 of the second semester to the Co-ordinator who will distribute the copies among the members of the Supervisory Committee.

c)  Examiners will evaluate the draft using Form 04 prior to the oral presentation.

5.7  Oral Presentation

a)  Oral presentation and evaluation using Form 5 will be carried out in Week 16.

b)  The examiners will give comments on the final draft and the oral presentation of the project.

c)  Students have to defend their findings in the reports and make necessary amendments as suggested by the examiners before submitting the final report or interim report in Week 18 of the second and first semesters respectively.

d)  The presentation contents may focus on the following items: