FILING - 05/29/2009



#108 – Special Daily Bag and Possession Limits, Size Restrictions, and Other Water-Specific Provisions”

A. Various cutthroat waters, specifically those considered Cutthroat Conservation and Recreation waters, are protected throughout the state as listed below. In those waters:

1. Fishing is by artificial flies and lures only. All cutthroat trout must be returned to the water immediately upon catch.

Note: This is to accommodate the growing number of cutthroat trout streams and lakes that are being included in conservation and recovery actions according to management plans.

B. In place of or in addition to regulations # 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107 (bag and possession limits, manner of take, fishing dates, fishing hours, special conditions and restrictions, or other fishing activities), and 108 A, the following regulations apply to the named waters:

Note: Additional conditions and restrictions for state wildlife areas are found in Chapter 9.

14. Archuleta Creek Saguache County

a. That portion on the Cochetopa State Wildlife Area (Snyder Ranch):

1. Fishing is by artificial flies and lures only.

2. All trout must be returned to the water immediately upon catch.

75. Cochetopa Creek Saguache County

a. That portion on the Cochetopa State Wildlife Area (Snyder Ranch) downstream from Dome Lakes SWA:

1. Fishing is by artificial flies and lures only.

2. All trout caught must be returned to the water immediately upon catch.

195. Los Pinos Creek Saguache County

a. That portion on the Cochetopa State Wildlife Area (Snyder Ranch):

1. Fishing is by artificial flies and lures only.

2. All fish must be returned to the water immediately upon catch.

365. White River – Rio Blanco County

a. From the headwaters (including the North Fork and South Fork) of the White River downstream to the Colo 13 Bridge below Meeker:

1. The bag and possession limit for trout is 2 fish.

b. On the Sleepy Cat easement, Wakara Lease, and the Meeker Pasture State Wildlife Area east of Meeker:

1. Fishing is by artificial flies and lures only.

2. All trout must be returned to the water immediately upon catch.

c. From the confluence with Piceance Creek downstream to the state line, including Kinney Reservoir:

1. There shall be no bag and possession limit for channel catfish, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, northern pike, walleye, green sunfish, bluegill, bullhead, yellow perch or crappie.

d. From Taylor Draw Dam downstream 400 yards:

1. Fishing is prohibited, as posted.