Please provide specific and detailed answers for the project which Self Development of People was in partnership

  1. Project name, reference number, address and contact person.
  • Beautification and Sanitation of A Garifuna Community
  • Reference NumberS114005
  • Justo Augusting 501-660-1687
  • Email

2.Indicate what months this report covers.

  • January to March 2016

3.What was the overall goal of the project?

  • Beautification and sanitation of the village of Seine Bight

3.List major activities carried out by your group to achieve the goal.

  • Purchase drums and garbage bins
  • Development and painting of the small park by the museum
  • Continous beach cleanup campaigns
  • Painting of boulders along the main street
  • Purchase of paint
  • Speed bump
  • Street signs

4.What were the results of the project?

  • Aesthetic values of the village enhanced
  • Improved village participation

5.What were the projects major accomplishments or successes and/or success?

  • Street signs
  • Speed bumps
  • The people participation especially the youth

6.How many people have benefited from the project?

  • 1310 members of the village direct beneficiaries
  • Partnership with skilled people in development of street signs and speed bumps.
  1. How have the people directly benefiting from the project been involved in it and continue

to be involved?

  • The cleanup campaign is a constant activity
  • The improved aesthetic values is a direct and continuous benefit

8.How has the project helped, changed and/or affected the condition of:

  1. the people in the project?
  2. the immediate community?
  3. the larger community?
  • The project is instilling civic pride in the entire village. The village council is constantly seeking to involve its people in good governance and community development. Including the villagers have and continue to develop ownership of initiatives.
  1. Evaluate the program’s overall progress.
  • The project is considered successful, the villagers are participating more than they did an the onset of the project and are looking further to future interventions.The village council is in constant contact with the people particularly the young people, coercing them into village activities..
  1. What has been the most difficult part of the program?
  • Encouraging people to become a part of the program was not an easy task but it is gaining momentum. People have demonstrated and shown appreciation of the intervention.
  1. What steps have being and continue to be taken to ease the difficulties?
  • Constant dialogue and coercing of individuals in community activities, Particularly the youth.
  1. What is the project’s future goal and how does the group plan to achieve it?
  • Become more systematic in the community development approach and become more inclusive. It must have a gender mainstreaming in its plan
  1. Attach a financial report indicating exactly how Self-Development of People funds were used.

14.Evaluate your partnership with Self Development of People.

  • The partnership with Self Development of People has been successful, interactive and with positive impacts on the lives of the villagers.

Other comments:

The intervention has started a good partnership. The village council and people are grateful for the financial support and look forward to future partnership to create an attractive village which will encourage its people. It is hoped that further interventions will attract visitors to the community to spiral economic activities for economic development.