[final/interim] Report to the IOM DEVELopment fund


Executing agency: / International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Project partner agencies
(or national counterparts): / [List project partners, e.g. UNHCR, Ministry of Labour of Tajikistan, Save the Children/UK]
Geographical coverage: / [Specify geographical area covered by the project, e.g., Armenia, Lang Son province, Vietnam, Central America]
Project management site: / [Specify the IOM office where the project manager is located; e.g., IOM Helsinki. If there is shared project management, supporting offices can be mentioned as well.]
Target group(s): / [List direct beneficiaries of project, e.g., trafficked women migrants]
Project period and duration: / [Enter the inclusive dates during which the project will be implemented, e.g., 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2004]
Reporting period: / [Enter the cumulative period covered by the report, e.g., 1 January 2003 to 30 June 2004]
Total confirmed funding: / [List total funding pledged for the project, e.g., USD 200,000]
Funds contributed by IOM Development Fund: / [List total funding by the IOM Development Fund, e.g., USD 50,000]
Cumulative expenditure during reporting period: / [List total expenditure during reporting period, e.g., USD 100,000]



[Enter your text, between 100 and 200 words, here. Apply “Body text” style.]

  1. Project Description

[Enter your text here. Apply “Body text” style and use “Heading” styles as appropriate.]

  1. Results

[Enter your text here. Apply “Body text” style and use “Heading” styles as appropriate.]

  1. Activities

[Enter your text here. Apply “Body text” style and use “Heading” styles as appropriate.]

  1. Constraints and Actions Taken

[Enter your text here. Apply “Body text” style.]

  1. Conclusions

[Enter your text here. Apply “Body text” style.]

  1. Financial Statement

Please see attached financial report.


[*Only for final reports]

Evaluation includes a variety of evaluation criteria, such as relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability, but for this report we would like to concentrate on outcomes, impact and sustainability.

  1. Outcomes

Describe concisely in bullet points the main changes that were defined at the beginning of the project in institutional performance, individual or group behaviour or attitudes or the political, economic, or social position of the beneficiaries. This describes what the project could influence, (i.e. which are the achieved short and medium-term effects of the specific intervention’s output (OECD-DAC)), its short-term impact.

  1. Impact

Impact is an evaluation criterion that assesses the positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by the project, directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally. Can also be briefly defined as the change brought by an intervention in line with its objectives): Describe the lasting effects, changes and contributions to its beneficiaries (i.e. Person, Society, Govt. Institutions or partners and others) in various aspects of migration. This can be a challenge due to the complexity and cost of measuring a change in a situation, however, in that case the analysis of project outcomes can be considered.

  1. Sustainability

Sustainability is the continuation of benefits from a development intervention after major development assistance has been completed (OECD-DAC). Or as defined in the IOM Handbook sustainability is the durability of the project’s results, or the continuation of the project’s benefits once external support ceases.

a)Was the seed funding successful? Please provide follow up funding information.

b)Have any follow up activities or projects occurred?

  1. Annexes

[List annexes here as appropriate or removethis section.]