Brought to you as a fundraiser by


Final exams are only a few weeks away!! Heavy-duty study sessions, stacks of class notes, frantic cramming, and the dreaded “Attack of the Munchies”, are all part of exam week. We are offering

Final Exam Survival Kits

A mini-shopping bag full of snacks,

drinks, Walton imprinted surprises, special gift for seniors

a personally written note of encouragement from you to your student

to help your student along & break up the tension of exams!! These kits will be delivered to the students the week of exams. The students always enjoy this bag of goodies that week, so order one today!!!! We realize that finances can sometimes preclude participation in survival kits so contact one of us if cost is an issue.

If you would like to order a survival kit for your student, please mail the form below in the enclosed envelope, along with a check for $10 made payable to WFF (Walton Facilities Foundation, Inc.) by Friday May 9th. ***Please note that in the past we have accepted late orders. however, we are no longer able to guarantee that late orders will be processed so get your orders in early this spring!!

NOTE: If your student has ALL AP exams and will NOT be attending school for any regular exams, please return your form by Wednesday, April 30th. The Survival Kits will be available for pickup for these students only on Friday, May 2nd in the front office.

If you would like to volunteer to assemble and/or distribute the bags, please indicate this on the form below. You will be emailed or called with details. We will assemble the kits from 9AM – 11AM on Tuesday, May 13th in the Media Center. The kits will be delivered from 7:15AM – 8:00 AM on Wednesday, May 14th for the seniors and Tuesday, May 20th for all other students. This is a great way for your students to see your involvement at our school.

Thank you and we look forward to filling your orders!!!

Susan Roddy 770-859-0690 Ellen Smith 678-560-0224 Brenda Sulmonetti 770-859-0850

WFF, 1590 Bill Murdock Road, Marietta, GA 30062

I can help on May 13___ May 14 ____May 20____ Name______Email ______

Name of student ______Grade: ______Student cell #______

***My student has ALL AP exams – check here ___

Homeroom teacher ______

Survival Kit sent by ______Phone number ______

Note to student: