Grand Lake Sail & Power Squadron

Patricia Island Golf Clubhouse

February 21, 2013

Cdr. Susie Holden P called the meeting to order at 1900 hours. 34 members and 3 guests were present.

·  Janet Sloan P assistant secretary confirmed the presence of a quorum.

·  Gordon Hatcher S gave the invocation.

·  Gene Pett P led the Pledge of Allegiance

·  Susie introduced our guests for the evening: Cheryl Cheadle and Jill Ashbrener of the Oklahoma Conservation Commission and John Walter guest of the Rice’s. (John is currently enrolled in the Marine Electronics Class.

·  Meeting was suspended for dinner and resumed at 1925.

Secretary’s Report: Janet Sloan P

·  Jay Spicer S made the motion to approve the minutes as published. Jim Reynolds S seconded the motion. Minutes were approved as published. Accepted at March Dinner Meeting.


Commander’s Report: Susie Holden P:



Executive Officer’s Report: Gene Pett P:

·  Gene reported that 3,000-4,000 extra people are expected to attend the Boat Show to be held February 22-24. Tickets for VIP night are available to those who need them.

GLA Liaison Officer: Connie Spicer S:

·  Connie explained the squadron role in staffing the GLA building during the summer months (Memorial Day to Labor Day) and during Pelican Fest: We do it every other weekend, Saturday 10-3 and Sunday 12-3. In return, we are able to use the facilities of the GLA for meetings, classes, etc. We also have a booth at the Boat Show and the Pelican Fest free of charge.

·  Connie passed a sign up sheet and asked members to volunteer for at least one day.

·  She will provide training for any one who has not participated.

Administrative Officer’s Report: Larry Toigo S

·  Next months dinner meeting will be announced later.

·  The first summer activity will be a Weiner Roast at the Endos on May 3. Members are asked to bring accompaniments, beverages and chairs.

Education Officer: David Sloan AP

·  The schedule of upcoming classes is published on line and in the Pelican.

·  David did a short presentation on the Effects of Aging on Boaters.

Unfinished Business: None

New Business: P/D/C Larry Stout JN reported on the National Convention held in Jacksonville,

Florida. He and Mary Ann were delegates from the squadron and P/D/C Bill

In addition, Pegi Miller and Kent and P/D/C Denise Winn attended. (Report Attached). Highlights included an alliance with Boat USA to have on line courses. Boat USA recognition and resources will be combined with the education experience of the USPS. Partners in Command is one of the first planned courses. National is trying to increase visibility and increase appeal to younger members. The participation in Facebook is also hoped to increase recognition.

Old business: Janet Sloan reported that new Scrapbook dates would be in Mid March. Watch

the Pelican and emails for specifics.

Next E-board: GLA 1000, March 19, 2013.

Gene Pett P made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Larry Toigo S seconded the motion and the membership voted to adjourn the meeting


Meeting Adjourned at 2055

Cheryl Cheader from the Oklahoma Conservation Commission presented the program. She spoke about the “Blue Thumb Program”, a project that attempts to protect the streams and rivers that feed our lakes by promoting natural vegetation. There seemed to be some interest in a group from the squadron in attending one of her visits to test the small streams. She will provide some possible dates.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Sloan, P Assistant Secretary