Course of study / Environmental Law
General Course Description (the course concentrates on a single subject)
Study programme / Nautical studiesMaritime Transport Technology
Logistics and Management
Marine Engineering
Level / Bachelor / x / Master / PhD
Year of study / Semester
Core / x / Elective / KnowledgeforSTCW covered tasks / x
Length of course organised on a& / semester basis / x / modular basis / trimester basis
Current academic year / 2015 / 2016
Course Objectives
Students should become familiar with international, regional and national rules and regulations regulating the environment. This course will provide an overview of major sources of law and address the variety of regulatory tools and concepts that can be used to prevent environmental harm, particularly to marine spaces. Course objectives are to evaluate the assumptions and justifications when choosing any regulatory approach such as environmental justice and public welfare.Learning Outcomes
The environment knows no administrative boundaries. While environmental law originally focused on local problems, today we are confronted with severe trans-boundary and global environmental problems like continuing loss of biodiversity, long-distance pollution and the threat of climate change. The goal is to understand the processes of instituting and developing laws and how those processes differ from state to state.Course Outline & Topics
Sources of International Environmental LawEuropean Environmental Law
Ecology: History and Relevance to Humankind
International Climate Law
Climate Change Liability
Law of the Sea Framework
The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations
Raising environmental awareness
The Ecosystem and Ecosystem Management
Energy in Ecological System
Ecosystem Development
Environmental Litigation
Course-specific Competences (Knowledge, Skills & Attitudes) to Be Acquired
The course is based on holistic approach.The purposeof this course is to provide an understanding of the main characteristics and developments of environmental law in an international perspective. Students will be able to identify, define and engage institutions and individuals within the legal process.Generic Competences (Knowledge, Skills & Attitudes) to Be Acquired
Environmental science is now seen as not just a biological but a human science. The future of our species depends on how well we understand management and governance of natural resources. Students acquire knowledge of international rule-making by multilateral environmental agreements, including compliance and implementation.Methods of Instruction – Number of Required Classroom & Other Contact Hours
Lectures / 30 / Multimedia & the InternetPractical work sessions / Consultation & tutorials
Independent study / Projects or field trips
Seminars / Practicum / practical work
Laboratory work / Other
Estimated Student Workload Represented in ECTS
Course attendance / 0,25 / Seminar paper / 0,5Class participation / 0,25 / Research
Coursework achievement tests / Project
Experiment / Continuous assessment / 1,0
Written exam / 1 / Presentation
Oral exam / Practical work
Assessment of Learning Outcomes
Modes of instruction[1] / ECTS (student workload) / Learning outcomes / Student activity[2] / Methods of assessment[3] / Creditslectures / 2 / 1-5 / attending lectures, writing papers and tests / presentation, test / 70
tutorials / 1 / reading books / written examination / 30
Total / 100
Language Medium of Instruction
EnglishContact Hours Allocation of Credits
ECTS (workload based) / 3Total weeks per semester, trimester & module / 15
Contact hours per week / Lectures / 2
Practical work sessions / seminars
Total contact hours / Lectures / 30
Practical work sessions / seminars
Total time - field trips
Total hours of student workload required to complete a defined unit of study. / 90
Prerequisites for Course Registration
Course registration is allowed upon successful completion of: / NoStudents are eligible to take the exam upon:
Main Reading
Research Handbook on International Environmental Law, edited by MalgosiaFitzmaurice, David M. Ong and PanosMerkouris, EE, 2011Climate Change Liability edited by MichaelFoure and MarjanPeeters, EE, 2011
Supplementary Reading
Revolution Justified by R.H.J Cox, Planet Prosperity Foundation, Maastricht, 2012The syllabus also includes reference to some material that are available on-line.
Quality Assurance[4]
Quality assurance of the course performance is continuously monitored according to ISO 9001 system applied at the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Rijeka. The exam taking analysis is conducted each year and a questionnaire is submitted to the students each semester (enclosed to the description of the Faculty). Especially for this course, all data and grading information is available to all the students enrolled.(Degree of) compatibility comparability of the course with those in European Higher Education Area (EHEA) / Compatibility comparability with allied institutions abroad
University of Split, University of Dubrovnik, University of Gdansk, Universitadeglistudi di Trieste, University of Southampton, McGill University (Montreal), Tulane University (New Orleans)Related courses
Head of Course
Title & name / Prof.Dr. Axel LuttenbergerEmail / /
Institution / Faculty of Maritime Studies
University of Rijeka
Current academic position[5] / Full Professor with permanent tenure
Most recent promotion to the position date / 17.11.2015
Selected publications (books & papers) relevant for the delivery of the course
- Luttenberger, Axel, RunkoLuttenberger, Lidija. Environmental life-cycle costing in maritime transport, International Association of Maritime University, 16th Annual General Assembly Proceedings, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, 2015, pp 217-223
- Luttenberger, Axel, RunkoLuttenbergerLidija, Environmental Aspects of Public Procurement in Transport Sector, 17th International Conference on Traffic Science, Slovenian Society of Traffic Science, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Portorož, 2015, pp.261274 4
- Luttenberger, Axel, The role of precautionary principle in environmental protection of coastal sea, Tourism & Hospitality Industry 2014, New Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija, 2014, pp. 70-78
- RunkoLuttenberger, Lidija, Luttenberger, Axel, Challenges of Marine Spatial Planning in Eastern Adriatic, 6th International Maritime Scientific Conference, Solin, Faculty of Maritime Studies Split, 2014, pp.33-40
- Luttenberger, Axel, Kos, Serđo, Regulating the Provisions of European Marine Data and Observation, International Conference IMLA 21, Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfouland, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 2013, pp.69-73
- Luttenberger, Axel, Enhancing the European Passenger Rights when Travelling by Water, 16th International Conference on Traffic Science, Slovenian Society of Traffic Science, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Portorož, 2013, pp.220-225
- Luttenberger, Axel, Kos, Serđo, Improving Legal Standards in Marine Accident Investigation, International Conference IMLA 20, Maritime Institute Willem Barentzs, West-Terschelling, The Netherlands, 2012, pp 8
- Luttenberger, Axel, Drives for the International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances at Sea, 15th International Conference on Traffic Science, Slovenian Society of Traffic Science, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Portorož, 2012, 6pp
- Luttenberger, Axel, Legal Framewok on eSafery Communication in Road Transport, Tourism & Hospitality Industry 2012, New Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija, 2012, pp. 126-129
- Filjar, Renato, Luttenberger, Axel, Kos, Serđo, A Proposal for GNSS Failure Legal Liabilities Scheme, 6th GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solution Conference, Proceedings, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka, The Royal Institute of Navigation, London, University of Nottingham, The Nottingham Geospatial Institute, Rijeka, 2012, pp.77-87
- Luttenberger, Axel, Rukavina, Biserka, The Legal Approach of Enhancing the Proactice Approach in Maritime Education and Training, International Maritime Lecturers Association, International Conference IMLA 19, Opatija 19, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, 2011, pp 197-204
- Luttenberger, Axel, Rukavina, Biserka, Rak, Loris, the Implementation of the Nairobi International Convention on Removal of Wrecks, 14th International Conference on Traffic Science, Slovenian Society of Traffic Science, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Portorož, 2011, 10 pp
- Luttenberger, Axel, Rukavina, Biserka, Regulatory Environment for Maritime Education and Training in the European Union, University of Rijeka, University of Ljubljana, CEDIMES Paris – Rijeka, University of Antwerpen, 2011, 8 pp
- Luttenberger, Axel, Criminal Penalties for Ship-source Pollution in Environmental Legislation, Economic Integration, Competition and Cooperation, University of Rijeka, University of Ljubljana, CEDIMES Paris – Rijeka, University of Antwerpen, 2010, pp 435-441
- Luttenberger, Axel, Rak, Loris, Maritime Governance as the Environmental Driver, 22 nd International Congress Energy and the Environment, Opatija, I, 2010, pp.503-510
- Luttenberger, Axel, Regulations on Computorised Reservation System in Transport Services, 7th International Scientific Conference, Management in the Function of Increasing the Tourism Consumption, 2010, Opatija, pp.157-162
- Luttenberger, Axel, Rukavina, Biserka, Rak, Loris, Challenges in Regulating Air Pollution from Ships, 13th International Conference on Traffic Science, Slovenian Society of Traffic Science, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Portorož, 2010, 8 pp
- Luttenberger, Axel, Achieving the Quality of Services in Sea Ports through Regulation, New Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija, 2010, pp. 1034-1040
- Luttenberger, Axel, Legal Instruments to Control Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships, UNESCO sponsored 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2009, 6 pp
- Luttenberger, Axel, Criminal Panalties for Ship-source Pollution in the Environmental Legislation, 7th International Conference, International Integrations, Competition and Cooperation, University of Rijeka, University of Ljubljana, CEDIMES Paris – Rijeka, University of Antwerpen, 2009/, 7 pp
- Luttenberger, Axel, Rukavina, Biserka, Rak, Loris, Issues on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damages from Ships, , 12th International Conference on Traffic Science, Slovenian Society of Traffic Science, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Portorož, 2009, 9 pp
- Luttenberger, Axel, Developing the Environmental Legislation on Ship Recycling, 21th International Congress Energy and the Environment, Opatija, II, 2008, pp.207-214
- Luttenberger, Axel, Environmental noise caused by air traffic, 6th International Scientific Conference, Management in the Function of Increasing the Tourism Consumption, 2008, pp.163-168
- Luttenberger, Axel, Coastal States Responsibility with regard to Places of Refuge for Ships in Distress, 11th International Conference on Traffic Science, Slovenian Society of Traffic Science, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Portorož, 2008, 7 pp
- Luttenberger, Axel, Rukavina, Biserka, Tourism Industry Environmental Liability for Marine Pollution, New Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija, 2008, pp. 689-695
- Luttenberger, Axel, Classification Societies within Marine Regulatory Environment of the European Union and the National Perspective of the Republic of Croatia, 6th International Conference, International Integrations, Competition and Cooperation, University of Rijeka, University of Ljubljana, CEDIMES Paris – Rijeka, University of Antwerpen, 2007, 7 pp
- Luttenberger, Axel, Legal Challenges of Ecosystem Approach to Sustainable Use of the Sea, UNESCO sponsored 4rd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2007, 9 pp
- Luttenberger, Axel, Legal requirements for special areas and particularly sensitive sea areas, Hrvatskevodeieuropskaunija – izazoviimogućnosti, 4. Hrvatskakonferencija o vodama s međunarodnimsudjelovanjem, Opatija, 2007., str.729-734
- Luttenberger, Axel, Legal Aspects in Standardazing Marine Accident Investigation Activities, 10th International Conference on Traffic Science, Slovenian Society of Traffic Science, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Portorož, 2006, 7 pp
- Luttenberger, Axel, Rukavina, Biserka, Regulations on discharge of waste and cargo residues from ships in the context of Croatian accession to the European Union, International Congress Energy and the Environment, Opatija, 2006, pp.83-90
- Luttenberger, Axel, Impact of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code, 2002 on protection of the marine environment, New Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija, 2006, pp. 1229-1234
- Luttenberger, Axel, Rukavina, Biserka, Coastal area environmental management training for seafarers, New Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija, 2006, pp. 1235-1240
- Luttenberger, Axel, Izazoviautonomnogreguliranjastutusapomoraca u RepubliciHrvatskoj, Pomorskizbornik 41 (2005), str.307-313
- Luttenberger, Axel, Harmonizing the EU Standards concerning Ship Waste Reception Facilities in the Republic of Croatia, 5th International Conference, International Integrations, Competition and Cooperation, University of Rijeka, University of Ljubljana, CEDIMES Paris – Rijeka, University of Antwerpen, 2005, 8 pp
- Rukavina, Biserka, Luttenberger, Axel, Prilagodbahrvatskihpropisa o identifikacijskojispravipomoracameđunarodnimizvorimaprava, Pomorstvo, 19, 2005, Rijeka, str.229-240
- Luttenberger, Axel, Covering the Risk of Piracy and Armed Robbery at Sea, 9th International Conference on Traffic Science, Slovenian Society of Traffic Science, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Portorož, 2005, 8 pp
- Luttenberger, Axel, The Legal Challenges in Implementing Maritime Security, UNESCO sponsored 3rd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2005, 8 pp
- Luttenberger, Axel, Legal Responsibility for Security of Seagoing Ships and Ports, 8th International Conference on Traffic Science, Slovenian Society of Traffic Science, University of Ljubljana, Maritime Law Association of Slovenia, Nova Gorica, 2004, 9 pp
- Luttenberger, Axel, Rukavina, Biserka, The Right to Access to Information on Environmental Matters, International Congress Energy and Environment, Opatija, 2004, pp.257-264
- Luttenberger, Axel, Air Passenger’s Rights in the European Union, Tourism &Hospitality Industry 2004, New Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija, 2004, pp. 389-396
- Luttenberger, Axel, Tourist Industry Claims for Oil Pollution from Ships, 4th International Scientific Conference, Management in the Function of Increasing the Tourism Consumption, 2004, pp.153-159
- Luttenberger, Axel, Application of EU Sustainable Development rules to the Accession of the Republic of Croatia, International Conference Economic System and the European Union and the Accession of the Republic of Croatia, Opatija, University of Rijeka, University of Ljubljana, Universitadeglistudi di Trieste, 2003, pp.355-364
- Luttenberger, Axel, Rukavina, Biserka, Legal Aspects of Integrating Environment into Transport System, 7th International Conference on Traffic Science, Slovenian society of Trafic Science, University of Ljubljana, Maritime Law Association of Slovenia, Nova Gorica, 2003, 8 pp
- Luttenberger, Axel, Legal Challenges for Environment Protection in its Role of Increasing Tourist Consumption, 3rd International Scientific Conference in the Function of Incresing the Tourist Consumption, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija, 2003, pp 131-135
- Luttenberger, Axel, Legal Framework and Quality of Sustainable Tourism Development Policy, Hotel & Tourism 2002, Human Capital, Culture and Quality in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Biennial International Congress, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija, 2002, pp.621-629
- Bolanča, Dragan, Luttenberger, Axel, Legal Sources of Croatian Law in Compensation for Personal Injury or death of Seamen, ZbornikradovaPravnogfakulteta u Splitu, god.33/43-44, 1996, str. 379-383
- Bolanča, Dragan, Luttenberger, Axel, Some Wiews on the Croatian Maritime Code, ZbornikradovaPravnogfakulteta u Splitu, god.32/1 (34-40), 1995, str.113-117
- uttenberger, Axel, Insurance of Ships under Construction. Selected Topics Concering Builder’s Risk Cover, Marine Insurance and Reinsurance Conference, Stephenson Harwood, London, 1991, pp.5.1-5.8
- Luttenberger, Axel, Implementation of Yugoslav Law in Compensation for Personal Injury or Death of Seamen, P & I Seminar, The North of England Protecting and Indemnity Association Limited, Rijeka, 1989, 12pp.
- Luttenberger, Axel, Struggle for implementing the Common Heritage of Mankind Principle, Cairo Conference on the Law of the World, Work Paper, Cairo, 1983, 11pp
- Luttenberger, Axel, Human Lives Salvage on the Sea, Sao Paulo Conference on the Law of the World, Work Paper, 1981, str.17
Other competences relevant for the delivery of the course
Visiting Professor World Maritime University, Malmo
Visiting Professor IMO – International Maritime Academy, Trieste
Visiting Professor University of Split, Split
Visiting Professor University of Pula, Pula
Member of the International Maritime Lecturers Association
[1] E.g. lecture, seminar, research seminar, exercise course, practical, laboratory work, guided personal study, tutorial, independent studies, internship, placement or ‘stage’, fieldwork, project work, etc.
[2] E.g. attending lectures, performing specific assignments, practising technical or laboratory skills, writing papers, independent and private study, reading books and papers, learning how to give constructive criticism of the work of others, etc.
[3] E.g. oral examination, written examination, oral presentation, test, paper / essay, portfolio, report about an internship, report on fieldwork, (final) thesis / dissertation, etc.
[4] External & internal: e.g. feedback from students, staff, alumni, labour market …
[5]E.g. Professor; Dr …., Associate Professor; Dr ….., Assistant Professor …