Final Exam Study Guide Honors American History I
Chapter 27
- Arguments for / against imperialism
- Jingoism
- Benevolent Assimilation
- Alfred Thayer Mahan
- Hawaii: why do we want it?
- Spanish American War
- USS Maine
- McKinley and the war (what pushes him to declare war)
- Teller Amendment
- Platt Amendment
- Philippine insurrection
- Arguments for/ against acquisition
- Guerilla warfare
- Open door policy / spheres of influence / Boxer Rebellion
- TR’s Big Stick / leadership style
- TR’s view of the Presidency
- Roosevelt Corollary
- Bad Neighbor Policy
- Panama Canal: why do we want it?
- Hay-Buana Varilla Treaty
- Gentleman’s Agreement
- Great White Fleet
Chapter 28
Progressive Era
- Goals of progressives
- Muckrakers
- Standard Oil
- Upton Sinclair
- 16th, 17th, and 18th amendments
- TR’s 3 C;s
- How does TR feel about trusts
- Square Deal
- Initiative, referendum, recall
- Dollar Diplomacy
- Election of 1912
- Who runs? Who wins? Why?
- New Nationalism v. New Freedom
Chapter 29
Wilson’s presidency and the Road to WWI:
- Triple Wall of Privilege
- Federal reserve act
- Underwood tariff
- Pancho Villa
- Wilson’s leadership style
- Allies v. Central powers
- Lusitania
- Sussex
- Sussex pledge
- Public Opinion about the War
Chapter 30
World War I
- George Creel
- Impact of the Russian Revolution on the War
- Doughboys
- American Contributions to war effort
- How was did this conscription act differ from Civil War?
- How did we pay for the war?
- Espionage and Sedition Acts
- Treaty of Versailles
- 14 points
- Self determination
- League of Nations
- Collective Security
- Republicans v. Wilson
- What don’t they like?
- What does Wilson do with the Treaty?
Chapter 31
Life in the 1920s
- Red Scare
- Nativism
- Mitchell Palmer
- Immigration Acts
- People to know
- Henry Ford
- John Scopes
- Modernists v. Fundamentalists
- Charles Lindberg
- Andrew Mellon
- 1920 census
- Steel industry
- Causes of the Great Depression
Chapter 32
Politics of the 1920s
- Harding
- Ohio Gang
- Teapot Dome scandal
- Coolidge
- Kellog-Briand Pact
- Dawes Plan
- Hoover
- Election of 1928
- Al Smith
- Hawley Smoot Tariff
- Bonus Army
- Farmers problems
- Manchuria / Japan / League (1931)
Chapter 33
Great Depression
- New Deal
- 3 r’s
- Hundred days Congress
- Wagner Act
- Social Security
- Keynesian Economics
- National Debt
- Promises vs. reality
- Dust Bowl
- Regions hit
- Consequences
- Court Packing Scheme
- Critics of New deal
- Long and Coughlin
- Conservatives
Chapter 34
- Road to WWII
- London Economic Conference (impact of US not going)
- Spanish Civil War
- Who sides with who?
- impact
- Neutrality Acts
- What do they state?
- Munich 1938
- Appeasement and Neville Chamberlin
- Nazi Soviet Pact
- Invasion of Poland
- Cash and Carry
- What does it state?
- Reaction to?
- Lend Lease
- What does it state?
- Reaction to?
- Atlantic Charter
- People
- Stalin
- Mussolini
- Hitler
- Churchill
- US/Japanese relations prior to Pearl Harbor
- American Public Opinion before/after Pearl Harbor
Chapter 35
- Roles of
- MacArthur
- Truman
- Eisenhower
- Why are Japanese Americans interned?
- Battle to know (impact of)
- D-Day
- Torch
- Bulge
- Role of US industry in the war
- National debt during the war
- Soft underbelly and island hopping
- Potsdam / Truman/ Bomb
- VE day and VJ day
Chapter 36
- Truman’s foreign policy
- Yalta and E. Europe
- Iron Curtain
- Truman Doc (containment)
- Greece and Turkey
- Kennan
- Marshall Plan
- Korean War: why does it begin? How does it end? Truman v. MacArthur
- NSC 68 and military budgets
- Red Scare
- Nixon and HUAC
- Rosenberg’s
- McCarthy
- Changes in society
- Sunbelt
- Baby boom
- Impact ( music, social security)
Chp 37
- 1952 Election
- TV and politics (ads, checkers)
- Ike’s popularity
- Civil Rights
- Ike’s view
- Desegregation
- Plessy vs. Ferguson
- Brown vs. Board of Ed
- MLK, Jr.
- New look foreign policy
- Massive retaliation
- Vietnam
- Ho Chi Minhand Diem
- Suez Canal Incident
- Khrushchev
- Sputnik
- Castro and Cuba
- Why don’t we like Castro?
- What is our relationship like with Cuba after revolution?
- Betty Friedan
Chp 38
- plan for economy
- Flexible response: what is it? Problems it creates
- Robert McNamara and role in Vietnam
- Bay of Pigs: event, results
- Cuban Missile Crisis: event, results
- Assassination: Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby
- Election of 1964
- Johnson v. Goldwater
- Vietnam
- Viet Cong
- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964)
- Tet Offensive (1968)
- Impact on Johnson 68 election
- Counter culture and 3 P’s
- Domestic issues
- Civil Rights Act 1964
- Voting Rights Act 1965
- Immigration Act 1965
- Great Society
- March on Washington
- Malcolm X and his view on Civil Rights
- Election 1968
- Robert Kennedy
- Humphrey
- Nixon
- Why does he win?
Chp 39
- Economic Problems 1970s
- Causes of high inflation
- Energy crisis
- Nixon and Vietnamization
- Impact of Vietnam War
- Criticism of the Warren Court
- Watergate
- Impact on politics