St. Augustine Historic Inns (SAHI) Meeting Minutes

Monday, November 28, 2016

A1A Ale Words

Bayview Room

WELCOME - Pat Dobosz (Kenwood), President, welcomed everyone. She acknowledged that we have had our accomplishments and challenges this year, and wished everyone Happy Holidays! Pat added a personal thanks from her entire family during their losses this year.

Pat recognized A1A for their wonderful meal of salad, chicken & pasta, fresh sautéed vegetables, and rolls in addition to their upgrades to the Bayview Room, including new flooring, drapes, and black out shades.

CALL MEETING TO ORDER - Pat called the meeting to order at 7pm.

ROLL CALL - Anthony Sexton(Victorian House). All members were present or sent a proxy.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Pat moved to approve the minutes from the September 2016 meeting. Cyndi Humphrey (Cedar House) seconded. Motion passed.

FINANCIAL REPORT - Mike Wieber(Bayfront Marin) presented the Financial Report for 2016, explaining that we are in very good shape. Pat has recently met with our CPA, Leshane, to go over everything in detail.

In the 2017 Budget, we have increased our expected expenses for the Appreciation Event in February, the Holiday Staff Party, the Education Events, the contract labor, and we are planning to include the Restaurant Stipends again in the amount of $6000.

ADVERTISERS REPORT - Martha Nighswonger reported all the current advertisers, explaining that there hasn’t been much response in October and November due to the hurricane efforts.

2016 HOLIDAY TOUR REPORT - Martha Nighswonger introduced Donna and Linda from the RSVP Organization, who will be sending 24 volunteers to each B&B and the Parking Garage on the day of the tour, as well as stuffing goodie bags on Wednesday, November 30. They will also be taking pictures during the tour and posting them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, real time. Donna also explained more about their event in February that benefits the homeless children in St. Johns county. After Hurricane Matthew, they estimate that there are 1200 homeless children, which is much higher than normal. They also support the Mentoring Program, the Tutoring Program, and Reading Pals. Pat announced that SAHI is donating 2 each $200 SAHI Gift Certificates to RSVP. Donna suggested that each B&B send her 3-5 sentences about exciting happenings at their inn. She is the social expert!

Martha had tickets, t-shirts, yard signs, and History Boards to distribute. The Restaurant Stipends have been prepared and Joe Finnegan (St. Francis Inn) thinks the B&B’s should deliver the checks to their restaurant partners. Many agreed that the restaurant owners do not come to the B&B the day of the tour, and most inns would naturally delay delivering. Martha knows most of the restaurant people and has names for all of them. They will be delivered this week.

Martha handed out Day-Of-Tour Instructions that are helpful for both the B&B owner and the RSVP person, with lots of details. She pointed out that there will only be 3 locations where folks can pick up t-shirt that they purchased online, or purchase a t-shirt.

HOLIDAY STAFF APPRECIATION PARTY - Tuesday, December 6, 2016 - Cyndi (Cedar House) explained that our photographer is not happening this year. Please take photos of your staff and your holiday decorations and send them to Anthony () asap. Take your $50-value baskets to The Kenwood Inn before the event, so they can be arranged at the Corazon ahead of time. Be sure to RSVP by November 30 with first names.

2017 BUDGET - Jerry Houman (Inn on Charlotte) moved to accept the 2017 Budget as printed. Bob Hailey (Old Powder House) seconded. Motion passed.

BOARD NOMINATIONS - The two open 2-year positions starting in 2017 are for Vice President and Secretary. Pat moved that Bob Hailey (Old Powder House) serve as Secretary. Suzanne Hailey (Old Powder House) seconded. Jerry Houman (Inn on Charlotte) moved that Anthony Sexton (Victorian House) serve as Vice President. Joe Finnegan (St. Francis Inn) seconded. Both motions passed.

Many thanks to Cyndi Humphrey(Cedar House) for all her efforts and wisdom as Vice President.

2016 RECAP - Anthony Sexton (Victorian House) led the discussion on our accomplishments for 2016:

*Bylaws Changes - Addressing attendance at meetings, which gets all involved including Member Representatives, and the new position of Past President

*New position for Blogging and Social Media - Danielle Brooks

*New administration position - Martha Nighswonger

*Hired CPA - to maintain P&Ls, taxes, etc - Leshane

*New Members - Bella Bay & Hemingway House

*New Owners - Brian & Emery, 44 Spanish Street

*SAHI Website - added Inn Features

*Good Advertiser’s Appreciation Event

*New venue - The Treasury

*Lunch & Learn - mid-day successes & Education Events - Inn Concierge, Joe Boles, CPA, Fire Fighting

*WSOS - Radio Station coverage

*Hurricane Challenges

*Mobility Meetings - meeting political candidates

*December 8 - Meeting with Richard Goldman, 2pm - What marketing can be done specific to our inns?

*Taxable Items will be on the SAHI Website under Resources

Additional: Jerry (Inn on Charlotte) had successful heart surgery

Bob Hailey (Old Powder House) turned 65

Pat thanked everyone for their support during the loss of her sister, mother, and husband.

OPEN DIALOGUE - Pat (Kenwood) suggested that we all look at the website of the Collectors Property, previously the Dow Museum. It is a franchise property. They have a 72-hour cancellation. Their rates in March are $219. They have valet parking, heated swimming pool, a bar, and no weekend minimum yet. Their extra person fee is $10.

Joe Finnegan (St. Francis) also mentioned that there will be a new property on King Street. The Lotus will be breaking ground soon. On Vilano Beach, there is supposed to be new construction boutique hotel coming.

We need to continually take time to improve our products. Our downtown location is primo!!

Our next membership meeting will be January 30, location to be determined.

Suzanne Hailey (Old Powder House) moved we adjourn, Cyndi Humphrey (Cedar House) seconded. Motion passed.


Martha Nighswonger