Name: ______Block: ______

Final Due Date: Friday, September 4, 2015

Ch. 1: Science in our World

Essential Questions:

ü  How do science concepts, engineering skills, and application of technology improve the quality of life?

ü  What tools, skills, knowledge, and dispositions are needed to conduct science inquiry?


Students will be able to:

GLE 0807.Inq.1 Design and conduct open-ended scientific investigations.
GLE 0807.Inq.2 Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, organize, analyze, and interpret data.
GLE 0807.Inq.3 Synthesize information to determine cause and effect relationships between evidence and explanations.
GLE 0807.Inq.4 Recognize possible sources of bias and error, alternative explanations, and questions for further exploration.
GLE 0807.Inq.5 Communicate scientific understanding using descriptions, explanations, and models.
GLE 0807.T/E.1 Explore how technology responds to social, political, and economic needs.
GLE 0807.T/E.2 Know that the engineering design process involves an ongoing series of events that incorporate design constraints, model building, testing, evaluating, modifying, and retesting.
GLE 0807.T/E.3 Compare the intended benefits with the unintended consequences of a new technology.
GLE 0807.T/E.4 Describe and explain adaptive and assistive bioengineered products.


Science Scientific Method Observation Hypothesis Data

Prototype Theory Law Technology Engineering

Engineering Design Process Bioengineering Adaptive Bioengineering

Assistive Bioengineering Objective Observation Subjective Observation

Inference Control (Group) Variables Independent Variable

Dependent Variable Quantitative Data Qualitative Data

C-Layer Activities:

You must earn 100 points in the C-Layer to advance to B-Layer activities, but you may begin work on the B and A layers at any time. Please note: * denotes required points. Also, you may orally defend no more than three assignments on one class meeting day, please plan accordingly. A substitute teacher cannot sign off on an oral defense.

C = 100-114

Possible Points / Assignment description / Due Date / Points Earned
*10 / Have Lab Safety sheet signed and returned. This must be completed in order for you to participate in labs! / 8/21/2015
* 5 / Super Scientist Worksheet
*10 / Ch. 1, Section 2 Directed Reading
*5 / Vocabulary Activity (Crossword Puzzle) ISNb
Day 1 - 20 points total
*10 / Take notes from lecture on the Scientific Method. ISNb
10 / A Simple Solution WS
10 / The Plane Truth WS
Day 2 - 20 points total
10 / Experimental Design WS
*10 / Scientific Method Controls and Variables
*10 / Saving the World From Smallpox Article
5 / Experimental Design Vocabulary (ISNb)
10 / Virtual Lab
Day 3 - 20 points total
*5 / Take notes from lecture on Engineering Design Process & Technology.
5 / Create a graphic organizer to compare the 2 methods
5 / Writing Hypotheses
Day 4 - 20 points total
You must choose 1 Lab and 1 Activity!
10 / Labs: Coin Lab
Aluminum Raft
10 / Activity: Jacob’s Experiment
Diane’s Experiment

B-Layer Activities:

Students may choose 2 ONLY (20 points): You must complete 20 points in order to receive a “B,” and advance to the A-Layer activities.

B = 115-125

Possible Points / Assignment description / Due Date / Points Earned
*10 / M&M Lab with correct Lab Report Format
10 / Parts of an Experiment Activity
10 / Scientific Method BB Exp.

A-Layer Activities:

Students may choose 1 ONLY (20 points): You must complete 20 points in order to receive an “A.”

A = 126-135

Possible Points / Assignment description / Due Date / Points Earned
20 / Personal Scenario
20 / On the Moon Challenge
20 / Dome It Challenge Poster
20 / Write a letter to a pharmaceutical company explaining why it is necessary to use a control group when testing a new drug. Use A layer form for research.
(You must cite 3 sources.)

BEGIN Lab Practical September 3, 2015

Parent Signature:______