Name: ______Date: ______

Occupational Preparation I

1.  1. The term “self-image” means:

a.  Being truthful

b.  A person’s view about himself or herself.

c.  Being hopeful or optimistic

d.  A way of viewing things.

2. When Malik told his employer that he needed a special keyboard to do his work, what was that an example of?

a. self-advocacy

b. being greedy

c. self-concept

3.  A positive self-image is important for work because:

a.  People don’t care how you present yourself.

b.  It doesn’t matter whether I am respectful.

c.  Employers look for workers with positive self-images.

d.  Employers look for workers with negative self-images.

4.  Transition planning is an important part of David’s IEP because:

a.  He makes a plan for his future after graduating from high school.

b.  Someone else can make plans for David’s future.

c.  He can guess about what he wants to do in the future.

d.  It allows David to drop out of school.

5. Which of these is a transition area in a Stephanie’s IEP?

a. Self-concept

b. Aptitude

c. Values

d. Employment

6 . What happens when Michelle and Jordan like each other and become roomates?

a. they become co-workers

b. they become friends

c. they become sisters

7 . When William tries to convince John to believe something that William believes or does, what is this called?

a. justification

b. affiliation


8. Elena’s mother told her it is important for Elena to show respect at work, school, and home. What does this mean for Elena?

a. she must show appreciation for people’s worth or qualities

b. she has to look after, manage or take care of other people

c. she is not guided by or controlled by other people

9. In terms of governmental organizations, what does EEOC stand for?

a. Each and Every Opportunity Calls

b. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

c. Everyone’s Employment Opportunity Club

10. What is the purpose of an aptitude test?

a. to pass or fail

b. to help find careers based on interests and abilities

c. to get job certification

11. What might be a long–term goal?

a.  something a person wants to do now

b.  something a person wants to do in the future

c.  something a person wants to do with a friend

12. What is on-the-job training?

a. spending the day in the break room

b. learning the skills needed for the job while working

c. a class you can take before going to work.

13. How should Kelly choose his work environment?

a. to suit his personality

b. it should not be important

c. he should let his supervisor choose it

14. What is an example of a working condition?

a. a promotion

b being allowed to talk on your cell phone during work

c. good office lighting

15. What should Larry do while climbing the career ladder?

a. keep the same job for a long time.

b. get promoted at reasonable time periods

c. keep the same job for a short time

16. When does a worker usually receive a salary?

a. on a regular basis

b. only when he makes a sale

c. only when he misses less than 3 days of work

17. What is the type of pay that Lisa will receive when she retires from the company?

a. a salary

b. a pension

c. a bonus

18. Brenson worked overtime. What is the normal amount of hours in a week that is worked before overtime?

a. 50 hours per week

b. 20 hours per week

c. 40 hours per week

19. What is a form that withholds the taxes from a person’s check?

a. W-4 form

b. job application

c. W-2 form

20. On a job application, who could Allison use as a reference?

a.  mom and dad

b.  brothers and sisters

c.  employers and teachers

21. Mario wants to find a job in construction. Which agency could help him find a job like this?


b. Federal Reserve Agency

c. Employment Security Commission

22. What is the first thing Mario should do when entering the office for a job interview?

a. introduce himself

b. ask how long it will be

c. tell his friend to come in with him

23. Where can Lupe find the Want Ads in the newspaper?

a. the local section

b. the main section

c. the classified section

24. John wants a job that will give him health insurance, dental insurance and some time off for vacation in the summer. What are these things called?

a. wages

b. benefits

c. salary

25.  When your resume is complete, who should read it to check for spelling errors or typos?

a.  Yourself and at least one other person.

b.  No one, the computer will capture all the errors.

c.  Only yourself

26.  What type of font should you choose when you type your resume?

a.  Curlz MT

b.  Lucida Handwriting

c.  Times-News Roman

27.  In your resume, you should list:

a.  Any volunteer jobs that you have worked.

b.  Reasons for termination or leaving a job

c.  Jobs that you did not work but sound impressive.

28.  Which of the following items should be included in your resume?

a.  Birth date

b.  Telephone number, including area code

c.  Social Security Number

29.  When writing a resume, what would be a positive word to include?

a.  Lazy

b.  Un-motivated

c.  Flexibility

30.  Who should you use as a reference?

a.  A stranger you meet on the street.

b.  Your mother

c.  A teacher who knows you

31.  When you are in an interview, you should:

a.  Look at the person talking to you

b.  Slump in the chair

c.  Stare at the floor or ceiling only.

32.  When you dress for an interview, the outfit should include:

a.  A tank-top

b.  A pressed (ironed) dress shirt.

c.  A stained t-shirt

33.  When you are getting ready for the interview, you should:

a.  Spike your hair.

b.  Make sure you take a shower

c.  Put on a large amount of perfume

34.  Sarah has an interview at Burger King at 9:00AM. Which bus should she take to get to the interview?

a.  8:30 AM

b.  9:30AM

c.  10:30AM

35.  Josh has Dan picking him up to take him to an interview. Dan is late, Josh should:

a.  Do nothing.

b.  Call the company to say he will be late

c.  Wait for the company to call him to arrange another time.

36.  Jason has an interview for a job at 9:00 AM on Thursday. Jason’s friend, Sarah, asked him to go to the Midnight Movie on Wednesday night. He should:

a.  Stay up all night before the interview

b.  Arrange to go to the movie another night

c.  Go to the late show anyway

37.  Jennifer has an interview at a business office. She should wear:

a.  A mini-skirt and a tank top

b.  A knee length black skirt and a nice shirt

c.  Torn jeans and an old t-shirt.

38.  When beginning career exploration, you should:

a.  Choose a career first

b.  Answer questions about yourself

c.  Take a job immediately.