Final Copy Standards (FCS)

Sandy Run Middle School

I. Proper Heading





Points will be deducted from papers that do not have the proper heading.

II. Requirements

A.  Use spell check

B.  Create an original title for your paper which is catchy — yet connected— to the theme (“Summer Reading” or “My Essay” are examples of a non-creative and unacceptable title)

C.  Place your title at the top and center it; do NOT underline, italicize or quote it

D.  Follow all capitalization and punctuation rules when writing your title

E.  Utilize 12 point font (on computers)

F.  Double-space entire paper – do NOT add extra spaces between paragraphs

G.  Times New Roman font when possible

H.  Use one-inch margins on all sides

I.  Indent each paragraph (use one automatic five-space tab)

J.  Skip three SINGLE spaces between the heading and the title; skip three more SINGLE between the title and the first paragraph

K.  Use only black ink except for titles or cover pages


You must include all prewriting exercises, drafts, and peer editing in the final packet. The packet starts with the final copy on top and the first prewriting exercise is on the bottom (in order by the date/writing process).

What to Include When Writing an Essay

1.  Sentence structure variety (Hint: no two sentences should begin with the same word)

2.  Consistent verb tense

3.  Write out all numbers below 100

4.  Write complete sentences

5.  Use vivid and appropriate verbs

·  Incorrect: Jonas walked to The Giver’s house.

·  Correct: Jonas trudged to The Giver’s house.

6.  Add adjectives (use a thesaurus)

What to Avoid When Writing an Essay

1.  Avoid contractions (don’t, won’t, can’t, isn’t)

Exception: When you are using a direct quote (words that are written exactly as they appear in a text) you must keep the text true. This means that you may have dialogue or quotes.

2.  Avoid using any abbreviations (“etc.,” “USA,” “PA,” “9-15-06”…)

3.  Avoid announcements: “In this paper I will…” or “I am going to tell you…”

4.  Avoid the use of I (first person) or you (second person):

·  Incorrect: You can tell from the example I have given you…

·  Correct: This example illustrates that Jonas is daring.

5.  Avoid slang, cliches, informal speech, jargon, overused words (stuff, things, could of [could have])

6.  Avoid spelling and grammatical errors

7.  Avoid ending sentences in prepositions

·  Incorrect: Where’s it at?

·  Correct: Where is it?

8.  Avoid splitting an infinitive

·  Incorrect: to not wash

·  Correct: not to wash

9.  Avoid beginning sentences with conjunctions (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet)