Film Study Worksheet for Adaptations from Novels Name______Period ____
Read the questions before you watch the film so that you will know what to look for while you watch. At breaks during the showing or at the film's end, you will have an opportunity to make short notes in the spaces provided. If you make notes while the film is playing, make sure that your note taking doesn't interfere with carefully watching the film. You do not need to make any notes on the worksheet, but after the film is over, you will be required to fully respond to the questions.
Complete the assignment by answering each question in paragraph form. Answers need to be complete and comprehensive, demonstrating that you paid attention to the film and thought about what was shown on the screen. You may use more than one paragraph if necessary. Be sure that the topic sentence of your first paragraph uses key words from the question. All responses should be in complete sentences using proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
- Identify the novel you read and the film from which it was adapted:
A. Novel title, genre, author, and year published. ______
B. Title of film adapted from the novel, director, year released. ______
2. Describe any significant differences between the setting and time periodin the novel and the film. Do they change the story in an important way? ______
3. How well do the characters in the film reflect what is presented in the book in terms of personality, appearance, action, and dialogue? Which did you like better, the character in the book or the character in the movie? Why?
A. protagonist: ______
B) antagonist: ______
C) any minor or ancillary characters you care to comment on: ______
4.What is the major lesson that you took from the novel? Does that change in the film? If so, describe the change. ______
5. How is the conflict in the film presented in comparison to the novel?Describe significant differences and similarities. What did you think about these changes? ______
6. Describe any subplots that have been added to the film or removed from the story told in the book. What did you think about these changes? ______
7. Compare and contrast the resolutions to the conflicts presented in the novel and in the film.
8. In terms of making the novel’s lesson clear from the resolution of the conflict, how does the film compare to the novel? ______
9. Determine whether the novel or the film is better in terms of its ability to hold the interest of the reader/viewer and to present an important life lesson. Defend your point of view with specific references to the book and to the film. ______
10. Describe four elements or devices of fiction, such as motif, symbol, foreshadowing, flashback, foil, opposition, irony, or language choice (diction) that were used in the book and carried over to the movie. ______
11. What might you add to the film that would better enable viewers to appreciate the story told by the novel? ______
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