2014 East Coast Blues SocietyInternational Blues Challenge Application
Did You:
_____ Fill out the application?
_____ Submit a high quality music sample on CD?
_____ Include a 600 character band bio?
_____ Provide a 300 dpi high resolution band photo (JPEG/TIFF)?
_____ Submit before deadline date & time?
_____ Sign and Date below, and include this page with the application page?
NOW mail the entire package to:
East Coast Blues Society International Blues Challenge
P.O. Box 31022, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K 5T9
OR email to
I have read and agree to the East Coast Blues Society’s rules and regulations as attached and found on the website ( ), as well as the rules and regulations of the International Blues Challenge ( (Please PRINT)
Name: ______
On behalf of Band:
2014 East Coast Blues SocietyInternational Blues Challenge Application
Name of Band:
Band Contact Person:
Email Address:
Phone Number(s):
Mailing Address:
City: Prov: Postal Code:
This form is an initial statement of interest and is not binding between any applicant and the ECBS. Judges will evaluate each act using the Blues Foundation scoresheet and criteria. Band members can be entered in only one band.
The ECBS will help defray costs and cannot guarantee that all expenses for Memphis will be covered.
List all band members who will compete in this event.
Info needed for each: Full Name, Address, Instrument, and Vocals.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
ECBS Maritimes to Memphis 2014
By participating in this event, you agree to the following:
- Should your Solo/Duo act or band be chosen the winner of the EBS Blues Challenge, you agree to travel to Memphis for the International Blues Challenge, January 21 -January 24, 2015. The Solo/Duo members and Band members who go to the IBC in Memphis must be the same as those members who competed in and won the ECBS Blues Challenge. If one of your members will be unable to make the trip to Memphis, that member should not participate in the ECBS Blues Challenge. (A passport is required to cross the border; members of the band and solo/duo should not have any ‘issues’ which will make it impossible for them to enter the United States.) It is the Blues Foundation’s stated position that “An Affiliate's entrant is considered a representative of that Affiliate in every capacity. Thus, the Affiliate remains liable for any problems created by its representative.”
- The ECBS Blues Challenge winning Solo/Duo and Band agree to complete the formal application process on the Blues Foundation website in a timely manner and submit their application to Memphis prior toNovember 2014.The ECBS will provide any assistance required/requested.
- The East Coast Blues Society is in the process of arranging funding which could provide travel assistance to help defray expenses.The ECBS will provide some financial assistance to help defray travel expenses to Memphis. The winning Solo/Duo and Band are responsible for all travel and accommodation charges.
- ECBS Maritimes to Memphis events are intended to be fund-raisers for the winning Solo/Duo and Band travel expenses. A cover charge will be charged at the door for all Maritimes to Memphis qualifying and Final rounds. Solo/Duo and Band finalists will not be required to pay the cover charge, however there will be no guest list for solo/duos and Bands and no friends and/or family members will be admitted without payment of the cover.
- Each performance set will be a maximum of 25 minutes.Points will be deducted from your score if you exceed the allotted time. A timekeeper will display time remaining at two minutes, one minute, 30 seconds and time up.
ECBS Maritimes to Memphis 2014
RULES cont’d
6. Should the Solo/Duo and Band winners be unable to attend the competition in
Memphis, Tennessee USA for any reason whatsoever, the Act will notify ECBS as
soon as possible if the Act cannot attend the competition in Memphis. Notification is
to be by email and sent to
or in writing delivered to: P.O. Box 31022, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K 5T9
- Full rules and regulations appear on the Blues Foundationwebsite at
The Maritimes to Memphis BluesChallenge will follow these rules with few exceptions.
- Please read through them and ensure that all participantsunderstand and agree with what is
included in them. All musicians participating in Maritimes to Memphis must sign a
copy of this agreement, signifying acceptance of these conditions, before their set.
Date ______