MAY 2014


Entering data into Assessment Manager

Reading Now test results should be entered using marksheets available in Assessment Manager 7 (created with templates imported last year). These results must then be exported and sent electronically to the LEA.

Please use this checklist to ensure you have completed all steps, full details for doing so are given on the following pages.

Create export folder, page 2

Create marksheets (for use with classes only), page 3

Enter the Reading Now test results onto marksheets, page 8

Calculate the section totals, page 12

Save the results, page 13

Create the export XML file, page 15

Upload the XML file as a generic file on the S2S site, page 24

If you need any further advice about the tests themselves, please contact Richard Evans on 01446 709132 or Wendy Evans on(01446) 709368.

If you require guidance on using Assessment Manager or S2S please call

the SIMS Helpdesk on 01446 709109.

  1. Creating a results folder

To enable you to store the results file to be sent to the LEA, it is necessary to create a folder named results_reading_now_2014.

  • Click the windows Start menu
  • Select My Computer
  • Double click the S: Drive and navigate to the SIMS folder and then to the Assessment folder (these may need to be created if they do not already exist).

  • Once in the Assessment folder, click File
  • Select New
  • Click Folder
  • Type results_reading_now_2014and press Enter
  • Close the window.

  1. Creating marksheets – for those working with classes only

For those schools using one marksheet for each class within the year group, templates need to be linked to the appropriate classes to create these. For those schools using one marksheet for each year group these will already exist as they were created last year (please continue to the following section).

  • Within go to Focus > Assessment Manager > Template

The Template area opens.

  • Type READING NOW in the Template Name field.
  • Click Search.

The template is listed in the browser.

  • Double click the template to view.

The template is displayed in the main window.

  • Click on the Marksheet hyperlink.

The marksheet panel is moved to the top of the screen.

  • Click the New button within the Marksheet panel.

The Group Selector box is displayed.

  • Click on the + next to Registration Group
  • Select all appropriate classes.
  • Click Apply.

This will create one marksheet for each class/reg group selected, the marksheets created are listed on the template.

  • Click the Save button.
  • Close the template area.

If Teaching staff are not entering their results directly onto the marksheet in SIMS or in the SLG it can be helpful to print the blank marksheet for them to manually enter their results onto it, it will then be in the correct format and order for entry into SIMS.

To do this:-

  • FocusAssessmentMarksheet Entry
  • Search for the required marksheet
  • Click on Print Icon
  • Tick Print Blank Marksheet

Repeat for all marksheets to be completed.


You can export the blank marksheet to an excel document which can they be sent to the teacher for them to enter the data directly into it.

To do this:-

  • FocusAssessmentMarksheet Entry
  • Search for the required marksheet
  • Click on Export Icon and choose the Formatted option
  • Then name and save the marksheet in a suitable place for teaching staff to access it (ie on a secured share drive or it can be attached to a secure email for them to complete and return)

Repeat for all marksheets to be completed.

If you have SIMS in the Classroom or the Vale Learning Portal where teachers can enter results directly on to the marksheets, please phone the SIMS Helpdesk to request the guidance for teachers.

  1. Entering the Reading Now test results

Results can now be entered on to the marksheets.

  • Go to Focus > Assessment Manager > Marksheet Entry

The Marksheet area is displayed.

  • Within the Template Name field type READING NOW.
  • Click Search.

All marksheets linked to the template will be listed.

  • Double click on the marksheet to view.

The marksheet is displayed in the main window.

Data can now be entered onto the marksheet. The pupils are listed in alphabetical order by surname. If the list you are working from is in another order, such as date of birth or gender you can reorder the marksheet.

To reorder the list of pupils:

  • Right click on the Students column header.
  • Select DOB or Gender etc – this will insert a column with this information into the marksheet.
  • Click on the column header of the column inserted – the pupils will now be in the order of the column inserted, ie DOB order.

It is also possible to enlarge the marksheet so that more pupils are in view at any one time.

To enlarge the marksheet:

  • Click the Zoom button
  • If you wish to return to the normal view click the Close button

To enter data:

  • Click into the cell corresponding with the pupil and insert the score in the first column, RE NOW 1.
  • Tab across to the RE NOW 2 column and insert the score, tabbing across the columns until all scores have been added for the pupil with the exception of the last 4 columns which contain totals.
  • Use the downward cursor key to move to the next pupil and repeat until all scores have been entered for all pupils, again with the exception of the last 4 columns.
  1. Calculating the section totals

Once all the assessment data has been added for all but the last four columns, which are formula columns, the section totals can be automatically calculated.

To do this:

  • Click the Calculate button

The necessary results will appear in the four section totals columns for each pupil.

  1. Saving the results

Now that all the data has been added to the marksheet, the Data Entry for this Marksheet is Complete check box can be used to indicate the marksheet has been completed. This is useful for those people who created one marksheet for each class.

  • If in zoom view, click the Close button to return to normal view.
  • Click the Data entry for this marksheet is complete checkbox, indicated above.

The marksheet can now be saved, to do this:

  • Click the Save button on the marksheet.
  • Close the marksheet.

For those people using one marksheet for each class, repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 for each class.

  1. Creating the export XML file

Once all marksheets have been updated and saved, the results can be exported to the LEA. By following the instructions below, you should create one XML file for each test which will contain all pupils in the associated year group and their results.

  • Within go to Routines > Data Out > Assessment Manager > Export.

The Export wizard is displayed.

  • Select Export Results.
  • Click Next.
  • Click the Browse button to specify the export file.

The Save As dialog box is displayed.

  • From the Save In field select the S: drive (SIMS share drive, may be J in some cases).
  • Select the results_reading_now_2014 folder.

In the File name: field type a file name for the results, this must be in the following format:

  • Click Save.
  • Click Next.
  • Select Export using Custom Filter.
  • Click Next.
  • Click the Browse button to select the pupils
  • Click the + alongside Year Group.
  • Select the appropriate year group by clicking into the checkbox.

The pupils from the selected year group are displayed in the bottom section of the window.

  • Click Select All.
  • Click Apply.
  • Click Next.
  • Click Next again – no aspects need to be selected.
  • Click the Browse button to view all available result sets.
  • Tick READING NOW, as shown.
  • Click Select.
  • Click Next.
  • Type 30/04/2014 in the From field, or use the Calendar button to select the date from the pop up calendar.
  • Type 30/06/2014 in the To field, or use the Calendar button to select the date from the pop up calendar.
  • Click Finish.

The following message will be displayed.

  • Click Yes to proceed.

An activity log is displayed to say that the file was successfully created.

  • Click Close.

This XML file will be saved in the results_reading_now_2014 folder in your S: drive (or J:drive) under the name 673SSSS_673LLLL_Y1R14 (or similar format, shown earlier.

  1. Uploading the XML file to the S2S site

Once generated, the XML file then needs to be uploaded to the LEA via the S2S site.

Access the S2S web site by:

  • going to

(you can also access this through the WAG Schools Portal at and navigating through to S2S once you have selected your school type).

The login screen is displayed, shown below:


Top of Form

UsernamePasswordI agree with the Terms of use

Forgotten username or password

  • Enter your username and password.
  • Click Submit.
  • Click on the plus button next to Upload file.
  • Select Upload Generic File.
  • Locate the file by clicking on the Browse button and navigating to the S: drive (or J: drive), then double clicking the results_reading_now_2014 folder.
  • Highlight the XML file created, this should be in the format 673SSSS_673LLLL_Y1R14 (or similar).
  • Click Open.
  • Click on Upload Generic file.

You will get a message to say that this may take up to 5 mins. You will then get a further message when the file has been successfully uploaded. Please contact the SIMS Helpdesk if you encounter problems successfully uploading the file.