Absences: Please send a note from home if your child is absent. If possible, send in a doctor’s excuse if the absence is because of a doctor’s appointment. Excuses must be received within three days of when your child returns to school. New This Year: Students must be checked in by 11:15 in order to be counted present for the day.
Agendas: Your child will be given an agenda the first day of school. Homework assignments and other important dates are to be written in there by your child each day. Parents/Guardians are to sign/initial it each day. Agendas are also an excellent way for home/school communication.
Communication: I am available for phone calls from 2:45-3:00 pm. The school’s number is 770-389-8819. My email address is
Conferences: Conferences must be scheduled in advance. If you wish to have a conference, please call, email, or send in a note. Conferences can be held from 7:15-7:30 or at 2:45.
CRCT: 5th Grade is a retention year. Students must pass the reading and the math portions of the CRCT in order to be promoted to the 6th grade. Tips: Encourage your child to read, read, and read. Go over homework with your child each time he/she has it. Review any missed work sent home in his/her Friday Folder.
Friday Folders: Each Friday I will send home your child’s folder with all of his/her work from previous days. Please look over these papers with your child, initial them, and return them toschool with your child the next Monday. The school also sends home important papers in these folders. Please read them and keep them in a safe place if they are something you will need later. The school office only gives me one copy per child.
Lunch/Breakfast: Student lunch is $1.90 and extra milk is $.30. Student breakfast is $1.15. You may pay for breakfast/lunch either daily, weekly, or monthly. Please do not send in anything that has to be refrigerated or micro waved as none are available for students. Soft drinks are not allowed at school.
If you join your child for lunch, there is a special table designated for you and your child (no friends can join your child). If you eat at your child’s table, he/she cannot talk while the music is on.
Menus: You can viewthem at either the county or the school website.
Money: Pate’s Creek only accepts checks for lunch. Cash is the only form of payment accepted for ice cream, yearbooks, and field trips.
Parties: The County only allows us two parties each year to be held at the end of each semester. Birthday parties are not allowed in the classroom, but you can send in cupcakes to be served during lunch.
Personal Items: Please do not allow your child to bring toys, games, collectible cards, or electronic devices to school. If your child is caught with them, they will be collected and you will have to come to the school to get them. Cell phones are not allowed to be on in the classrooms.
Snacks: Your child may have a snack if he/she brings it. They will not be allowed to call home for it. Only healthy snacks are allowed. No candy, Cheetos, Doritos, and potato chips.
Tardies: If your child arrives to school after 7:55, he/she is tardy. Please come into the office and sign in your child.
Water: Plain, clear water is the only thing students are allowed to drink in the classrooms. No vitamin water is allowed as many of them contain sugar and artificial colors which are not healthy.
If there is anything else you have questions about, please feel free to contact me.
I am looking forward to a great year with your child!
Mrs. Green