Questions by David Swindell of Clemson plus NYU, Swarthmore, and other Penn Bowl contributors
1.Born in Missouri in 1889, his family soon moved to Chicago, where in high school he set a new state high jump record. He studied law at Oxford on a Rhodes scholarship and passed the Kentucky bar exam in 1913, but a year later he decided to quit law to pursue a doctorate in astronomy. He then went to work at Mount Wilson, where he measured the distance to the Andromeda nebula, showing that it was a separate galaxy. FTP name this astronomer, discoverer of the expansion of the universe and namesake of a famous telescope.
Edwin P. Hubble
2.After graduating from West Point in 1936, he served for 10 months in World War II, surviving two attacks of malaria and his truck being blown up by a land mine. He served as superintendent of West Point starting in 1960 and after retiring from the military in 1972, ran and lost in the Republican primary for governor of South Carolina. Voted Time's man of the year in 1965, FTP, name this former four star general who commanded U.S. Troops in Vietnam from 1964-1968.
General William C. _Westmoreland_
3.It celebrates the defeat of General Charles Latrille Laurencez [lah-rehn-SAY] by Ignacio Zaragoza. It commemorates the victory of Juarez' liberalism over the invading French forces in 1862, even if the French
eventually installed Maximilian later. FTP, what is this day, celebrated more by Chicanos and Americans than by Mexicans?
answer: _Cinco de Mayo_ (grudgingly accept "May 5")
4.After departing the Arabella, this woman first settled in Ipswich and then North Andover. Among her collection of poetry is “The Flesh and the Spirit” and “Contemplations” which discuss the transience of life. More famous, however are the poems “To My Dear and Loving Husband” and “On the Burning of Her House”. FTP, identify this woman later immortalized by John Berryman whose collection of poetry is titled, The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America.
ANSWER: Anne Bradstreet
5.Debuting on the Motown off-shoot label Tamla at the tender age of 12 in 1963, he went on to have a stellar career filled with commercial and critical success. For ten points name the only artist to win the Grammy Award for Album of the Year in three consecutive years, 1974, 75 and 76, for his albums "Innervisions," "Fulfillingness' First Finale," and "Songs in the Key of Life," known as well for his blindness as his music.
ANS: Stevie Wonder
6.Two valleys, creatively named North and South, were key to this battle. The valleys are separated by Causeway Heights, where 3,000 Turks with a 912 lb cannon guarded Sir James Scarlett’s brigade and confused the invaders when they attacked left. When Lord Lucan’s Cavalry refused to help, Lord Cardigan’s troops were led to the slaughter. FTP, name this Crimean War battle, immortalized by Tennyson’s poem “The Charge of the Light Brigade”.
ANSWER: Balaklava
7.Rachel Verrinder’s most cherished present on her 18th birthday disappears, and Sergeant Cliff is called upon to solve the case, though its solution is further complication by the deaths of two suspects Rosanna Spearman and Godfrey Abelwhite. FTP name this 1868 novel by Wilkie Collins about a large diamond stolen from an Indian shrine.
ANSWER: The Moonstone
8.This organelle is a network of tunnels which connect the nucleus to the Golgi bodies. Should the cell require it, this must regenerate a new cell membrane. It contains many lipids and enzymes. FTP, name this, the rough type of which has protein making ribosomes attached.
Answer: _Endoplasmic Reticulum_
9.This man's work is mentioned in Huxley's Ape and Essence. Born in a small Aragonese town in 1746, he worked as a court painter for King Charles III of Spain. After he became totally deaf in the 1790s, he began his print series Los caprichos, marking the beginning of his darker work. FTP, name this artist, painter of the Black Paintings.
Answer: Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes
10.The son of a well to do Scots Irish pioneer family, he left his law practice after marrying his cousin, Floride Bonneau, in 1811. His political career began in 1808 with election to the South Carolina State Legislature and it was he who introduced the declaration of war against Britain in 1812. FTP, identify this political leader, who served as congressman, senator, secretary of state and war, and vice president, a chief proponent of nullification.
ANSWER: John C. Calhoun
11.One of its characteristic shapes is a dumbbell enclosed by two parallel rings. It can be found in samarium, thulium, thorium, and well as ytterbium and uranium. FTP, identify these orbitals, with seven possible characteristic shapes, which first appear in the lanthanide series.
ANSWER: f orbitals
12.The most prominent writers of the age were Tu Fu and Han Yu, leading a literary Renaissance. Advances in the arts were accompanied by massive military expansion, with Chinese armies moving into Central Asia, culminating with the reign of Hsuan Tsung. FTP name this dynasty, founded by Li Yuan, which brought an end to chaos and invasion when it began to rule China in the early 7th century.
ANSWER: the T’ang Dynasty
13.This reformer advocated the application of scientific induction to areas of the liberal arts. He influenced such philosophers as Hippolyte Taine and John Stuart Mill. In such works as The Courseof Positive Philosophy, he founded positivism. FTP, name this man who also coined the term “sociology”.
ANSWER: Auguste Comte
14.Sources for this story include Plutarch’s Life of Marcus Antonius and Payter’s Palace of Pleasure. The title character is a spendthrift who loses his friends when he loses his fortunes. The cynical Apemantus had warned him throughout the play that his friends were merely using him. When the titular character finds a buried treasure, he rewards his servant Flavius and aids Alcibiades in his conquest. FTP, name this Shakespeare tragedy.
ANSWER: Timon of Athens
15. They grew out of two groups, one of which believed that all people were saved, and the other of which preached the oneness of God instead of the Trinity. Those groups merged in 1961 to form this denomination, which saw one minister, James Reeb, killed during the Civil Rights movement, and which affirmed same-sex marriage in 1996. FTP, name this "non-creedal," Judeo-Christian denomination.
Unitarian Universalism or Universalist; prompt on Unitarian
16. A great admirer of Sufism, this write studied the Qur’an extensively in later life, and is believed by some to be the first German convert to Islam. FTP, name this author, master of numerous languages, more famous for his intellectual court at Weimar, his Sturm und Drang movement, and his The Sorrows of Young Werther.
ANS: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
17.This man played football at the USC in the early 80's and joined the Seattle Seahawks in 1986. He also played in the CFL for the Winnipeg, leading them to a Grey Cup appearance in 1988. The NFL was a different story however, and his only good moment came he was named NFL Player of the Week in 1992 when he passed for 386 yards for Minnesota against the Denver Broncos. FTP, name this man, who finally found success as an analyst for ESPN and co-host with Bill Dwyer of Comedy Central's Battlebots.
ANSWER: Sean Salisbury
18. Born in Persia, his name means “gate” in Arabic. A merchant, he took this name, as he believed he was the portal through which God’s revelation to all humanity would come, a promise he made in 1844. FTP identify this man whose role can be compared to that of John the Baptist, a herald to the coming revelation of Bahai.
Ans: the Bab
19. The total current entering any junction in a circuit is the same as the total current leaving it. That is, electric charge is conserved. The sum of the potential drops across each resistance in any closed loop in a circuit is equal to the electromotive force acting in that loop. For 10 points, these two principles make up which physical laws governing electric circuits, and named for their German discoverer Gustav.
Answer: Kirchoff's Laws
20.The subject of a novel by Captain Frederick Marryat, it supposedly is in perpetual search of Table Bay. Often seen during stormy weather off the Cape of Good Hope, it forebodes disaster, haunting the sea because of a murder committed on board. FTP name this legendary ship, the subject of an 1841 opera by Richard Wagner (VOG nur).
ANSWER: The Flying Dutchman
21.Its Chapel Street is home to Ragdoll Productions, the media group responsible for the Teletubbies. Luckily, though, this Warwickshire locale will likely be remembered for more than Po, Tinky-Winky, and giant immobile rabbits. FTP, name this city on the Avon River, home of the Teddybear Museum and William Shakespeare.
ANS: Stratford upon Avon
22.He founded his own law firm in 1997, and specializes in complex litigation, international arbitration, and corporate transactional work. He has worked with clients as varied as the New York Yankees, Raytheon, and Garry Shandling, but his last three have made him a celebrity. FTP name this lawyer who brought down Microsoft, and is currently defending Napster and working with the Gore campaign.
Answer: David _Boies_
23.Common depictions of this figure in sculpture and painting show him calling upon the earth with his right hand. Typically, his ears are shown elongated, as they stretched out when he removed his golden earrings upon deciding to abandon his princely life. FTP, name this figure, whose enlightenment is often depicted in art.
ANS: Buddha (accept Siddhartha)
Questions by David Swindell of Clemson plus NYU, Swarthmore, and other Penn Bowl contributors
1.Penned in 1943 by the author who also wrote Wind, Sand, and Stars, it is a bizarre little tale of an aviator stuck in the middle of the Sahara Desert who encounters a small blond boy who tells him far-fetched stories about travel among the planets. For 10 points, identify this touching fable of an interstellar guest by Antoine De Saint-Exupery
Answer: The Little Prince (Accept "Le Petit Prince")
2.He was elected to the 5th National Assembly in 1961, but it never met because of a coup. After that, he lost three presidential elections and got a political science doctorate in 1992 at the Diplomatic Academy of the Foreign Ministry of Russia. In 1979 his death sentence was commuted after US intervention. He was finally elected president in 1997 after forming a coalition with President Kim Jong-Pil. FTP, name this recent Nobel Peace Prize winner.
Kim Dae Jung
3.Lebesgue proved in his 1902 thesis that the Riemann forms of these objects exist for functions that are discontinuous on sets of measure zero. Lebesgue's own form of these objects exists for simple functions on measurable spaces. Darboux's version exists if the difference between upper and lower sums tends to zero as the partition's mesh size decreases. FTP, name these operation from calculus, known to Newton as being an antiderivative.
4.In scene one, the title character hovers over her sleeping children with a knife, intending to kill them and then herself, fearing their fate if left alone, but she cannot go through with it. In scene two, she announces that she has discovered that one of the priestesses has broken her vows and betrayed her country, and ends up implicating herself instead of Adalgia. FTP name this opera centered around a druid priestess, a work by Vincenzo Bellini.
5.Jim Williams in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil claimed to own the dagger which killed this man on December 30, 1916. Because he, with Alexandra Fedorovna, was suspected of trying to establish a separate peace with Germany, noblemen rose up against him. FTP, name this holy man, whose name means “debaucher” who wielded his influence at the court of Nicholas II.
ANSWER: Rasputin
6.Tydeus saw no mercy from Aphrodite when she saw him eat the brains of an enemy. Zeus killed Capaneus for impious boasting, and Amphiaraus was swallowed by the earth. The others, except for Adrastus who was saved by his horse Arion, also perished in the battle, and Polynices and Eteocles killed eachother. FTP, described here is what play by Aeschylus?
ANSWER: Seven Against Thebes
7.Although the inscription on the front façade attributes its construction to Marcus Agrippus, it was more likely it was built during the reign of Hadrian rather than the emperor Augustus. FTP name this Roman temple whose unity of Greek and Roman styles can be seen, known for its dome with an 8.3-meter-wide oculus.
ANSWER: Pantheon
8.It consisted of 60 or 70 Independents, who opposed the Presbyterians after Pride's Purge. It voted for the execution of Charles I. FTP, what is this group that met after the Long Parliament during the English Civil War?
answer: the _Rump_ Parliament
9.Lesser known varieties include morimotoite, kimzeyite, schorlomite, majorite, and knorringite. It has the general formula X3 Y2 Si3 O-12, where X can be calcium, iron, manganese, or magnesium, and Y can be aluminium, chromium, or iron. More common varieties include uvarovite, andradite, almandine, spessartine, and pyrope. It is quite hard, and it always splits into pieces with sharp edges, so it is often used for sandpaper, and also as a gemstone. FTP, name this mineral, most often dark red, best known as January's birthstone.
10.Written in quatrains of alternating 2 and 4 stressed lines, this poem condemns a politician who supported slavery in his 1850 “Seventh of March Speech”. The titular name is Hebrew for “inglorious” and the politician is Daniel Webster. FTP, name this John Greenleaf Whittier poem which is not about a Washington Irving character.
ANSWER: “Ichabod”
11.It was declared a heresy by the 431 Council of Ephesus after the namesake patriarch of Constantinople appealed to Pope Celestine I that Mary should not be referred to as “Mother of God.” FTP name this belief holding that Jesus Christ was in fact two closely and inseparably united but still distinct persons.
ANSWER: Nestorian(ism)
12.In the 1980’s researchers suggested that women suffering from this disorder were at a higher risk for developing osteoporosis later in life. More common to childless women, this disorder’s symptoms include painful menstruation, intercourse, defecation, urination, and in some cases, infertility. FTP identify this disorder of the female reproductive system, in which uterine lining grows in abnormal locations.
Answer: _Endometriosis_
13.These people have their roots in the Miztec and Zapotecs, but their exact origins are unknown. They are said to have discovered pulque and their calendar consisted on 260 days in a 52-year cycle. Cholula is one of their cities and their capital was Fulan. FTP, name this group whose name means “master builders”, who flourished in Mexico from 900 AD to 1300 AD.
ANSWER: Toltecs
14.When her son D.J. died of SIDS in 1980, it tore her marriage to Don Craig apart. After she was raped by Kellam Chandler, her twin sister Samantha was killed by the Salem Strangler thinking it was she. She eventually fell in love with Roman and then with John Black. FTP, name this character from Days of Our Lives, played by Deirdre Hall.
answer: _Marlena_ Evans
15.Nearly four-fifths of it consist of pasturelands; the remaining area is about equally divided between forests and deserts, with only a tiny fraction of cropland. With a total population of just over two million, it has one of the lowest population densities of any county in the world. Its highest point, at the western tip of the country, is Nayramadlïn Peak, which rises 14,350 feet. Completely landlocked, it includes a large part of the Gobi Desert in its southern region. FTP, name this country bordered on the north by Russia and on the south by China, with capital at Ulan Bator.
Mongolia or Mongol Uls or Outer Mongolia
16.This 20th Century American playwright is famous for her bold denouncement of Joseph McCarthy and her long love affair with Dashell Hammett. FTP, name this women whose works include the original book to Leonard Bernstein's Candide, and such plays as Another Part of the Forest, The Children's Hour and The Little Foxes.
ANS: Lillian Hellman
17.After being released by a dog at a fire hydrant, they elicit a myriad of responses in other dogs. Although their existence in the animal kingdom is widely accepted, scientists have found no definitive proof for their existence in humans, save for anecdotal evidence that the menstrual periods of female roommates often synchronize. Name these chemicals that travel outside the body to communicate information to other organisms.
ANSWER: Pheromones
18. "The Crawling Eye." "Puma Man." "The Atomic Brain." "The Mole People." "The Brain That Wouldn't Die." These are just a few of the many films that were featured on this TV series, which debuted on Comedy Central in 1989 and then moved to the Sci-Fi network in 1997. For ten points name this series, which featured Joel Hodgson and a cast of wacky homemade robots watching and heckling cheesy science fiction.