University of Alaska Anchorage
Bachelor of Social Work Field Education Program
Annotated Resource File
This is a personal resource file listing professionally useful contacts you have made both within your agency and in the community (local, state, national, etc.). The purpose of this assignment is to begin to develop the habit of identifying and organizing the names of agencies, contact people and essential information (eligibility, fees, services offered, etc.) as you learn about resources available to you, your agency, and your clients. For the purposes of this course, this file will demonstrate that you are networking appropriately. This should be compiled on an on-going basis throughout the field placement.
At a minimum you are to list the name of the person, job title, agency name, address, phone number, email and/or website address, and a few sentences identifying how this resource is relevant to your practicum or interests. Please do not include “canned” resource lists in the Annotated Resource File, and instead include people and resources you have networked with or specifically researched for your practicum. .
Jeanne Helpful, Administrative Assistant
Southwest AK Counseling Offices
420 Olive Street, Anchorage, AK 99503
Phone: 254-0075
Works Monday through Thursday 7AM to 7PM. Note: Don’t contact her between 7:30 and 9:00 due to daily staffings.
Jeanne is the mental health center receptionist who knows all of the caseworkers, their schedules, their areas of responsibility, eligibility criteria. She also does a lot of information and referral work for the agency and is knowledgeable about local and state resources.
John Goodguy, Executive Director
Community Connections
622 Rainbow Road, Anchorage, AK 99999
Website: N/A; agency does not have a website at this time.
Phone: 254-8884. Available Thursday and Fridays during the noon hour only!
John is a social work administrator with recognized expertise in community development in Anchorage who is willing to serve as a mentor for beginners in the field. He was very honest about the stresses and strains of entering the social work profession and offered to meet for coffee or lunch if/as needed.
Dr. Check It Out
Adolescent Crisis Inc.
8205 Greening Drive, Anchorage, AK 99533
Phone: 272-1000
Easiest to catch on Monday and Wednesday from 7:30 until 10:00AM. Goes to Seward on Fridays.
Dr. Check It Out is a psychologist who specializes in eating disorders and sexual abuse issues in adolescents. She is available Tuesdays for consultation in my field setting and prefers that a brief written referral with basic information about issues to be discussed is provided prior to the meetings. She is very conscientious about confidentiality and releases of information. I have also noticed that she seems to understand how to use social workers well.
2015-2016 Academic Year BSW Field Manual Annotated Resource File
20 Annotated Resource File Page 1 of 1 Appendix: Form #20