Resource Kits Available for Loan in the Fairbanks Area
1. Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Address: 1300 College Road
Contact Phone: 459-7206
Loan Period: 2 weeks
Loan deposit or fee? None
Conservation Education Kits Available:
- Bears of Alaska
- Furs of Alaskan Mammals
- Marine/Aquatic Invertebrates
- Raptors of Alaska
- Skulls of Alaskan Mammals
- Tracks
- Wolves
2. Alaska Public Lands Information Center (Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitor’s Center)
Address: 101 Dunkel Street, Suite 110
Contact Phone: 459-3730 or 459-3731
Loan Period: 2 weeks
Loan deposit or fee? $20 deposit per kit, refundable upon return of the kit by 4 PM on the date due
TeachingKits Available:
- Alaska Mammals (2 kits, one for k-6, one for 7-12)
- Alaska Resources, Minerals, Energy
- Birds
- Compass/Map
- Fish (2 kits, one for k-6, one for 7-12)
- Insects and Spiders
- Loons
- Mammal Skulls
- Owl Pellets (includes dissection equipment, but not the pellets)
- Songbird Blues
- Trees
- Water
- Wetlands
3. FNSBSD Library Media Services
Address: 520 Fifth Avenue
Contact: 452-2000 x11243 or
Loan Period: Enquire
Loan deposit or fee? None
Teaching Kits Available:
- Various Foss and Delta Science Kits, searchable by topic through the on-line catalog. To access the catalog, go to the destiny website (address listed above), click on the District Media (Videos, KITS, Puppets) option on the bottom right-hand side of the page, then click on the Catalog tab.
- Also, some Creamer’s Field kits are available to district teachers only through LMS for classroom use, including Aquatics, Birds, Geology, Habitats, Mammals and Fish, Plants, Snow and Winter, and Weather.
4. Fairbanks Soil and Water Conservation District
Address: 590 University Ave. #2
Contact: 479-1213 x 105 or
Loan Period: Enquire
Loan deposit or fee? None
Education Kits Available:
- Enviroscape Model
- Water Wonders Water Cycle Game
5. Friends of Creamer’s Field
Address: 1300 College Road, behind ADF&G
Contact: 452-5162
Loan Period: Enquire
Loan deposit or fee? $20 deposit per kit, refundable upon return of each kit
Lesson Kits Available:
*Note, kits may be checked out at the farmhouse and used at Creamer’s Field only*
- Aquatic Insect Collecting
- Boreal Forest
- Insect Collecting
6. University of Alaska Museum of the North
Address: 907 Yukon Drive
Contact: 474-6948 or
Loan Period: Enquire
Loan deposit or fee? One time purchase of $25 Kit Pass required
Museum Kits Available:
Natural History
- Compare the Bear
- Camouflage and Natural Selection
- Fish and Salmon
- Tree Ring Discovery
- Alaska Whales
- Tracks and Scats
- Insects
- Avian Adaptations
- Raptors of Alaska
- Avian Diversity: Wings
- Gull Wings and Feet
Native Cultures
- Traditional Games
- Whale Culture
- Caribou
Earth Science
- Fossils and Dinos
- Rocks and Minerals
General Science
- Hubble Resource
- Energetic Aurora