2006 IHRM Questions
Chapter 1. Introduction: The Enduring Context of IHRM
1. (page 24 q4) Can you identify other forces for change than those noted in Figure 1-5? If so, what managerial responses have you observed? What is an “expatriate”? Does becoming an “expatriate” interest you (even slightly)? Why or Why not? Explain. Examples and ideas and thoughts will be highly rewarded?
2. Further Reading (section on pg. 24) Attempt to find anyone of the featured articles and tell me your thoughts on the authors work and related it to reality somehow.
Chapter 2. The Organizational Context
1. (page 53 q3) The opening of McDonald’s in Moscow demonstrates the HR demands associated with new market entry. What did the company do to handle these? What role did staff transfers play?
2. (page 53 q4) Why are many multinationals adopting English as their common corporate language?
Chapter 3. IHRM: Sustaining International Business Operations
1. (page 77 q2) What are the reasons for using international assignments?
2. (page 77 q3) How effective are expatriates in transferring knowledge?
3. (page 77 q4) What are the positives and negative associated with being an international business traveler?
Chapter 4. Recruiting and Selecting Staff for International Assignments
1. (page 112 q 2) Should multinationals be concerned about expatriate failure? If so, why?
2. (page 112 q3) What are the most important factors involved in the selection decision?
3. (page 112 q4) Are female expatriates different?
Chapter 5. Training and Development
1. (page 135 q1) What are some challenges faced in training expatriate managers?
2. (page 135 q4) Why do some multinationals appear reluctant to provide basic per-departure training? Explain what you as a future manager would do?
Chapter 6. Compensation
1. Choose one question on page 156 from questions 1-6 (TYPE OUT THE ONE QUESTION YOU WILL ANSWER IN THE WEBCT ANSWER BOX).
2. Further Reading (section on pg. 156) Attempt to find anyone of the featured articles and tell me your thoughts on the authors work and related it to reality somehow.
Chapter 7. Re-entry and Career Issues
1. (page 179 q1) What factors contribute to re-entry shock?
2. (page 179 q3) What are the elements of a good mentoring systems?
3. (page 179 q4) What aspects would you include in a pre-repatriation program?
Chapter 8. HRM in the Host Country Context
1. (page 205 q5) What contributes to the poaching of subsidiary employees? What steps can be taken to try and retain key employees?
Chapter 9. Industrial Relations
No question to answer!
Chapter 10. Performance Management
1. (page 253 q2) Discuss the major factors associated with appraisal of expatriate managerial performance.
Chapter 11. IHRM Trends and Future Challenges
1. (page 273 q 1) What is your view of the recent international initiative to criminalize foreign bribery?
2. (page 273 q 2) Identify a number of HRM problems that typically arise with expatriate assignments. In what ways might the core ethical values and guidelines identified in this chapter apply to them?