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1.Basic Information

1.1 TitleHigher Education institutional capacity building in connection with the Bologna requirements

1.2Project Number:HU06/IB/SO01-TL


1.3Funding Program:Transition Facility

1.4Sector:Public Administration capacity building


1.6Beneficiary institution:Ministry of Culture & Education

1.7 Duration: 4+3 months

1.8Budget :120 000 EUR


2.1 Overall Objective(s):

Ensuring transparency, mobility, and accountability in Higher Education through the establishment of a complex and efficient set of information.

2.2Project purpose

1Improve professional information support for sector oriented decision making, to enable higher education institutions to adapt to changing circumstances in order to enhance their quality, attractiveness and relevance to society and the economy; in order to meet the changing needs of society andthe labour market.

2Establish a platform for structured information exchange among higher education institutions themselves, among higher education institutions and other organizations or the society, at EU level.


1.Hungary also has to reinforce its administrative capacity to implement the acquis on mutual recognition of qualifications. (CMR on HU. C.2/Chapter 2.)

2. According to the Treaty Article 149. Community action shall be aimed at

1Developing the European dimension in education

2Encouraging mobility of students and teachers

3Promoting cooperation between educational establishments

4Encouraging the development of distance education

5The program and its projects below intend to remove the deficiencies in the administrative aspects of the whole higher education system. It is to continue InstitutionBuilding activities in the field of Higher Education.


2.5Background and Justification

The degrees and qualifications must be transferable among the European education and training systems. As a consequence of old-fashioned technological applications the registration of the credits -identifying subjects/modules- and the qualifications/degrees falls behind the similar systems of the member states, and cannot provide input for the European education area and for the European labour market.

The 139/2005 Act on Higher Education, which has been put into force in March 2006, includes principles on the realization of elements mentioned in the Bologna Declaration (credit system, bachelor/master degrees, mobility, etc.), and the related regulatory actions ensure the actual realization.

The reform of higher education is aiming at

1joining the European Higher Education Area,

2improving the competitiveness of the Hungarian higher education in the EU, and thus raising the competitiveness of the European Higher Education Area in worldwide international relation,

3sustainable growth in the area

4initiating high intensity mobility.

The Act significantly increases the autonomy of higher education institutions in order to elaborate the principles of the reform social-economic requirements.

The institutions put a lot of effort onto organisational development upgrading the educational administrative procedures; meanwhile the adequate central co-ordination activities still follow the old bureaucratic system.

In order to efficiently facilitate the reform the Ministry of Culture & Education (MoC&E) has to adopt several new services oriented procedure. The main objective is to orient and support the institutions to make use of the autonomy especially in the areas of harmonisation between the academic supply and social-economic demands. Another objective is the facilitation of the innovative technologies in teaching and support services. The central co-ordination is precondition of gaining social-economic benefits of the intensive and interactive cooperation among the higher education institutions.

Part of the project is based on and practically extend the „A KPI based sector decision support system” titled pilot project carried-out in 2003. As a result of this pilot project a simple, but transparent and effective Executive Information System (EIS) has been introduced, that is updated regularly, to determine and analyze the actual values of norms based on the data collected from four higher education institutions.

In the Act on Higher Education (83§) as well as in a public agreement, MoC&E has delegated parts of its tasks in Higher Education to an organization 100 % owned by the Ministry of Culture & Education, Educatio Kht.

In order to realize these goals the central improvement of the administration system of higher education is inevitable.

2.6Linked activities

In 2003 and 2004 acomprehensive, high level process model of an ideal higher education institution was developed, financed by the Ministry of Culture & Education. In 2005 two consortia of higher education institutions have started to develop further this model. The result would be a core input for this project (Competence Centre). The National Development Plan (NDP) ensures some resources for higher educational institutions to implement reform-related changes. NDP covers the institutional level, and gives no sources for tasks realized on sector level (e.g. central coordinating agencies, methodologies, quality standards and requirements). Without implementing these central institutions and their services the realization of the Bologna Process cannot be fully effective. The costs of co-ordination, common guidance and the inevitably necessary central developments cannot be covered from NDP or from other EU sources.

In the framework of the NDP Human Resources Development Operational Programme MEASURE 3.3: Developing the structure and content of the higher education six projects launched which focus on the development of the higher education institution quality management. Two projects out of the six projects specifically support to establish the modern process management facilities. The projects are expected to facilitate and improve the competitiveness of the higher education institution and be able to cooperate in the higher education area. These projects also assure to be responsive partners adequate to the central initiatives.

3.Description of the assignment

3.1Beneficiary institution:Ministry of Culture & Education

3.2Responsible institution:Ministry of Culture & Education

3.3Implementing Agency:CFCU

3.4Results of the Twinning-Light project

1Implementation of the core module of a Higher Education Executive Information System (EIS) to improve effective planning and strategy creating on sector level and fast and effective decision-making. (cf.

2Implementation of the Hungarian Bologna Portal that harmonizes complex university and other related information systems, facilitate increased mobility, transparency, easy comparability of the degrees, and efficient information exchange between the interested partners, stakeholders. (cf.

3Sub-systems of the Hungarian Bologna Portal:

4An e-Campus office that will provide a comprehensive framework for utilizing e-learning in the higher education, maintains methodology, know-how and best practices and also accredits e-learning related activities of higher education institutions. (cf.

5Validation services topromotethe registering and validating of non-regular and informal education, professional experiences and practice. (The system extension will be in cooperation with the Europass system.) (cf. and sector (central) career monitoring system of graduate to determine student employment verification and to provide feedback to the higher education institutions on the effectiveness of the training and education. (cf.

6A Coordinating and Information Office (Bologna Help Desk) will provide information services to support the change management in the institutions. (cf.;

Establishment of a Higher EducationCompetence Centre in the Ministry of Education. ( tasks of the HE Competence Center are the coordination of collecting, distributing and re-using the knowledge, related to process management of higher education, the consolidation of accumulated knowledge, support users, assurance of professional background for development.

Professional and technical support for accumulation and dissemination of knowledge of the Higher Education organizational development, focusing on process management ( and quality management (cf., to support change management activities. Development of a central model and set of criteria of quality assurance and know-how of change management

3.5Activities – Twinning Light

In the following sections the major components of the proposed project are

/ Twinning Light
1.Higher Education Executive Information System (cf. / X
2.Hungarian Bologna Portal (cf. / X
- e-Campus (cf.
- Validation services and Career monitoring system (cf.
- Bologna Help Desk (cf.
3.Higher Education Competence Centre (cf. / X
4.Credit monitoring system (cf.
5.Process management ( and quality management (cf. / X

Scope of the twinningassignment: to create a Competence Centre in the Hungarian Ministry of Culture & Education within its current structure of the Management Executive System, indicator system. It will develop the Hungarian Bologna Portal, which will help the quality assurance and assessment in the Higher Education in accordance with the EU requirements.

1Workshops to get an in-depth view of European methods successfully applied so far (learning best practice) and to get information on the Competence Centre, e-Campuses, Validation servicesamenable to use with efficiency;

2Study tours to see methods of competence centre management, e- process and quality management, validation services, career monitoring systems prepared and in use of other countries within higher education institutes or ministries and their institutions;

3Preparing a methodological recommendation for the analytical and modelling techniques to be applied as a result offurther improvement of the Strategic Plan for the Bologna process;

4Revising the technical specification for the IT service and the equipment supply

5The requested services are a kick-off meeting, 4 workshops (training), 4 study visits, and a closing conference, where the final results based upon the TWL experts experiences and the drawn conclusions will be discussed with the Hungarian participants and other interested parties.

6Organizing dissemination events

Activity 1:2+1 day Kick-off meeting in Hungary (2 MS experts participating on a 1 day kick-off meeting with the Steering Committee, and 2 days start-up meeting with Hungarian 10-15 participants involved in the Bologna Process)

-Exploration of current situation (legislation, organisation structure and processes)

-Drawing up statement of affairs

Benchmark: Start-up report, prepared statement of affaires

Activity 2:8-day in Hungary after the kick-off meeting (2 MS experts)

-Specifying the detailed work plan and the time table of the requested twinning contribution, which will be prepared by expert (with participations of the 2 MS experts - 4 days)

Benchmark: Mission report, specified detailed work plan, plan for the TWL project

Activity 3:Reviewing and finalising the Technical Specification, for the Bologna Project’s software support, giving recommendations based on former experiences. Assisting to the tender launching (1 MS expert 2 x 3 day)

Benchmark:Finalised Technical Specification for the Service tender

Activity 4:5-day study visit in the MS (1 MS expert and 5 participants)

-Acquisition of experience and best practice

Activity 5:5-day study visit in the MS (1 MS expert and 5 participants)

-Acquisition of experience and best practice

Activity 6:5-day study visit in the MS (1 MS expert and 5 participants)

-Acquisition of experience and best practice

Activity 7:5-day study visit in the MS (1 MS expert and 5 participants)

-Acquisition of experience and best practice

Benchmark on Activity 3, 4, 5,6: Reports on the study visits, gained experiences, and recommendations based upon the afore mentioned gained experiences

Activity 8:4 workshops each 2 days (2 MS expert and 10-15 participants from the institutions involved) on the following subjects, as credit monitoring and allocation, quality assurance in the HE, career monitoring, valorisation & validation of working experiences, strategic indicator system, familiarisation with EU best practices

Benchmark on Activity 7: Mission report, number of trained staff within the Higher Education field incl. the relevant universities and institutions

Activity 9:4-day closing conference in Hungary (3 MS experts and approx. 20-25 participants incl. other HE institutions involved in the Bologna process) to evaluate the TWL project in terms of:


-Discussing of the results of the final study

-Possibility of future development

-Meeting with the HE’s leadership

Benchmark on Activity 8: Mission report, finalised study incl. comments, and recommendations after the internal circulation,

Activity 10:TWL experts final report (2 MS experts /5 days) prepares at the home country of the TWL expert for the approval of the Ministry C&E

Benchmark on Activity 9: Acceptance of the final reportand closure of theTWL project

(See the detailed monthly breakdown of the activities required)

Guaranteed results

1Finalisation the technical specification for the IT service and the equipment supply

2Based upon the TWL experience Policy Paper for the development of the Higher Education in respect of the Bologna requirements

3Further improving of the Strategic Plan for the Bologna process

4Establishment of legal framework of the Bologna Portal

5Providing special trainings for the staff (minimum 20 persons)

6Application of benchmarking technologies and experiences

7Supporting the co-ordination activities raising the public awareness with regular enhanced communication

8Organizing dissemination events

4.Experts profile

3The expert must be highly qualified in all subjects of his/her expertise needed specifically in the Bologna process including Distance learning and its management, where the afore process is concerned

4He/she must have a project related university degree or proven higher education qualification especially concerning the project leader

5 He/she must be well acquainted with software used in the Higher Education concerning credit monitoring and allocation, quality assurance in the HE, career monitoring, valorisation & validation of working experiences, strategic indicator system,

6Personal experience in related software’s university applications incl. service oriented architecture, and personal data protection ( EIS, management of Competence Centre etc.);

7Personal experience and competence (at least 8 years) in improving strategic indicator system

8Extensive experience and competence (at least 8 years) in the Higher Education area

9Expertise with on the job training and daily knowledge transfer

2Experience in management of international projects

3Good communication skills and capabilities to work in a team are a necessity

4Fluency in oral and written English

5Computer skills

5.Budget (in MEUR)

TF support / Other
Investment Support / InstitutionBuilding / Total TF (=I+IB) / National
Co-financing / IFI / TOTAL
Twinning Light contract / 0,1200 / 0,1200 / 0,0200 / 0,1400
Total / 0,1200 / 0,1200 / 0,0200 / 0,1400

The parallel national co-financing part of the budget does not include VAT, which will be paid separately from the HungarianState budget.

Parallel government co-financing related to the twinning component is allocated to cover the necessary counterpart costs arising from the implementation of the twinning.

The study visits will be co-financed at least for travelling cost (800 EUR / person / study visit).

5.1Operating environment

The expert will spend 7 months at the Ministry of Culture & Education and provide expert advice. She/he will be provided with office space and office equipment necessary for her/his job. The Department for Development and Science will support the work of the expert by providing staff for the project purpose.”

5.2Location and duration:

5.2.1.Location of assignment: All the workshops will be in Hungary on location made available by the Ministry of Culture & Education, except “Activity 3, 4 ,5 and 6” which consist of a study visits of the Hungarian delegation to the MS Partner Institution.

5.2.2Starting date of the TWL project:1st quarter of 2008

5.2.3Closing date of the TWL project: 7 months after the actual starting date


The working language of the project will be English. For the Hungarian experts not speaking English interpretation shall be provided when necessary.

The interested MemberState institution shall include in its proposal the necessary budget for translation of the relevant documentation and interpretation needed during the foreseen events. The estimated budget for this is around EUR 12,000.


The twinning partners shall submit the following reports:

1a jointly drafted start-up report covering the first two months of the contract and submitted during the third month;

2mission reports should be submitted in two weeks after the concerned mission

3a jointly drafted final report describing the project implementation, including detailed information on the results achieved, follow-up recommendations and any necessary corrective actions. According to the Twinning Manual 6.4.3 the Final Report should be submitted no later than three months after the implementation period as defined in Art. 2. of General Conditions of the Twinning Contract. The Final Report should also contain the Financial Report signed by the MS Project Leader.

Reports will follow the templates of Annex C4 of the Common Twinning Manual as follows: “The Reports must include the description of all activities that have been performed as well as the problems encountered and solutions proposed. The Final Report should include the Executive Summary. All reports will be signed by the Member State Project Leader and countersigned by the beneficiary Project Leader. The Final Report shall describe the results of the project, compare these with the original objectives and assess the success of the project. The achievement of the Benchmarks must be included in the report, and every kind of outputs of the project must be attached.”

All reports must be produced in English and Hungarianlanguages in electronic and hard copy.

Both project leaders shall sign these reports.

7.Institutional Framework

Main beneficiary of the project is the Ministry of Culture & Education. The realization of the project presented here is inconceivable within one organizational unit of the Ministry; it has to be carried out in tight, competency-based cooperation of the ministerial departments. The definition of informatics professional criteria, and tasks related to the national infrastructure is the responsibility of the Informatics technology Department of the Ministry of Education, Hungary. Technical support should be provided by involving market actors on project bases, with consideration of cost/benefit criteria. In this aspect, the Educatio Kht has an important role and significance. Thus, Educatio Kht is a service provider organization that supports various activities of the Hungarian Higher Education sector.

The management structure will be the following:

7.1Steering Committee:

A Steering Committee will be established to facilitate the purposes and processes in the Hungarian Bologna Project.

The Steering Committee will be chaired by the SPO (the Deputy State Secretary for Higher Education) and will be comprised of five representatives from

1Head of Higher Education Development and Research Department,

2Representative expert of a Higher Education Institution specifically the Conference of Rectors,

3Director of the Educatio Kht.,

4Representative of the NAC,

5Representative of the CFCU

The steering committee are coming together to plan for optimal use of the project’s resources, to coordinate activities where appropriate, and to plan for integrated development of the project. The meetings of the steering committee will be held in every 3 months at the Ministry of Education.