Population, Immigration and Citizenship Clippings. 20110702, 20110709 2011 Week 26, Week 27

3415.0 Migrant Data Matrices, June 2011 Australia

Two modest proposals that would restore our fraying social contract

This week, Mr Cameron has before him two modest proposals to restore the social contract on which the civility and prosperity of the nation depends. That chance, bolstered by Labour's offer of a fair wind, will not come his way again…. UK Telegraph.co.uk


Greece has woken up to debtocracy

These crises constitute a direct threat to national sovereignty, to democracy and social peace. They tear apart the social fabric, and tear apart any notion of a social contract. In an instant, they can turn an "EU partner" into a third world country. ... Greece UK The Guardian


Ootes softens his stand on social housing after time as head of TCHC
The retired conservative who overhauled Canada's biggest social housing provider over the past four months was himself changed by the experience. He shifted ever-so-slightly left. When Mayor Rob Ford first tapped Case Ootes last March to take over for ...Canada Globe and Mail

The Costs of Smart Growth Revisited: A 40 Year Perspective

"Soaring" land and house prices "certainly represent the biggest single failure" of smart growth, which has contributed to an increase in prices that is unprecedented in history. This finding could well have been from our new The Housing Crash and Smart Growth, but this observation was made by one of the world's leading urbanologists, Sir Peter Hall, in a classic work 40 years ago. Hall led an evaluation of the effects of the British Town and Country Planning Act of 1947 (The Containment of Urban England) between 1966 and 1971. The principal purpose of the Act had been urban containment, using the land rationing strategies of today's smart growth, such as urban growth boundaries and comprehensive plans that forbid development on large swaths of land that would otherwise be developable. .. UK NewGeography


Moscow Demographic Summit Ends with Demand for Governments to Adopt a 'Pro ...
"We, participants of the Moscow Demographic Summit, representing families from various social, ethnic and religious communities, leading experts in the field of the family and demography, public activists, NGOs, leaders of parents associations, ...Russia Christian News Wire (press release)

Do Humans Deserve Their Own Geological Era?
With climate change, concrete deserts and agriculture, human beings have fundamentally altered the face of the Earth. But have we really ushered in a new geological era, the so-called Anthropocene?... Germany Spiegel http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,773233,00.html#ref=nlint

Time could run out for asylum-seekers
The amount of time asylum seekers have to apply for refugee status after entering South Africa could be reduced from 14 days to five if the department of home affairs succeeds in passing its Immigration Amendment Bill, which is before Parliament. ... South Africa Mail & Guardian Online

Manchester: Stop sending refugees
Manchester officials are calling for a moratorium on refugee resettlements in their city, saying they can't help those who have already arrived. With more than 1380 refugees resettled in Manchester in the past seven ...UK Concord Monitor http://www.concordmonitor.com/article/267159/manchester-stop-sending-refugees?CSAuthResp=%3Asession%3ACSUserId|CSGroupId%3Aapproved%3ABA4A9537C4BF4594E11F4B09D8217743&CSUserId=94&CSGroupId=1

High-profile asylum-seeker may be deported after ruling
NIGERIAN ASYLUM-SEEKER and mother-of-two Pamela Izevbekhai is likely to face deportation after the European Court of Human Rights rejected her complaints that her rights had been violated. Ms Izevbekhai – whose case is one of the highest-profile asylum ...Europe Irish Times

Swiss justice minister takes hard line on asylum seekers
Swiss justice Minister Simonetta Sommaruga drew a hard line over the weekend on certain asylum seekers. She said in the SonntagsBlick newspaper that they should not be let out of asylum centers if they are causing trouble. She says these sanctions are ... World Radio Switzerland Audio report 2 mins

The Arab Spring's refugee crisis
As we marked Refugee Week last week it was clear to me that a national debate about asylum seekers was silencing another truth about refugees whose needs are currently not being respected in a far more volatile region of the world – North Africa. ... ABC Online The Drum Middle East Australia

UNHCR calls for PNG to cut huge refugee settlement fee
In Papua New Guinea, there have been calls for the National Government to lower its fees for refugees wanting citizenship. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees wants the cost of citizenship to be dropped, to help West Papuan refugees ...New Guinea Radio Australia

'Booming population woes'
The population, no doubt, would continuously need energy, food and water – three things that had been getting increasingly hard to come by. Oil supplies had become so ...Borneo The Borneo Post

36% population lives in 446 slums in city
NAGPUR: In an era when skyscrapers are coming up at a fast pace in developed and developing cities, Nagpur stands testimony to the stark reality of housing the fourth largest slum population in the country. Nearly 36% of its people live in 446 slum ...India Times of India http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-06-27/nagpur/29708844_1_slum-population-slum-areas-slum-dwellers

Europe Stifles Drivers in Favor of Alternatives

Cities in Europe want to make car use expensive and just plain miserable enough to tilt drivers toward more environmentally friendly modes of transportation. Europe USA New York Times


Slide Show: Europe's Fight Against Traffic


An open letter from Afghan refugees in Turkey to UNHCR
Afghans refugees are the third largest irregular refugee group in Turkey. Most have fled the war in Afghanistan. In 2010, refugees from Afghanistan numbered near 3500 and made a sizable proportion of Turkey's registered migrants. ...Afghanistan Turkey Kabul Press

Growing urban population strains Chinese cities
The southwestern megacity of Chongqing is bursting at the seams as authorities struggle to keep pace with its rapidly growing urban population -- a situation seen repeatedly across the vast country of 1.3 billion people. Lifelong resident Zhou Dechong, ...China AFP

Drop in urban population, says report
Sri Lanka's urban population has decreased from 3.2 million to 2.9 million – a fall from 18.6% to 14.3% of the entire population – within a period of 20 years from 1990 to 2010, according to State of Asian Cities Report 2010/11. ...Sri Lanka Nation on Sunday http://www.nation.lk/2011/06/26/news16.htm

No party can afford to ignore the “sandwich generation”

Tensions are rising over the care of the elderly and the prospects of the young. Both the coalition and Labour must address these issues before it is too late. .. UK New Statesman Rafael Behr 30 June 2011


Will David Cameron win the battle to control our borders?
Iain Duncan Smith says that ministers needs to control immigration if his welfare reforms are to succeed. Tim Montgomerie assesses the Coalition's chances, and reveals the infighting behind the scenes. By Tim Montgomerie Five million Britons of working ...UK Telegraph.co.uk http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/conservative/8612889/Will-David-Cameron-win-the-battle-to-control-our-borders.html
The growing problem of Syrian refugees
Our guest is Andrei Sushentsov, a lecturer at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, and we are talking about the issue of Syria and the refugee problem. In any area that has strife and war, there is always the issue of refugees. ..Syria The Voice of Russia http://english.ruvr.ru/2011/07/01/52654973.html

Recession makes educated women in rich countries postpone having babies
A study for the European Union by the Vienna Institute of Demography shows a steep decline in fertility rates in the US and Spain in 2009-10, and stagnation in Ireland and most European countries. However the report coincides with UK government figures ...UK Europe World The Guardian

Want to immigrate to Canada? The new rules may be a roadblock
Chandigarh: The Citizenship and Immigration Canada has announced changes in its immigration rules. The changes have been in made in view of the requirements in Canada's labour market. According to experts, the adjustments in the intake of applications ... Daily Bhaskar

Denmark to Reintroduce Border Controls on Tuesday
The Danish parliament in Copenhagen moved on Friday to reintroduce limited border controls in the country by deploying additional customs agents starting Tuesday. In Germany and Brussels, politicians believe the country could be violating the terms of the Schengen Agreement on passport-free European travel… Denmark Germany Spiegel http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,771888,00.html#ref=nlint
