Commonwealth of Virginia
Department of Education
P. O. Box 2120
Richmond, Virginia 23218-2120
Student scholastic records are those records that are directly related to a student, and are maintained by Bedford County Public Schools or by a party acting for Bedford County Public Schools. The content of the student scholastic record should be limited to data needed by the school to assist the student in his or her personal, social, educational, and career development.
Student scholastic records encompass all records created or collected by and maintained by Bedford County Public Schools that contain information on a student, except those records specifically exempted by law.
A student scholastic record is any information recorded in any way, including but not limited to, handwriting, print, computer media, video, or audiotape, film, microfilm, and microfiche. The term “computer media” is intended to cover any manner of maintaining information that is stored through and retrieved by a computer. Based on this definition, it is clear that scholastic records must be in some tangible form, or susceptible to reproduction in a tangible form.
A student scholastic record document can be considered “personally identifiable information” without identification of the student by name. A personal identifier includes any personal characteristics that would make the student’s identity easily traceable. For example, a student ID number, social security number, his or her initials, or other means.
Certain records not considered scholastic records and are not maintained in the student’s education file. These include:
- Records that are kept in the sole possession of the maker and are used only as a personal memory aid, and are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a temporary substitute for the maker of the record;
- Records of a law enforcement unit of an education agency or institution;
- Records relating to an individual who is employed by an educational agency that are made and maintained in the normal course of business; relate exclusively to the individual in that individual’s capacity as an employee; and are not available for use for any other purpose;
- Records relating to an individual in attendance at the agency who is employed as a result of his or her status as a student;
- Records that only contain information about an individual after he or she is no longer a student at that agency or institution;
Records of a student who is 18 years of age or older, or is attending an institution of postsecondary education, that are:
Made or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional acting in his or her professional capacity or assisting in a paraprofessional capacity;
Made, maintained, or used in connection with treatment of the student;
Disclosed only to individuals providing the treatment (Treatment does not include remedial educational activities or activities that are part of the program of instruction at the agency or institution.)
- Records maintained in the office of the school board attorney protected by the attorney-client privilege or the attorney work product doctrine.
Certain data must be collected and maintained for all students. The following data must be maintained:
- Record Data Disclosure Form
BCPS must maintain a record of each request for access to and each disclosure of personally identifiable information from the scholastic records of each student. Those individuals with legitimate educational interest in the content of a student’s scholastic record are not required to sign the Record Data Disclosure Form located in the scholastic record. See Appendix A for Record Data Disclosure Form.
- Name and address of student
The student’s legal name that appears on the birth certificate is considered their official name and should be printed on the student scholastic record and in the Bedford County Public School systems. A court document attesting to a change of name is required before any changes can be made to the student scholastic record. When a name change does occur, a copy of the document supporting the name change is to be maintained in the scholastic record.
- Birth date and birth certificate number
An official certified copy of the child's birth record must be provided. A photocopy of the child's birth certificate will not meet this requirement nor will a verification of birth. The principal or designee must record the official state birth number from the student’s birth record into the student’s scholastic record on the front cover in the space provided along with his/her signature, title, and date. At the time of enrollment, the child must be five years of age or reach his/her fifth birthday on or before September 30th of the school year.
Information on obtaining a certified copy of a birth certification is available at the Virginia Department of Health website.
If a certified copy of the child's birth record cannot be obtained, the person enrolling the child must submit a sworn statement setting forth the child's age and explaining the inability to present a certified copy of the birth record on an Age Affidavit form.
See page 9, BIRTH CERTIFICATE for additional guidance.
- Social Security Number (unless waiver is granted)
The student’s federal social security number must be provided upon enrollment or within 90 days thereafter. However, a child may not be excluded from school if a social security number is not provided. The division superintendent or a person acting on his behalf may waive this requirement if he finds that an individual is not eligible to obtain a social security number in accordance with guidelines established by the Board of Education or if the parent is unwilling to provide such number. BCPS may assign a student who receives a waiver a student identification number as a substitute for the social security number. This is not determined at the school level.
- Name and address of parent or guardian
Addresses should be put into PowerSchool as a 911 address. To locate this go to Click on Display map at the bottom of the page. In new map window, at the top click on Search then Search for Address, Places, Parcel Information. In pop up box click Search for an address. Click on any street name, then you can type the street name and it will search through until it finds a match with what you type or you can use the scroll bar on the right hand side. However the street address is recorded in this system is the way it should be typed into PowerSchool (example: FALLING CREEK ROAD would be FALLING CREEK RD). To see what school zone an address is in click on the road name from the directions above, then find the street number and click it. This will open a map that pinpoints the address selected. Go on the left hand side and scroll down to School Attendance click it once and then click below it High Schools, Middle Schools, or Elementary Schools, which ever applies to you. This will show a color on the map and a color beside each school. The zone that matches in color is the zone the address is located in.
If a child has no regular, fixed residence but resides within the school division in a temporary shelter, institution, or place not ordinarily used as a residence, the school division may determine that a street address, route number, or post office box number, cannot be provided. The school division may accept an alternative form of address that it considers appropriate.
- Schools attended
Schools attended should be recorded in PowerSchool on the Enrollment screen so that it will show up under Transfer Info. Current Enrollments and Previous Enrollments should be entered. This will take the place of writing it in the inside of the scholastic record.
- Scholastic work completed
A Tentative Program of Studies Card should be filled out for each student (Grades 8-12) and placed in the student scholastic folder. (These forms are ordered in the summer of each school year. Please let Phyllis Pinion at the School Board Office know how many you need. This will be replaced by the Academic Career Plan in coming years for Grades 7-12.
- Academic transcript
A transcript (Grades 9-12) should be printed when a student withdraws or graduates. Only print transcript in grades 9-11 if withdraw; print transcript for every graduate.
- Grades and grade point average
Grades K-12 Historical Grades Printout (when withdraw or graduate)
A transcript (Grades 9-12) should be printed when a student withdraws or graduates. Only print transcript in grades 9-11 if withdraw; print transcript for every graduate.
- Class rank
A transcript (Grades 9-12) should be printed when a student withdraws or graduates. Only print transcript in grades 9-11 if withdraw; print transcript for every graduate.
- Type of diploma earned
Record of diploma earned should be printed on the student’s last academic transcript and placed in student scholastic folder.
- Test data, to include results of Virginia State Assessment Program;
SOL test score stickers should be placed on the Standards of Learning Data Labels forms provided and placed within the blue SOL folder in the student scholastic record each year.
- School entrance physical examination report, immunization certificate or verification of immunizations
The school nurse is required to examine the Comprehensive Physical Examination Form and Immunization Record to ensure its completion during enrollment. If the school nurse is absent during the time a student enrolls the records should be given to the nurse upon return for approval.
Before any child is admitted to any public school he/she must have a Comprehensive Physical Examination by a qualified licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant acting under the supervision of a licensed physician. A report of the examination should be recorded on a School Entrance Physical Exam Form and obtained for the school division to be placed in the student’s scholastic record. The report must indicate that the child has received the physical examination within the 12 months prior to the date the child first enters a public school (K-12). There is no grace period for obtaining Comprehensive Physical Examination.
The Comprehensive Physical Examination is not required of any child if it violates the family’s religious beliefs and the child’s parent/guardian states in writing that the child is free from any communicable or contagious disease and there is no visual evidence of sickness. No certificate of immunization shall be required for the admission to school of any student if (1) the student or his/her parent submits an affidavit to the admitting official stating that the administration of immunizing agents conflicts with the student’s religious practices; or (2) the school has written certification from a licensed physician or a local health department that one or more of the required immunizations may be detrimental to the student’s health, indicating the specific nature and probable duration of the medical condition or circumstance that contraindicates immunization.
Transfer students must provide records stating that a physical was completed prior to enrolling into another school in one of the following ways: a copy of the report of the physical examination or phone verification from the school he/she is transferring from with records to follow. This is also the case with immunizations. Documentation indicating that the child has received the required immunizations must be provided. Any child whose immunizations are incomplete may be admitted conditionally, but please check with current Virginia Department of Health/Department of Education or school nurse for most current guidelines.
Click on the links below to open.
School Entrance Health Form (PDF) and Instructions (PDF)
Minimum Immunizations Requirements for Entry into Child Care and School
The health departments of all the counties and cities must provide the physical examination for medically indigent children without charge, upon request.
- Notice of school status as condition of admission (a sworn statement or affirmation indicating whether the student has been previously expelled from school attendance). This form is to be used only for students transferring in to your school, not for Kindergarten students unless they are transferring from another school division after the school year begins. See Appendix A for Affirmation/Registration Statement.
- Record of attendance
Record of attendance should be printed from PowerSchool when a student withdraws or graduates and put into the scholastic record. (Go to State/Province-VA then Attendance)
- Student termination (graduation/withdrawal)
Record of withdrawal should be recorded in PowerSchool. If withdrawing and not returning to a school or GED program fill in section on front of scholastic folder.
Record of graduation should be printed on the student’s last academic transcript and placed in student scholastic folder.
In addition to the information that must be collected and maintained in each student’s education record, certain specialized information may be collected and maintained for some students. This list is not exhaustive. Other information, not listed in this section, may be collected and maintained, if necessary. The following information provides guidance about the management of certain specialized records.
Schools must maintain information and documentation relative to student eligibility and special education and related services in the student’s education record to provide appropriate services and for auditing purposes. This documentation includes, but is not limited to, the following information:
- Records of referral
- Reports of assessment, including educational, physiological (medical, speech, hearing, vision), psychological, sociological
- Permission for initial testing
- Permission for initial placement
- Permission for initial placement
- Summary of eligibility minutes
- Individualized education programs (IEPs)
- Student Data forms
- Parent notifications
Special education records are kept for active students and for five years after the student exits (graduates, withdraws, or completes a program) from Bedford County Public Schools. After five years, these records will be destroyed in compliance with the Library of Virginia Records Retention and Disposition Schedule.
When a child’s parents are divorced or separated, it is important for school officials to know whether the noncustodial parent (the parent not awarded custody of the child by the court) has been restricted or prohibited by the court from exercising parental rights. There is no requirement that a school maintain complete custody or adoption papers in a student’s education record, although a school may do so. If an administrator is provided with a court order governing divorce, separation, custody or adoption, or a legally binding instrument that denies a parent access to a child or the child’s records, the administrator may instead make a notation in the student’s record referencing the written evidence that was presented and its date. In this way, the record will contain only information necessary for school officials to protect a student and comply with the court order. The form below can be used to transcribe necessary information.
See Appendix A for Custody Information Form.
Disciplinary records are records that are directly related to a student and any disciplinary action taken against that student for violation of school rules or policies occurring on school property or at school-sponsored events. Every notice of adjudication or conviction received by a local superintendent, and information contained in the notice, shall be maintained by the superintendent and by any other person to whom he disseminates it, separately from all other records concerning the student. However, if the school administrators or the school board takes disciplinary action against a student based upon an incident (on school property or during a school sponsored activity), formed the basis for the adjudication or conviction, the notice shall become a part of a student’s disciplinary record. Disciplinary records must be maintained as part of a student’s education record. FERPA requires schools to transfer any and all education records, including disciplinary records, on a student transferring to another school.
Home schooling means instruction of a child or children by a parent/guardian or other person having control of such child or children, as an alternative to attendance in public or private school. The records of a home-schooled child’s educational program, including courses taken and grades achieved in these courses, and the results of annual evaluations which may include the results of standardized tests need to be reported to the division superintendent or designated education official within the school division in which the child is being home-schooled.
Click on the link below to open or see Appendix A.
Notice of Intent to Provide Home Instruction
When enrolling a student in Bedford County Public Schools from another school division, the parent/guardian is required to provide a sworn statement or affirmation indicating whether the student has been expelled from school attendance at a private school or in a public school division of the commonwealth or in another state for an offense in violation of school board policies relating to weapons, alcohol or drugs, or for the willful infliction of injury to another person.