7th Grade – Summer Reading Project
Be prepared to submit your assignments the first week of school in August.
This assignment will better prepare you for the upcoming school year,
and if you complete it on time, you will receive a free lanyard and a free dress pass.
Purpose: Involve students in reading high interest books.
Goal: Write three dialectical journals about the book you read.
Step I:Select one book from the list below and read the book in its entirety.
Step II: Analyze the book by writing dialectical reader response journals (see Dialectical/Reader Response Journal template below).
Step III: Draw a T-Chart across a sheet of notebook paper. Write a summary journal. On the left of the T-chart write a seven sentence summary of the text. On the right of the chart write three levels of questions about the text, one level one question, one level two question and one level three question, then answer each of them.
Step IV: Draw a second T-Chart across a sheet of notebook paper. Write a character journal. On the left of the T-Chart write the name of a literary element found in the text. Write the exact sentence as it appears in the text in which the literary element was used. Write the author and page number from the text in parenthesis. On the right of the chart, describe the character using an adjective of personality. Make an inference about the character and then in five sentences explain using commentary how the character is that personality trait (adjective) using text evidence to support your inference.
Step V: Draw a third T-Chart across a sheet of paper. Write a literary elements journal. On the left side of the T-Chart, write the literary element used in the text, the exact quote from the text, and the author and page number where you can find it in the text. On the right hand side write the author’s intended meaning. What is the effect created by the use of the device? Explain in 3 sentences the effect created in the reader, i.e.- fear, fright, joy, sadness.
West Briar’s 7th Grade Summer Reading List
Ask My Mood Ring How I Feel Lopez, Diana.
Thirteen-year-old Chia has just found out her mother has breast cancer. She and her family travel to a famous church to make a promesca , a promise to God, in exchange for her mother’s health. Feeling all the pressure to complete her promescaand dealing with “normal”stuff makes it tough to know what to feel. Good thing she has her new mood ring to help her out!
Dead City Ponti, James.
Pop Quiz —you are in the school bathroom with only a towel and flat iron when a zombie attacks. What do you do? Luckily for Molly, her mother has secretly prepared her with martial arts, fencing, and birdwatching lessons. Will those lessons pay off? Welcome to Molly Bigelow’s life!
One Came Home Timberlake, Amy
Not convinced that the girl her family buried is her sister, thirteen-year-old Georgie sets out on a dangerous journey to discover the truth behind her sister’s mysterious disappearance.
Poison Zinn, Bridget.
Kyra's failed attempt to kill the princess, her former best friend, has her on the run. She must use her skills as a Potions Master to stay alive long enough to finish the job and save the entire kingdom.
Sasquatch in the Paint .AbdulJabbar, Kareem and Raymond Obstfeld
Eighth grade science geek, Theo Rollins, grows six inches over the summer and now everyone expects more from him, especially the basketball coach. With no real experience, he tries to learn the game. Just when Theo thinks he can't handleany more pressure, he's accused of stealing. Can he find the real thief before he is kicked off the basketball and science clubteams?
Ungifted Korman, Gordon.
Donovan Curtis is what we call a troublemaker. He is NOT what we call gifted. But when his latest stunt accidentally lands him at the Academy of Academic Distinction (a Gifted school), Donovan knows it is the perfect place to lie low for a while. But how long before these gifted students and teachers realize he is simply UNGIFTED?!