Valerie Bautista
Period 2
Feet Don’t Fail Me Now...
As you entered the first dance of the year, you were greeted by a red carpet, and ASB students welcoming you. You could find Mia Pacheco, Lizzeth Barraza, and Alyssa Cole, taking pictures of people dancing, groups of people, and items at the event. The theme for the first dance of the year was “Hollywood.” Kona Ice even attended the dance. Many flashing lights, and fog machines filled the scene. The dance started at 6:30, but many people started to dance, and have a ton of fun around 7:20.
Around 8:30, the winners for “best hair,” (Mirleen Gonzalez) “best dressed,” (Rudy Cardoza) “most likely to become famous,” Gabriela Gamez) “most famous look-alike,” (David Perez) “best dancer,” (Justin Z,) and “best runway walker,” (Chris Patino) were announced. All these winners were awarded with mini oscar trophies, and every participant got a chance to be on an episode of “Condor News from the Nest”.
All went well, and students of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade all enjoyed the great music the DJ was playing. If you needed a snack, ASB students could be found selling chips, gatorade, and water. If you needed an ice cold sweet treat though, Kona Ice was outside by the lunch tables selling shaved ice, and regular ice cream.
I had a chance to interview threepeople at the event: Teresa Garcia (an ASB student) Erica Solano (an eighth grader) and Ms. Spink (a teacher here at Isbell.)
The first person I i[1]nterviewed was Teresa Garcia. I asked her, “Did you enjoy the dance? Why, or why not?”
She then replied with, “Yes, it was pretty good because there were a lot of people that I [2]knew there, and the DJ was pretty good this year too.”
I then asked, “Who chose the idea of the theme, and did you like it?”
Her response was, “The students chose the idea of the theme, and yes, I did, it was a pretty good choice.”
I then interviewed Erica Solano.
The first question was, “What was your favorite part about the dance?”
She then said, “My favorite part was when they handed out the trophies to all the award winners.”
My second question was, “Did you enjoy the dance? Why, or why not?”
She responded with, “I enjoyed the dance a lot because it’s our last year here, so I plan to have a lot of fun with my friends.”
My final question was, “What made this dance special to you?”
She replied by saying, “This dance was special to me because...since it’s our last year, there’s a lot to notice.”
The last person I interviewed was a teacher, Ms. Spink, who chauffeured the dance.
The first question was, “What was your favorite part about the dance?”
She replied with, “My favorite part of the dance was seeing students have a lot of fun in an activity, that wasn’t part of class, so an out of school activity.”
My next question was, “What made this dance special to you?”
She then said, “The thing that made the dance most special was seeing 6th graders kind of become a part of Isbell by going to their first dance, and seeing everyone have a good time.”
It seemed as if almost everyone had a great time at the dance, so the first dance of the year at IMS was successful. You could see the joy in many students faces while the DJ played a song called, “No Rompas Mi Corazón,” by a spanish band named Caballo Dorado. Everyone then got on their feet, and started dancing along.
The last song of the dance was, “See You Again,” by Wiz Khalifa, featuring Charlie Puth. I [3]personally really enjoyed the dance, and I recommend that you attend the next one, to see how fun being at events like these is. A huge part of Isbell is the dances, and going to a dance, can really help your experience at IMS. Plus, people really bring out their true colors at the dance! So make sure to get a dance permission slip the next time they’re available!
Feet Don’t Fail Me Now...
Ammi Castellanos
Period 2
: Here we see Valerie Bautista and Brooke Ramirez trying to hide from the camera
: Here David Perez is doing the splits because he won “most famous look- alike”
: here students are lined up to see the runway walkers.
: Here we have some students dancing
Here we have Mia Pacheco standing by the Hollywood Backdrop with her camera ready.
Jimena Garcia
Period 2
Date 10/2/17
Feet Don’t Fail Me Now...
The first dance was Hollywood themed.ASB was handing out awards out for best dressed,best hair and etc. Our piece was about the dance they announced winners,kona ice was there, the sold snacks and more.The tone of our piece was fun,party and exciting.It was fun because there was fog machine,kona ice and snacks. The author said, “All these winners were awarded with mini oscar trophies…”
Valerie Bautista
Jimena Garcia
Ammi Castellanos
Period 2
Patas, no mi ases falta hoy...
Cuando entras al primer baile, estas saludando con un alfombra roja, y ASB estudiantes te dan la bienvenida. Usted podria encontrar Mia Pacheco, Lizzeth Barraza, y Alyssa Cole tomando fotos de muchas cosas diferentes en el evento. El tema del baile fue “Hollywood.” Kona Ice atendio, luces intermitentes, y maquinas de niebla llenaron la escena. El baile comenzo a las 6:30 pero mucha gente se divirto y empezo a bailar alrededor de 7:20.
Alrededor de las 8:30, los ganadores del “mejor pelo,” (Mirleen Gonzalez) “mejor vestido,” (Rudy Cardoza) el que tiene el “mas probabilidad a ser famoso,” (Gabriela Gamez) mas mejor persona “que se mira como alguien famoso,” (David Perez) “mas mejor bailador,” (Justin Z) y el “mejor caminante de pista” (Chris Patino) fueron anunciados. Todos estos ganadores fueron recompensados con trofeos pequenos de Oscar.
Todo fue bien, y estudiantes de todos grados de Isbell disfrutaron con la musica. Si quierias un bocadillo, estudiantes de ASB estaban vendiendo chetos, jugo, y agua. Y si quiereas algo dulce y congelado, Kona Ice estaba fuera con helados.
Tres personas que fueron era: Teresa Garcia (un ASB estudiate) Erica Solano (del grado ocho) y Senora Spink (una maestra aqui en la Isbell.) Yo podria dar a estas personas una entrevista. La primer persona fue Teresa Garcia.
Valerie: “Te gusto el baile? Porque, o porque no?”
Teresa: “Si, me diverti mucho y fue bien porque habia muchas personas que yo conocia, y habia musica que me gusto.”
Valerie: “Quien escojio el tema del baile?”
Teresa: “Estudiantes escojieron el tema del baile, y si me gusto porque fue bien.”
La segunda persona que le di la entrevista era Erica Solano del grado ocho.
Valerie: “Que fue la mas mejor parte del baile para ti?”
Erica: “Mi favorita parte era cuando anunciaron los ganadores para todas las catagorias.”
Valerie: “Si te gusto el baile? Porque o porque no?”
Erica: “Si me gusto porque es nuestro ultimo ano en la Isbell, y planeo tener mucha diversion con mis amigos.”
Valerie: “Que hizo este baile especial para ti?”
Erica: “Este baile era especial para mi porque fue diferente a otros bailes, yo pense de este mas porque es nuestro ultimo ano, y hay mucho que puedo notar.”
La ultima persona con la que hable, era Senora Spink.
Valerie: “Que era tu favorita parte del baile?”
Senora Spink: “Mi favorita parte del baile era ver a los estudiantes teniendo mucho divercion en un actividad que no era parte de la classe.
Valerie: “Que era la cosa que hizo este baile especial para ti?”
Senora Spink: “La cosa que hizo este baile especial para mi era biendo los estudiantes del grado sexto formar parte de Isbell, y viendo que todos tenian diversion.”
Parecia como si casi todos tenian un felis tiempo attendiendo el baile, asi que el primer baile era exitoso. Hasta que pudriras mirar personas muy contentas cuando el DJ puso el cancion de Caballo Dorado que se llama, “No Rompas Mi Corazon”. Todos estaban bailando esa cancion. La ultima cancion era, “See you Again” de Charlie Puth, y Wiz Khalifa. Attendiendo a este evento te puede hacerte sentir aparte de esta escuela. Por lo tanto, debe asistir a eventos como estos.
[2]WHAT IS THIS!??!?
[3]I like the idea of ending the piece with the last song of the dance, But it doesn't feel like conclusion, here. Rather, it just feels like the piece kind of drops off abruptly. More is expected. Try to end on a similarly positive note (your final paragraph is strong, otherwise).
[4]These descriptions are nice, but I need ACTUAL images to work with!