Ukmi Website - Clinical Governance Section

Ukmi Website - Clinical Governance Section

I Medicines information
- provision of information about
Task/activity / Evidence
ref / Example /type / Sign-off
Date / Tutor/trainer
I21 / Understands the need and purpose of internal/external quality audit of MI Service
I21.1 / Local (if available) and national guidance on QA
  • UKMi website - Clinical governance section
  • Local SOPs
  • UKMi peer review processes document.
/ Reads local and national guidance.
Feedback form* (completion of sections of MiCAL/ workbook as specified. Signed off by tutor).
I21.2 / Awareness of UKMi peer review documentation . / Feedback form*
I21.3 / Undertake peer review of at least one MI enquiry using UKMi methodology / Peer review scoring sheet with comments
I22 / Understands the principles behind information storage and makes effective use of IT. (e.g. databases)
I22.1 / Awareness of bibliographical databases e.g. Medline, Embase, enquiry databases (searching, how to record data, limitations)
Updated Dec 2012 for PII / Feedback Form*
(completion of sections of MiCAL/ workbook as specified. Signed off by tutor)
Detail on the template, examples of a mixture of complex and simple satisfactory enquiries [n=10]. Use different categories as specified in MI workbook. Include self reflection learning points signed off by tutors.
[May cross ref enquiries to different tasks.]
I23 / Use of MI Resources
MiCAL (searching the literature, information sources, enquiry form, writing and referencing skills)
Training workbook (sources of information)
Complete tutorial on the use of Medline/ Embase via the Knowledge Network or local platforms e.g. via library service where available / As above
I24 / Understands the nature of MI services and knows when/how to refer to MI
I24.1 / Understands criteria for referral to MI services and own limitations / CPD record [CPD n=1]
I25 / Demonstrate appropriate understanding of enquiry by recording all relevant background information
I25.1 / MiCAL, workbook section on recording background information, enquiries.
Complete template provided. Do not include copies of enquiries. / Feedback form*(completion of relevant MiCAL/ workbook sections as specified)
Enquiries completed to required standard.
Complete template provided. Do not include copies of enquiries.
I26 / Plans and records a logical approach to problem solving using a search strategy appropriate to the task (using UKMi minimum resource list)
126.1 / Real enquiries
MiCAL, workbook section on researching enquiries
Complete template provided. Do not include copies of enquiries. / Feedback form* (completion of relevant MiCAL/ workbook sections as specified)
Enquiries completed to required standard.
Complete template provided. Do not include copies of enquiries.
I27 / Identifies relevant information and disregards irrelevant information in a systematic way using impartial critical appraisal skills
I27.1 / MiCAL (critical appraisal). UKMi workbook section 5.Real enquiries
Updated Dec 2012 for PII / Feedback Form* Enquiries completed to required standard.
Complete template provided. Do not include copies of enquiries.
I27.2 / Complete NES Critical appraisal packages level 1 and 2 / Ask NES Pharmacy for details.
I28 / Understand the introduction of new medicines to the NHS in Scotland and the local processes involved in the introduction of new medicines
I28.1 / Awareness of information sources for new medicines pertaining to use within the NHS including discussion with relevant local staff involved in the process / CPD record starting at reflection [n=1]