Feedback Form on Accessibility
The Human Rights Council Secretariat welcomes user feedback on accessibility and the services provided, as we are constantly trying to improve to enable participation for persons with disabilities in the work of the Human Rights Council. Your feedback is important to us to evaluate the services provided and improve.
Please spend 10 minutes to complete the feedback form below and email it to:
Which Council session/meeting did you participate in?
Please indicate the session number and/or title of the meeting: ______
The name and contact details information below are optional.
Title (Mr./Ms.): ______
Name: ______
Contact Details: ______
Category of participant (i.e. representing a State, an inter-governmental organisation, a national human rights institution, a non-governmental organisation, other (please specify): ______
Getting Accredited
1. You were directed to the priority lane by the security guard.
Yes______No ______
2. Did you request for a ‘Taxi access pass’ or ‘Special vehicle Authorization’ to take your taxi or private vehicle into Palais des Nations?
Yes______No ______
3. If yes, were you able to get these without difficulty after displaying the desired documents?
Yes______No ______
4. How would you rate the overall experience of getting accreditation on a scale from:
1 (lowest) ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___ (highest)
5. Please provide your recommendations for improvement in the accreditation process. ______
Physical accessibility at Council sessions
6. How would you rate the accessibility of the conference rooms and surrounding areas (restrooms, cafeteria, etc.) on a scale from:
1 (lowest) ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___ (highest)
7. How would you rate the signage and the ease to find your way to the conference room and surrounding areas (restrooms, cafeteria, etc.) on a scale from:
1 (lowest) ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___ (highest)
8. Please provide your recommendations for improvements to the physical accessibility at the Council sessions. ______
Request for Accommodation
9. Did you request for any reasonable accommodation by filling Annex 1 of the conference registration form?
Yes______No ______
If yes,
10. How much in advance did you submit your registration form? (select any one)
- One month or more
- A fortnight
- A week
- 1-2 days
11. What accommodation did you request for? (select any one)
- Request for ISL Interpreter
- Request for captioning
- Others, Please specify______
12. How would you rate your satisfaction level of the process of providing accommodation on a scale from:
1 (lowest) ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___ (highest)
13. Did you request for a Braille version of your oral statement?
Yes______No ______
14. If yes, how would you rate the ease of using the process of getting a Braille version of your oral statement on a scale from:
1 (lowest) ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___ (highest)
15. Please provide your recommendations for improving the process by which accommodation is provided. ______
Access to information about the Council session
16. How would you rate the availability of the official UN documents issued for the Council session on a scale from:
1 (lowest) ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___ (highest)
17. How would you rate the accessibility of the official UN documents issued for the Council session on a scale from:
1 (lowest) ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___ (highest)
18. Please provide your recommendations to improve availability and accessibility of official UN documents issued for the Council session. ______
Accessibility guide to the Council sessions for participants with disabilities
19. Did you read the accessibility guide to the Council sessions for participants with disabilities?
Yes______No ______
If yes,
20. How would you rate the usefulness of the information provided in the guide on a scale from:
1 (lowest) ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___ (highest)
21. How would you rate the accessibility of the information provided in the guide on a scale from:
1 (lowest) ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___ (highest)
22. Please provide your recommendations for improving the content and accessibility of the guide.