Adaptations of Living Things
Below – you will find several websites that will allow you to discover the various adaptations that exist in the living community that allows organisms to survive in the environments in which they live. Remember, adaptations are any characteristic that allows an organism the best chance to survive struggle. These adaptations can come in the form of structures, behaviors, or chemicals. As you read through these websites and introduce yourself to some of life’s more exotic creatures, ask yourself “How does this help the organism?” and “Why do they need this particular adaptation?” Happy discoveringJ
Website #1 – Visit the website below. While on this website you must answer a total of 10 questions. Write down the animal whose questions you are answering. Make sure your answers are numbered according to the animal.
Animal / Question # / Answer to QuestionMAKE SURE YOU HAVE ANSWERED 10 TOTAL QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Website #2 – Visit the website below. This website is strictly a fun fact, for-your-information only. On this website, you can find out some crazy information about some of the organisms that you know and love.
For example: The eyes of donkeys are placed in such a way that they can see all four feet at the same time.
Website #3 – Visit the website below. This website allows you to see how the emperor penguin has adapted to Antarctic life. Go to the webpage – (1) in the spaces provided, write the brief description as to what the types of adaptations mean and (2) scroll down until you find the information on the emperor penguin. List all of the different adaptations that the emperor penguin has for each type of adaptation.
Website #4 – Visit the website below. This particular website allows you to investigate plant adaptations within specific habitats. Once on the website, click on one of the habitats. (1) Write down what kinds of conditions exist within that environment (rainfall, temperatures, soil conditions…) and (2) Write down at least three adaptations that plants have to help them survive in this biome.
Biome: ______
Biome characteristics:
Plant adaptations for this biome (remember at least 3):
Other fun websites to check out if you finish early.