ERGC General Meeting Minutes

October 3, 2017

In Attendance:

President – Mike Roberts PR Director – Perry Bankester

Vice President – Joe Scheels Resident Agent – Philip Kraemer – *absent

Secretary – Gregg Ferguson– *absent Parliamentarian – Max McDaniel – *absent

Treasurer – Ed Powell Range Manager – Perry Byron, Sr.

Membership Secretary – Terry Byron Member-at-Large – Jim Harbert

Webmaster – Melinda Hansen Member-at-Large – Rick MacCrone – *absent

A quorum of BOD members was not met. Meeting was held to give reports and submit proposals.

No issues were put forth for vote. 21 Members and board members in attendance.

Pledge of Allegiance led by Mike Roberts

Prayer – provided by Charlie Miller

Treasurer’s Report – Ed Powell

$11,702.00 Income

$10980.00 Expenses

Bank Balance

$ 126,256.44

Secretary will give his report next month due to absence

Membership Report – Terry Byron

Current Membership 1026 Overall loss from last year – 1

Income from Memberships - $10,070.00

30 New Members & 62 Renewals

PR Report – Absent

Webmaster Report – Website will launch next week. Melinda is asking for photos to add to the website. The website will have the capability for members and non-members to join CCW classes, extra classes being offered and to renew or apply for membership. The website has a built in “Safety Brief” and you will be able to pay for your membership online. There will be available space for the disciples, partners, photos and club history. The domain name is still A new website will replace the existing website. ERGC Membership numbers will remain the same with the exception, the hyphen and the birth year will not be included. Spouse will still retain their numbers as well. Sometime next year, it’s planned to have a bar code on the cards so all members will have to do is swipe their cards instead of having to sign in manually.

Range Report- 657 members 179 guests attended the range in September. Income from sales was

$ 2767.68. We just ordered new target stands and should be at the range on Saturday. These are from a new vendor and are heavier than the last ones, hopefully this will help with tipping.

Rolling stock – the small Kubota is in the shop for maintenance.

Power is being installed on ranges 5, 6 and 7. Thanks to the Chestney Brothers, Range 6 has been scraped and is almost ready to shoot.

The High School Alabama Rodeo Team will be out on Saturday, October 7. They will be shooting on Range 6. The NRA and the National Youth Rodeo Ass. have combined and they are required to shoot .22’s.

Busy weekend, we’ll have Appleseed and Muzzle Loaders on Saturday and Appleseed and the Cowboys on Sunday.

Painting the buildings: There’s a lot of prep work needed before the buildings can actually be painted. They need to be pressure washed, caulked, nails reseated. And then painted. All this needs to be done before the winter rains come. We have some volunteers and will set up a paint party for the 14th and 15th. We are looking for more volunteers. It was suggested by one of the attending members that we stage the posts (by the RSO build) so we don’t have to move them twice. However, the ground has become so hard, a regular 4” auger would not penetrate the ground, so we need to implement another method to drive the posts for the fencing.

We have a new office worker, Bekka Buck, she will be processing applications, guest waivers, etc. for the office, so there will be more RSO presence on the range. Melinda commented on her interest in guns and personality.

Mike Roberts addressed Charlie Miller about the status of the tires for Ranges 6 & 7. Charlie will make contact again with the supplier. Mike suggested as an incentive, we could give the supplier a tax certificate for approximately $10 per tire. We are trying to be able to move the disciplines to Ranges 6 &7 by November 2017.

Perry cautioned Charlie for the bigger tires, no 13’s or 14’s.

A member questioned whether the club required an NRA membership. It was explained by Mike, Perry and Melinda that until our status for the c7 is granted NRA membership was strictly voluntary. Once, the c7 is reinstated, we will go back to NRA membership as mandatory for the benefit of the background checks that are provided by the NRA. This member suggested that when we have special events to set up a table to sell NRA memberships, it was demonstrated by a show of hands that most club members are already NRA members and even though it was a good suggestion, there was not enough available revenue to make a table worthwhile.

New Business:

Terry Byron has put forth a Proposal for Partners “Company” Memberships, which came via an email received by Jeff Clites. The proposal was put forth to the board for discussion.

Company Membership: $250.00 per year

Issued a Company Card for owner/employees to use to sight in their products

Free ad in the newsletter (a $120 value)

Signage on the range (sign not included)

Link on the ERGC Website

Allowed 2 accompanied “guests” (customers), guest fee waived (waiver required) - Discussion Point

In Exchange - Discussion Point

Display Brochures and promote ERGC Events / Classes

Make an annual donation to the C3 or Club via Merchandise or Monetary ($100 suggested minimum)

ERGC members would receive a 10% discount (excluding gun purchases)

Requirements to Company’s via Discussion

Owner provide the Range with a list of employees permitted to use card.

Employee must sign in at office with guests.

Employees must complete Safety Brief.

Employees may not use Company card for personal use.

Randy Pippin requested a “Free” Membership for the Christmas Toys for Tots campaign.

John Booth, Esq. will be speaking for about 30 minutes concerning the Florida Concealed Carry Laws

Larry Leveron introduced a “dry run” on the new CCW classes to be held at Pace Fire Dept. on Saturday October 7th. He has plans to introduce additional classes in Defensive Pistol from Basic, Intermediate and Advanced, this will introduce members to IDPA and other disciplines. Later, he has a Master Shooter planning to attend the classes.

Perry Byron made a plea to the attending members to keep an eye open for people not picking up their brass, especially .22’s We will plan work days for range clean up.

Mike Roberts polled the audience for the idea of raising the dues by $5 per year for the next 4 years.

Meeting Adjourned 7:25 pm