Feedback form for schools from Norway

It is important that the feedback form represents the views of the whole delegation that visited the partner school in the South. In order to give constructive feedback please refer to “A Guide to The (NORAD) Schoool Exchange Programme”, “Rules and Procedures”, “Many small people… a manual in cross-cultural linking” and the support application you submitted to the Programme. An electronic version of this form can be found on Please complete the form in English.

Name of school: Norway / Name of school: South
Name of teacher in charge: Norway / Name of teacher in charge: South
Preparations, accommodation and activities
Please give a short description of the preparations you made before visiting your partner school emphasising the selection process, learning about the host country, acquiring of travel documents, any difficulties you faced while doing so etc.
Where did you stay during your exchange visit?
(Host family, hotel, boarding school or other- please specify)
If you did not stay with host families, please explain why:
Please give a short account of the excursion/s your delegation participated in during your exchange visit, emphasising the sites, purpose, and an evaluation of its relevance to the programme.
Please describe your participation in any cultural, information or other activities in the local community.
If you had contact with the media during the visit, please give brief account of the encounter mentioning the name/s of the media, the purpose and the resulting coverage (please enclose press clips if possible).
Please give a brief account of other activities you were involved in during your stay in the South.
Thematic focus / Joint project
What was the theme for your visit this year and how was it selected
Please give a short summary of the joint project you have been working with this year indicating the aim, the activities, the results and an evaluation of its success (you can enclose more information separately).
Approximately how many people at your school participated in the project?
Did you manage to involve people outside the schools into the project/ exchange - who and how?
Which educational value do you think the project has had for your school? Please explain.
In general, what has been the largest challenge so far, and how will it be addressed in the future?

Statistical data

How many days, including travelling, did the visit last?
How many days did you spend with your host school (excluding travelling days)?
How many hours did your learners spend attending classes at the host school?
How many hours did your teachers spend teaching at the host school?
How many hours did your delegation use for extra-curriculum activities at the host school (excluding excursions)?
How many hours did your delegation spend working together with your partner school on the joint project?
How many hours did your delegation spend on excursions or sightseeing?
How many hours did you delegation spend on planning and evaluation meetings?
How many female teachers participated in the visit from your school?
How many male teachers participated in the visit from your school?
How many female learners participated in the visit from your school?
How many female learners participated in the visit from your school?
How many families were involved in hosting you delegation?
Please give a short description of the preparation you made before hosting your partner school emphasising information of their arrival, accommodation, programme (can be enclosed separately), difficulties you might have faced in the process etc.
On a scale from 1 to 4 (where 1= not satisfied, 2= neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 3= satisfied, 4=very satisfied), please rank how satisfied your school is with its efforts to achieve the following objectives of the programme: / Please tick in the column below
To provide young people with knowledge, skills and encouragement to participate in addressing local and global challenges / 1
To promote the teaching and integration of global and North/South issues in the school curricula / 1
To facilitate direct contact between young people in Norway and in the South in order to give them the opportunity to learn by sharing and participating in each other’s daily life / 1
To encourage personal, community and institutional contacts between the respective school communities, and provide support in order to facilitate participation / 1
The overall achievements of the objectives of the programme this year. / 1
Give a short explanation as to how or why the aims of the programme were achieved or not. Please feel free to enclose on a separate sheet if you would like to write in more detail.
Please rank how satisfied your delegation is with the cooperation between your school and the partner schools. / 1
Provide a short explanation for the answer above
Please rank the extent to which your delegation was satisfied with the joint project work. / 1
Please rank the extent to which your delegation is satisfied with the hosting arrangements by the partner school. / 1
Comments or suggestions
Please feel free to include any other comments or suggestions you might have regarding the programme, the way it is organised and/or the way it is run:

F:\Felles\Skole\2004\forvaltningsdok og skjema\Feedbackform_North.doc