St John’s CE Primary School
Year 5 Curriculum Fact Sheet
Autumn 1 2015
This gives you some information about some of the work your children will be involved in during this half term. It would be very difficult to detail every thing so we have just included those topics which we feel are the most relevant and those in which you could support your child’s learning.
English/ This half term Year 5 will be focusing on 'Genre Fiction' using J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. We will spend the half term analysing, rewriting and innovating characters, setting and plots using the ideas presented in this adventure and fantasy novel. Children will produce their own story in the style of Rowling using the features.
Throughout the half term, we will also apply English skills to other text types such as diaries, letters, instructions and explanations. We will be linking our literacy learning to our 'Abracadabra!' topic wherever possible!
/ This half term the children will concentrate on:
· Place value of numbers up to 1 million (reading, writing, ordering and comparing)
· Rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000
· Using mental multiplication and division with the above facts with the 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables
· Begin to use written multiplication and division methods
RE and PSHE / RE: This half term the children will be looking at how and why Christians read the bible. They will learn how to reference a Bible, and about the work of the bible society. There will also be an opportunity to look at other sacred books.
PSHE: The children will have weekly circle time sessions in which they will have the opportunity to explore, appreciate and celebrate being part of a group. They will also consider their emotional development and how they can manage changing emotions, specifically in terms of sensitive issues such as grief and conflict.
/ Throughout this science-based unit the children will be learning about the properties and behaviours of different materials. We will begin by investigating the separation of materials, continuing to experiment with reversible and irreversible changes.
Links to the ‘Abracadabra!' topic will be made wherever possible in order to further support the children’s learning:
Art - Tie-dye t-shirts and study primary, secondary and contrasting colours
DT - Bake bread for the Hogwarts Feast
Computing - Designing a new computer game based on a Harry Potter character
Music - Listening, responding and appraising the score from Harry Potter
You could choose one of the two challenges given
/ Creative challenge: Can you create a Harry Potter magic trick to amaze the class? Try and create your own materials for the trick, a box for the trick and instructions on how to carry it out. I look forward to being amazed!
Research based challenge: Can you write a report about the processes we are learning about? You could group your report into headings such as 'Mixing', 'Separating', 'Reversible Changes' and 'Irreversible Changes'. You can use the websites listed below to help you. Why not add images to your report?
Your challenge should be returned at any time before the end of the half term. They will be judged in our Key Stage assembly of the final week.
Useful Websites / · Remember to go onto Espresso (log in through school website) to look at the range of activities for materials and their properties
· Why not use your log in to go on to Mathletics and play against children all over the world
· Try the new activities on Spellodrome to support your spellings and writing
· Try the quizzes and activities to support our learning about materials on
Year 5:
- Homework is sent home on a Friday and should be returned by Wednesday morning
- Bring your reading book and record every day
- Anything you read outside of school (not just your reading book!) can be written into your record by somebody at home
- PE kits should be in school all week
- Remember to look smart each and every day!
Mrs Davies