Federal Fish Hatchery
1938A thoroughstudy ofahundredacre locationwas carriedout bythe U.S. CommissionofSurveys.Dam and mill site werepurchasedfor $14,000.Land for fish pondsextendedamile downstream. Citizenscontributed$1,300, and someeasementswere donated.
1939The New LondonMill was dismantledmakingroom forhatcherybuildings.AW.P.A.transientcamp for 140 workmenwas builtonthe land for futurehatcheryresidences.
1940HerbertToppelwas appointedforeman;A.M.McIntirebecamesuperintendentofconstruction. Temporaryofficewas inthe Farmers'Store."New London was abeehiveofactivity."Asmassiveearth-movingwas begunon pondsand dikes.LeslieBennett,afish culturist,becamehatcherysuperintendent. The Hatchery was constructed by WPA workers.
1941Bythe middleofApril the hatcherywas inoperationwith 10,000,000northernpike eggs incubatingthe first week. All eight pondswere used the first year for walleyedpike,largemouthbass,crappiesand bluegill sunfish. Agood will banquetwas held for 125 people,some distinguishedlikeHenrikShipstead,U.S.Senator, once anativeofthe town.Itwas mainlyinappreciationfor all who had given generouslyoftime and money.The brick officeonthe street levelwas ready for occupation. Later, along-awaitedaquariumwas openedtothepublic.
1942For the first time inhistory,30,000northernpike were raisedtofingerlingsize and plantedinMinnesotalakes.
1945With the end ofWorldWar II.the locallzaakWaltonLeaguecampaignedto completethe hatcheryasplannedand promised.
1949Itwas provedfor the first time todoubters that fish could beraisedin water from the Mill Pond.
1950Federalfunds of$150,000were appropriatedfor constructionoften more pondsand another employeeresidence.
1954Productionfigureswere2,300,000 fingerlingsofassorted game fish and about15,000,000werehatched.
1966Federal funding of$121,000was approved bythe U.S. Senate.
1968Anew buildingnear the pondsopenedfor additionalhatchingand lab facilities.
1979Atwo-thirdmile pipelinefrom awell near pond eightwas tobelaid and awell housebuilt.
1982There was arumor that ahatcherywouldclosedue tolack offederalfunding.
1996Ownership of the hatchery and land was conferred by an act of congress, from the USFWS to the Minnesota DNR.
2004The wooden part of the hatchery building, below street level, was demolished.
2006Brick office and aquarium building razed.