Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD)


Services for Disadvantaged Students (homeless & non-homeless)

Demographic Data: July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009

Monica McRho, Program Coordinator, 277-6892

A. Student Population Served

Number of students served: non-duplicative

PS / K / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / / Total
Homeless Students
SCUSD Homeless students, by grade / 3 / 54 / 68 / 58 / 54 / 62 / 61 / 48 / 61 / 48 / 58 / 45 / 15 / 15 / 650 / 1,016
* Homeless students, other districts / / 366
SCUSD Non-homeless students / 636
Total Students Served / 1,652

* Homeless Students, other districts: live within SCUSD boundary (in shelters, car, motels, doubled-up, etc.) but are eligible to continue enrollment in their home districts.

Number of SCUSD Homeless students living in these types of housing: non-duplicative (determined at time of original intake)

Shelters / Motel or Hotel / Doubled up w / others / Not housed / TOTAL
Homeless Students / 305 / 90 / 242 / 13 / 650

B. Services Provided: Direct and indirect (Duplicative: May have received multiple services)

# of SCUSD Students who received: Assistance & Referrals Direct Resources

assistance / Student
Recrds / Categorical & Spec.Prgrms:
District / District
Support services / Attendance
Intervention / Behavior
Interven. / Health /
Welfare / School
Supplies / Emerg.
Clothng / Emerg.
snacks / Holiday
& spec.
gifts / Transp.
for school / Transp:
Daily passes / * Transp.
Homeless Students / 266 / 44 / 5 / 27 / 79 / 3 / 39 / 325 / 192 / 120 / 138 / 56 / 1,485 / $115,291
Non-Homeless Students / 9 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 16 / 3 / 3 / approx.
36 schools received supplies from PFRC for any disadvantaged student / approx.
Student & Family Support Services: received bus passes from PFRC for Non-homeless students / 300 / Included

* Transportation Value: Per Pupil Funding (based on 08-09 ADA): 1,785 Total Transportation days X $64.59 per day = $115,291

# of Families who received: Assistance & Referrals Direct Resources (SCUSD families only)

& Shelter referrals / Basic Needs: Community
Referrals / District Services:
Referrals / Phone
cards / Hygiene
supplies / Emerg.
bedding / Emerg
boxes / Parent Pack:
& Health supp. / RegionalTransit:
Daily Adult Passes
Homeless Families / 80 / 41 / 41 / 6 / 216 / 11 / 62 / 54 / 40
Non-Homeless Families / 4 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 1 / 17 / 5
Student & Family Support Svcs: received
bus passes from PFRC to help Non-homeless parents access school related services. / 100

SCUSD Homeless Student Database, Parker Family Resource Center & Homeless Services Office, 2008-2009


Data Perimeters

Time period: Data covers the period of time from July 1st through June 30th of the school year indicated.

Who are counted: Homeless students, as defined by the Fed/State definition & non-homeless disadvantaged students receiving services.

How & when the data is collected: Schools, parents, students, or agencies referring the family/student are asked to supply information at the time the referral is made or during the intake with the parent.

Homeless Assistance and Referrals (received through the Parker Avenue Resource Center/Homeless Services Office)

Enrollment / Residency: Assess school enrollment needs, school placement, residency, and other relevant information; collect documentation needed for school enrollment and provide direct referrals to schools for placement, enrollment, and residency approval; act as liaison/advocate for parent and child on school issues.

Student Records: Locate & provide, to parent and school, the records needed for enrollment, attendance, and special needs.

Categorical & Special Programs: Provide assistance, referrals, and intervention related to special school/academic programs (categorical, Title 1, Gate, summer school, after school programs, community schools, independent study, tutoring, extracurricular activities, etc.)

District support services/ District services: Assistance and referrals to district programs and departments, for students, parents, & families.

Attendance Intervention: Provide attendance intervention and referrals for students.

Behavior Intervention: Provide behavior intervention and referrals for students.

Health & Welfare: Provide information and assistance to schools and parents with regards to immunizations and other health needs. Provide information and assistance to schools, students, and parents with regards to basic needs affecting the welfare of a student, including youth shelters and youth employment.

School Supplies: Supplies for students, teachers, schools (backpacks, school supplies, academic & reading books, classroom & office supplies, etc.)

Emergency Clothing: Shirts, pants, socks, underwear, and cold weather clothing for students who have an immediate need.

Emergency Food & Snacks: Boxes of food for families and packs of healthy snack food for students in need.

Holiday & Special Gifts: Toys and gifts for holidays, birthdays, special circumstances, or when there has been a loss due to fire, mold, etc.

Transportation for School: Number of students receiving transportation assistance to attend school.

Transportation- Regional Transit (RT): Number of days RT was funded for school attendance.

Transportation Value-Per Pupil Funding: The value of the ADA Per Pupil Funding amount representing the number of days transportation assistance was provided for school attendance.

Basic Necessities: Number of families receiving those types of services.