Lynwood High School

2016/2017 School Year


Teacher: Mr. Lopez

Class: Pre-AP Geometry



Geometry is a college prep course, follows Algebra and is taken prior to Algebra II. Completion of this course satisfies one year of math as part of the A-G requirements and is part of the mathematics series that will prepare all students to take one of the following courses during their Sophomore, Junior, or Senior year: Pre-Calculus, Calculus, or Statistics. Geometry deals with the properties of shapes, parallel lines, measurements, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids and their applications to real world experiences, jobs, and structures. In order to enroll in Geometry, students need to have successfully completed Algebra I with a Grade of C or higher for the both semesters. Algebra is fundamental in the understanding of Geometric concepts. This course is a precursor to Algebra II, but may be taken concurrently, or following Algebra II. Students will rise to the level of expectations and work diligently to prepare for future courses and/or math related careers. Failure is not an option!


The following is a set of rules that should be, and are expected to be followed by every student, including the teacher. The success of the group relies heavily on the abeyance of these terms.

  1. All school rules apply
  2. Be respectful at all times; respect your peers, keep hands and feet to your selves, avoid profanity
  3. Be prepared; have all materials ready everyday
  4. When I’m talking you’re listening
  5. Raise your hand to make a comment, remark, etc.
  6. Use pencil only in this class.


The following is a list of the most important procedures that are as important as the rules and are expected to be done on a daily basis.

1. Bell Rings:A. By the time the bell rings students should be in their seats ready to begin. Paper and pencil should be placed on the desk.

2. Make-up Work: A. whenever you need to do make-up work, you are responsible to come right after class or after school to see what you missed. Another option that you’ll have is to talk to one of your peers and ask them what was done in class while you were absent.

3. In and out of Group Work:A. when we make groups we only have “X” amount of time to make them and to go back to our individual tasks. I’ll have a timer and by the time the time’s up you should be seated and ready to work.

4. Signal: A. If I see that the class is getting to loud and I need to deliver a message I will raise my hand up and start counting to three, by the time I get to three we should all be on silent mode.

5. Class dismissal: No one is allowed to leave without my permission. When the bell rings you should be seated and in silent mode. The class will be dismissed by sections.

Grading/Homework/Cheating Policy

1. Grading Scale: 97%-100% A+ 87%-89% B+

93%-96% A 83%-86% B

90%-92% A- 80%-82% B-

77%-79% C+ 67%-69% D+

73%-76% C 63%-66% D

70%-72% C- 60%-62% D-

59% And Below F

2. Your final grade is going to be based on several factors that are listed below:

Tests/Quizzes/Projects/Final 50%

Homework 30%

Classwork 10%

Attendance 10%

3. Besides your academic grade you will be given another grade on citizenship and cooperation. The letter-grade for this grade are; E=Excellent, S=Satisfactory, U= unsatisfactory. Your performance will be heavily weighed on your behavior and how often you participate in class. Your ability to work cohesively and actively in groups will also count towards your final grade.

4. CHEATING will not be tolerated. If you are caught cheating the consequences will be severe; your parents will be receiving a phone call, besides the zero and detention time you’ll be getting. Further actions will also be considered.

Discipline Policy:

Disruptive and disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated in this class.

Step 1. If any of the rules are broken you will be giving a warning

Step 2. If bad behavior continues, a Minor Incident Report form will be issued

Step 3. If bad behavior continues, a 2nd Minor Incident Report will be issued and I will contact your parents.

Step 4. After 3rd Minor Incident Report is issued along with a Major Incident Report and you will be sent to the office.

List of Materials:

Rim of loose leaf paper

Several sharpened pencils with erasers

Index Cards

70pg notebook

3-ring binder with dividers


Rim of White printing paper


Several Dry Erase Markers (Not Permanent)

Ruler, Protractor, Compass,

Student/Teacher Contract

By signing below, the student agrees to follow the rules and procedures listed above, and will put forth a sincere effort to learn the material in this course.


Student Name(Print)Student SignatureDate

Parent/ Teacher Contract

I am truly interested in enlisting you as an educational resource for your child. I would like you to take this opportunity to review the materials I have sent home with your child. Please familiarize yourself with the rules, procedures, and expectations that I have included, and encourage your child to understand their importance in creating an appropriate, healthy learning atmosphere both at home and at school. It is my intention to open the lines of communication between parent, student, and teacher. Do not hesitate to call or email me with concerns dealing with your child’s success, behavior or work habits. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.

By signing below, the parent agrees to have gone over the classroom rules, procedures and expectations. I understand them and support them.


Parent Name (Print)Parent SignatureDate
