Was the New Deal a positive step for America? / Name

That's an essential question for this unit, and you will be developing a foundation of information regarding the New Deal in this activity in order to help answer this question. Carefully follow directions on all parts of the assignment! In order to prove that you have read them, write "loves history" after your name on your answer sheet!

After Herbert Hoover lost the Election of 1932, Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office and dominated the federal government for over a decade. FDR developed what was called "The New Deal" to solve the problems of the Great Depression. The New Deal was a collection of laws, regulations and government programs passed by Congress during the first two terms of FDR's presidency. (There were actually two phases of the New Deal, with the second coming after FDR was reelected in 1936). We will discuss FDR and the New Deal in class next week, and this assignment will also help prepare you for our debate next week.


To complete the different parts of this assignment, use the online materials, "The New Deal" research list on ABC-CLIO, and the additional links and videos available online on your favorite American history website.


q  FDR – An Introduction

One of four presidents with a national memorial dedicated to them on the Mall in Washington D.C., FDR is ranked as one of the top presidents in nearly every presidential ranking available. To learn about his background, check out the FDR site from the White House and the FDR Memorial website. We will be there in less than three weeks!

q  Leading Up to the New Deal

Think about the information discussed on your homework and in class about the early years of the Depression and President Hoover’s response to the economic crisis.

q  The Election of 1932

Check out the link online to get an overview (or review) of this landslide election – a true turning point in American history.

q  Any questions so far?

“The New Chauffeur”, 03/01/33, by Bruce Shanks

What examples of symbolism are used in this cartoon?

Who is running away?

What is the comment of the cartoonist?

FDR Introduces the New Deal (type below each exercise)

¶  FDR’s New Deal was rooted in what became known as the “Three Rs”. Identify, describe and give examples of each of the “three Rs.”

Type it here

¶  FDR used the radio effectively to explain his new programs and policies. Describe the “fireside chats” and briefly discuss how he was able to instill the confidence of the public.

Type it here

¶  What was notable about FDR’s “Hundred Days”?

Type it here

¶  What did FDR do to restore confidence in America's banking system?

Type it here

q  Alphabet Soup MADNESS

The many New Deal programs are famous for their acronyms. Take a look at the various programs, and focus on your specifically assigned program (check online). Identify and take careful notes on the program below, using any reliable resource (yup, Wikipedia counts on this one). You will need to defend this program on Tuesday/Wednesday (and attack other programs).



Any questions yet?

q  The Dust Bowl

Spend a few minutes learning about this amazing geographic meteorological nightmare! Would you have wanted to live through that disaster?

q  The Election of 1936

Check out the link online to get an overview (or review) of this landslide election – keeping FDR in office for four more years!

Opposition to the New Deal (type below each exercise)

¶  What was the Roosevelt Recession?

Type it here

¶  What was FDR's "court-packing plan"? Why did he want to do it? What was the result?

Type it here

"Qualifying Test for Supreme Court Jobs", 02/12/37, in the New York Herald-Tribune

What is going on in this cartoon? Who is administering the test? What are the items in the garbage?

What is this cartoonist’s editorial comment or opinion?

¶  What were the negative views of the following people or groups concerning the New Deal? Craft a first person statement from each of the groups below. An example is provided.

Supporters of states’ rights – That FDR is takin’ power away from the states by havin’ the federal government do things our stat government used to do – too much power in D.C.!

Republicans – Type it here

Businessmen and the wealthy - Type it here

Huey Long - Type it here

Father Coughlin - Type it here

Francis Townsend - Type it here

q  The New Deal and Minorities
Using the various links about women and minorities online, make a bulleted and detailed list how the following groups were affected by the New Deal.


Type it here

African Americans

Type it here

Mexican Americans

Type it here

Native Americans.

Type it here

The Legacy of New Deal and Minorities
What aspects, programs, ideas and arguments from the New Deal are still around today? Be specific and detailed – don’t just list them – describe them too.

Type it here

q  Review

To review what you have learned, check out the New Deal and Second New Deal videos online. Make sure you watch them – they serve as a great closing to the assignment.