5.6 Build
The code has been updated to provide the Department Admin and DPAP Admin the capability to cancel a nomination at any stage prior to being active.
CO Cannot Reject a Nomination
As a COR created and submitted a nomination, Supervisor approved it, the CO searched the nomination in Awaiting My Approval and clicked the Reject button, a white page was displayed, the nomination cannot be rejected. The same scenario was tested using IE 8, IE 9, and Mozilla Firefox. The code has been updated to provide the ability to reject nominations.
Contract Award Date from EDA
In the Contractor Information Section the code has been updated to select initial contract award date from EDA.
Contract Expiration Date
Department Adminswere able to set a past date as the Contract Expiration Date. The code has been updated to prevent user from entering in a Contract Expiration Date that is passed the system date.
Asterisk for Contract Completion Date
The Contract Completion Date is a required entry when the contract nomination is in the "Awaiting PCO Approval" status. Modified code so the asterisk is displayed with the Contract Completion Date label when contract nomination status is "Awaiting PCO Approval".
COR Nomination Process
Modified code to prevent the COR from accessing the COR Nominations until the COR creates their COR Profile.
Modified code to allow COR to Save a contract nomination without a Supervisor in their COR Profile. Warning message is displayed.
Modified code to prevent COR from submitting nomination for approval without a Supervisor in their COR Profile. Error message is displayed.
Scroll Bar Not Displayed
Under Role Activation the horizontal scroll bar is not displayed and in order to move the page to the right and/or to the left user should needs to use the keyboard arrows. The issue with the scroll bar for IE8, IE9 and Mozilla Firefox has been corrected. Scroll bars will not appear in IE7 when the search result page is displayed. This issue cannot be corrected in IE7. Workaround: The user can scroll left or right by clicking anywhere on the page that is not a control (text input, link, etc.) and then press the left or right arrow keys to scroll horizontally.
TMA Deactivation
The TMA agency needs to be deactivated because it is no longer active. These individuals need to be moved to either DHA or USUHA before TMA can be made an "inactive" organization. The code has been corrected to deactivate the selected department.
Problems Updating COR Profile
CORs reporting issues with updating their COR profile. Some IE10 users have problems other IE10 users do not. Most likely a configuration issue in the browser and CACI suggests that the users having profile issues update the browser's compatibility settings.
- Click the "Tools" menu option at the top left corner of the IE10 browser to display the Tools menu.
- Click the "Compatibility View Settings" menu option on the tools menu.
- Remove any websites added to the Compatibility View.
- Uncheck the "Display intranet sites in Compatibility View" checkbox.
- Uncheck the "Use Microsoft compatibility lists" checkbox.
- Close the "Compatibility View Settings" dialog.
- Log out of the CORT Tool and WAWF.
- Log back into WAWF and the CORT Tool.
CORT Role Activation Retains Comments
JITC noticed that when activating/deactivating a CORT role, that if the user searches for a second role to activate/deactivate that the comments input during the first activation/deactivation had remained in the box and were not wiped out. The code has been corrected to ensure the comment field is blanked out after activating/deactivating a CORT role.
CORT Role Activation by Supervisor
When registering for each CORT role using separate User IDs, ensure the emails received by the registering role does not contain text that role was auto-activated. Ensure the Supervisor receives an email to approve the CORT that recently registered. The code has been updated to correct the CORT role activation by Supervisor functionality.
Icon Misspelled Word
There is a misspelled word on the CORT Tool icon - “Represenative” instead of “Representative”. The misspelled word has been corrected.